加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教高人指点
Table 1 Basic income required of the sponsor to satisfy his or her own family unit’s basic needs Total number of members in your family unit Basic annual income required 1 C$19,907 2 C$26,873 3 C$33,178 4 C$38,158 5 C$42,469 The gross annual income is increased by C$4,310 for each additional dependent. Table 2 Additional income required of the sponsor to satisfy the basic needs of the sponsored person and his or her family members Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age Gross annual income required of the sponsor 1 C$6,892 2 C$10,921 The gross annual income required is increased by C$3,641 for each additional person under 18 years of age. Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age Gross annual income required of the sponsor 1 C$14,562 1 1 C$19,565 1 2 C$22,091 The gross annual income required is increased by C$2,524 for each additional person under 18 years of age. Number of persons 18 years of age or over Number of persons under 18 years of age Gross annual income required of the sponsor 2 C$21,353 2 1 C$23,921 2 2 C$25,822 The gross annual income required is increased by C$1,896 for each additional person under 18 years of age and by C$6,789 for each additional person 18 years of age or over. 根据这两个表格的要求,我和老公两人在加,没有孩子。我想自己担保我父母2人移民,需要那个标准的资金要求?他想自己担保父亲1人移民,需要那个标准的资金要求?或者是我们两可以一次性担保3个父母,需要什么标准?看了好久,也不会算,请教高人指点!万分感谢!
回复: 请教高人指点你的表格转贴过来时错位了吧? 行和列都对不上号啊,都不知道数字和文字哪个对哪个,怎么帮你看啊?
05年申请团聚06年拒签上诉07年开庭成功08年登陆多伦多――从结婚到团聚历时3年半!回复: 请教高人指点一般担保一方父母的案子,你是4人的标准或他是3人但假定你的先批了,那他岂不是5人的标准了?
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