加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题


Hello everybody! 我叫flora. 近四个月都在弄夫妻团聚移民签证文件. 文件都准备好了,在此有一个疑问,想各位帮忙解答,真是非常感谢! 我先生是加拿大公民(白人). 在中国已经5年了. 我们2009年2月登记结婚,认识有两年. 因为我先生最近5年都在中国工作,所以他没有在加拿大交tax, 请问他作为sponsor 资料是否要提供他近5年交给加拿大的tax record 呢 或者能否 在中国提交移民申请资料后再会加拿大补交TAX呢? 我们以前都是没有结过婚的,而且没有小孩. visa application 资料上没有要求他tax record. 但是我昨天去广州移民外事办咨询的时候,他们说要提供tax record的. 他下月就准备回加拿大了,我现在很迷茫,谢谢各位好心人的帮助.

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题同问,我们也是这种情况

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题记得好象是他尽管不一定需要在加拿大交税,但还是要file tax return,只是他长住中国的话,政府不把他当税务居民,而他的收入在中国交了税呀不需要在加拿大交税了。但不file tax return的话,似乎不对头了。

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/nnrsdnts/cmmn/rsdncy-eng.htmlResidency - Individuals Under Canada's tax system, your liability for income tax in Canada is based on your status as a resident or non-resident of Canada. Residency must be established before your tax liability to Canada can be determined.A determination of residency can only be made after all the factors have been considered. Your circumstances have to be reviewed in their entirety to get an accurate picture of your residency.The residential ties you have or establish in Canada are a major factor in determining residency. Residential ties to Canada include:a home in Canada; a spouse or common-law partner (see the definition in the General Income Tax and Benefit Guide) and dependants who stay in Canada, while you are living abroad; personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture; social ties in Canada; economic ties in Canada. Other ties that may be relevant include:a Canadian driver's licence; Canadian bank accounts or credit cards; health insurance with a Canadian province or territory. Residential ties that you maintain or establish in another country may also be relevant to residency.Special rules may apply in the following circumstances:If you do not have residential ties in Canada, you may be a deemed resident if you stayed in Canada for 183 days or more. You are a government employee outside Canada, or you are a member of the Canadian Forces serving outside of Canada. The above information is of a general nature only. For more information on residency, see Interpretation Bulletin IT221, Determination of an Individual's Residence Status.Your residency status affects your Canadian tax liability and filing obligations. The Canada Revenue Agency can assist you by providing you with our opinion on your residency status. To request our assistance, complete Form NR74, Determination of Residency Status (Entering Canada) or Form NR73, Determination of Residency Status (Leaving Canada). Send your completed form to the International Tax Services Office. Complete these forms with as much detail as possible to enable us to provide you with an accurate opinion.After your residence status has been established, you can get information on your Canadian tax liability and filing requirements on our International and non-resident Web pages.

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题可是我老公在中国都是做的兼职外教工作,学校好象都没有帮他交过税呢,加拿大那边也有五年没有报税了,这可怎么办啊?

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题最好打电话问问税务局,这样比较妥当

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题???

回复: 求助:夫妻团聚移民:在加拿大交tax问题[FONT=楷体_GB2312]不交又不解释肯定不行,个人认为,三种方案:[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]1.现在补交2008年的,因为过了报税期,需要交7%左右的罚金。虽然使馆要求只交上一年度的,但是4月30号之前报税对加拿大人来说是常识,在递交团聚申请之前才补交,使馆可能会怀疑你以前就没交,为了团聚才交了一次。如果要求补充以前年度的,就没办法了。[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]2.将担保人定义为 non-resident,需要证明之前和加拿大切断了一切联系,长期在国外,海外收入都不用交税;但是要申请团聚,还要证明担保人准备回加拿大,就需要担保人在交申请前回去找个工作,租个房子什么的。[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]3.明年申报2009年的税,然后递交团聚申请,同样需要担保人证明肯定回加拿大。[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]第一种有风险,第二种比较复杂,第三种比较常规,但需要等。[/FONT]

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