加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译
从今年开始,只要证据相对不够充分都会收到一封“恐吓信”。原文:[FONT=宋体]this refers to your application for permanent residence in canada[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]a review of your application taking into account factors such as the length of your courtship,the circumstances surrounding your introdution and the subsequent development of your relationship has been completed.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]based on the contents of your application and submissions to date, you have failed to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the immigration and refugee protection act as a member of the family class[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]furthermore,based on the documents you have submitted, it has been determined that you have not supplied credible information to determine that you have combined your joint affairs to the extent that a reasonable person would expect of a couple spousal relation ship, nor have you demonstrate the level of interdependence expected of such a relationship.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]subsection 4 of the immigration and refugee protection regulations states that a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse,a common-law partner, a conjugal partner or an adopted child of a person if the marriage,common-law partnership,conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]should you wish to address these concerns you may forward to this office a written submission that you feel answer the concerns outlined above.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]the information you provide must reach this office within sixty days of the date of this letter. we must caution you that should you fail to respond to this letter or the information you provide fail to disabuse this office if the concerns above we intend to refuse your application as per subsections R4 of the regulation and A11(1) of this Act.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]翻译:[/FONT] [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]这封信是关于你的加拿大永久居留申请。[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]对你的申请的审查已经完成,审查考虑到了诸如你们的恋爱期时间,你们恋爱开始时的环境,以及你们恋爱关系所发展产生的结果。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]截止到目前为止你所提交的申请材料,不能够表明你符合《移民与难民保护法案》家庭团聚移民类别的资格。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]不仅如此,基于你所提交的文件,你没有提供可信的材料证明你们的共同发展关系已经发展到了一定程度,一个常人所期待的配偶关系程度;你也没有展现出你们的互相依靠程度达到了配偶的关系。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]《移民与难民保护法案》条例第四节说,一个外国国民不能被看成是某人的配偶、同居者或者所收养的孩子,如果这个婚姻关系、同居关系、收养关系不是出于真诚的,而却主要是为了取得任何该法案所赋予的权利和移民资格。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]你可以提交一个书面申请到这个办公室以表达你对上述问题的看法。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]你所提过的材料必须在本函签署的[/FONT]60[FONT=宋体]天内提交到该办公室。我们有义务提醒你,如果你不能成功反驳此函,或者你所提供的材料混淆了此函前面所阐述的问题,我们将根据条例[/FONT]R4[FONT=宋体]小节,法案[/FONT]A11[FONT=宋体]([/FONT]1[FONT=宋体])拒绝您的申请。[/FONT] [/FONT]
今天你想我了吗? 赏 反馈:innayin 2008-09-21#2 121 $0.00 回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译
今天你想我了吗?回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译是谁的?
回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译翻译得不错噢~我4月份就收到了,普遍香港没有足够证据的都有收到,我觉得是补料信的一种,事实上也没有信上说的可怕,我补料后还安排了面试,只要有充足的证据,也会过的。
回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译是的没有什么可怕的,我也有收到过,补体检,DM了
幸福是什么? 幸福就是心存感激 !回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译不错,献花了!
080618 CIC 签收,080716 DM,080722 IP ,080725 收到FN ,080804 状态14,080814 状态12,080911 状态6, 091009 查到状态2,091013 状态1, 091203 状态7,100322 状态12, 100324 状态5,100331 状态6,100420状态13,回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译我也收到了,9.25寄出。现在焦急等待中!!!
回复: 传说中的魔鬼信原件及翻译香港CASE 都会收到这样的信吗?
HK Case,漫漫长征等待中! 翻译得不错噢~我4月份就收到了,普遍香港没有足够证据的都有收到,我觉得是补料信的一种,事实上也没有信上说的可怕,我补料后还安排了面试,只要有充足的证据,也会过的。点击展开...请问LZ 补交了什么材料?
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