加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税扯淡贴
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税的确扯淡,只要在中国银行能汇出的,到这边加拿大银行都乐的都不行了。您这点钱算个啥。另外此问题,已经在家园的其他帖子经典回复过了,不做重申了。
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税的确扯淡,只要在中国银行能汇出的,到这边加拿大银行都乐的都不行了。您这点钱算个啥。另外此问题,已经在家园的其他帖子经典回复过了,不做重申了。点击展开...银行当然高兴,收税时你高兴吗
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税的确扯淡,只要在中国银行能汇出的,到这边加拿大银行都乐的都不行了。您这点钱算个啥。另外此问题,已经在家园的其他帖子经典回复过了,不做重申了。点击展开...
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税这种傻逼弱智帖以后就不要发了,你做好你的本职工作,专门狂吠咬人就好了。
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税这种傻逼弱智帖以后就不要发了,你做好你的本职工作,专门狂吠咬人就好了。点击展开... 看你的傻样,取个傻比名字
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税你在国内就逃税,到这里来装斯文啊!看你的傻样,取个傻比名字点击展开...
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税15%太少了,50%就差不多了。
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税的确扯淡,只要在中国银行能汇出的,到这边加拿大银行都乐的都不行了。您这点钱算个啥。另外此问题,已经在家园的其他帖子经典回复过了,不做重申了。点击展开... 请问那个帖子还找的到吗? 想看看,谢谢.最近好多人都这么说.
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税请问那个帖子还找的到吗? 想看看,谢谢.最近好多人都这么说.点击展开...你好好深挖下家园就知道了。不过咱们这里都不是富人,估计有利用空子在海外还有大量资产的估计会被查吧,现在全球都缺钱,都瞄上有钱人了。请查阅相关历史帖子http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=110726http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=493368http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=491397http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=396288
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税一到帐,就被瞄上点击展开...请问,把钱汇到温哥华的中国银行或工商银行会被查到吗?
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税请问,把钱汇到温哥华的中国银行或工商银行会被查到吗?点击展开...你是在和他逗着玩吧
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税他知道个球
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税瞄上了不可能,加拿大人工奇贵,哪来这么多双眼睛?但记录都在数据库里躺着,什么时候秋后算帐不知道,多一个地方走动就多一串脚印,这是避免不了的。
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税看来还有很多人没读清楚财长几周前才发表的预算:国税局将在2015年得到追查所有大于$10,000 国际汇款的能力。"More powers to the CRA, which will also gain the ability to track all international financial transfers above $10,000 in 2015."http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...wa-cracks-down-on-tax-cheats/article10083229/
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. 超赞 赏 O orient_cindy 0$(VIP 0) 7232013-04-17#17 回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税哦,到2015年才具备追踪能力。看来要汇款还是要快些。
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税http://www.fintrac-canafe.gc.ca/Our mandate is to facilitate the detection, prevention and deterrence of money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities, while ensuring the protection of personal information under our control. We fulfill our mandate through the following activities:Receiving financial transaction reports and voluntary information on money laundering and terrorist financing in accordance with the legislation and regulations and safeguarding personal information under our control;Ensuring compliance of reporting entities with the legislation and regulations;Producing financial intelligence relevant to money laundering, terrorist activity financing and threats to the security of Canada investigations;Researching and analyzing data from a variety of information sources that shed light on trends and patterns in money laundering and terrorist financing;Maintaining a registry of money services businesses in Canada;Enhancing public awareness and understanding of money laundering and terrorist activity financing.
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税http://www.fintrac.gc.ca/publications/guide/guide1/1-eng.aspWhen FINTRAC has made the determination relating to money laundering or terrorist financing, it also, under specified circumstances, discloses designated information to the following agencies and departments:Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) when FINTRAC also determines that the information is relevant to a tax or duty evasion offence. A disclosure can also be made to CRA when FINTRAC has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information is relevant to determining the registered charity eligibility under the Income Tax Act of a person or an entity who is suspected to have applied for that status or when a registered charity is non-compliant with the registration requirement under that Act;Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) when FINTRAC also determines that the information is relevant to a tax or duty evasion offence. A disclosure can also be made to CBSA when FINTRAC determines that the information is relevant to one of the following:to determining whether a person is inadmissible under sections 34 to 42 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; orthe commission of an offence by helping someone to come into Canada without required documentation, without their consent, by disembarking them at sea, or by knowingly misleading them during the immigration process as per sections 117 to 119, 126 or 127 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; orto investigating or prosecuting an offence of smuggling or attempting to smuggle goods subject to duties or an offence related to imported goods that are prohibited, controlled or regulated under the Customs Act or under any other Federal Act;Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC), when FINTRAC also determines that the information is relevant to CSEC's mandate (that is the acquisition and use of the information to provide foreign intelligence in accordance with the Canadian government's priorities) under the National Defence Act; andForeign agencies with mandates similar to FINTRAC's and with which FINTRAC has entered into agreements to exchange information. Under such agreements, FINTRAC may provide designated information when it has reasonable grounds to suspect the information would be relevant to a money laundering or terrorist financing investigation or prosecution.
回复: 从国内寄大量钱的人,其实在为加拿大税务局上税看来还有很多人没读清楚财长几周前才发表的预算:国税局将在2015年得到追查所有大于$10,000 国际汇款的能力。 "More powers to the CRA, which will also gain the ability to track all international financial transfers above $10,000 in 2015." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...wa-cracks-down-on-tax-cheats/article10083229/点击展开... 这个是不是实时监测?逆时间追溯现在行不行?(银行怎么会没有记录?) 不过就算2015年开始但影响现在就有了因为很多人是为了赚钱买房没有后来人炒房炒成房东(我预计随着美国页岩气页岩油的大力开发,还有制造业的进一步转移,将来从房产收税会成为最重要手段,房产税率会逐步升高)
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