加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是
今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是5,CIC是IP今天收到这封邮件,标题是: Bxxxxxxxx CANADA IMMIGRATION FCU DOCUMENT REQUEST 其中有2个附件 第一个附件PDF就是邮件内容 , 大致就是要求递交护照, 还有缴费等。(其实都已经交过了) 第2个附件PDF是: ============Dear xxx, This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada. All of the following documents are required in order to continue processing your application: A letter from your sponsor’s current employer outlining your sponsor’s position, salary, working hoursand indicating specifically how long your sponsor has been working for their present employer*, and; documentary evidence of your sponsor having rented/bought accommodation in Canada (e.g. rentalagreement, ownership contract) indicating how long they have resided there, and; a photocopy of all of the pages of your sponsor’s current and previous passport(s) made after the date ofreceipt of this letter, and; * photocopies of your sponsor’s credit card/debit card statements showing transactions made in Canadaover the past 6 months, and; a photocopy of your sponsor’s most recent “Notice of Assessment” issued by Revenue Canada*, and; a photocopy of your sponsor’s most recent “Statement of Remuneration Paid, form T-4” issued by yoursponsor’s employer*, and; any other documentary evidence indicating that your sponsor is residing in Canada, indicatingspecifically since what date they have resumed residency there. *In cases where you are being sponsored by your son or daughter, father or mother, if the spouse of your sponsor in Canada has co-signed your sponsorship, you must also submit the above mentioned items for your sponsor’s spouse to further support your application. PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU FAIL TO PROVIDE THE DOCUMENTS REQUESTED WITHIN 45 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS LETTER, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE ASSESSED BASED ON THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE PROVIDED. THIS MAY RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING REFUSED. IF YOUR SPONSOR IS UNABLE TO PROVIDE ONE OF THE REQUESTED DOCUMENTS, THEY MUST PROVIDE A WRITTEN EXPLANATION AS TO WHY THEY HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO DO SO.================== 这个情况大家有没有碰到过?之前递交申请材料的时候类似的文件都提交过的啊? 谢谢
JUL 06, 2011 LANDING.JUL 21, LINC 6777回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP是不是为了证明你老公是在加拿大定居的呢,所以才有这样的要求。或者要你老公发邮件去问了,具体需要啥~
回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP不是全部都打勾或叉吧?!
回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP状态变5了
JUL 06, 2011 LANDING.JUL 21, LINC 6777回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP请问状态里面的“参照上述补充说明”的日期代表什么?
JUL 06, 2011 LANDING.JUL 21, LINC 6777回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP你就尽快补齐需要的材料就是了
回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP我什么时候12呢
BJ case2010.1.15签收―2.3DM―2.10FN电邮―2.16FN平信―2.17IP14―2.22IP12―2.25变5―3.3又12―3.17终于13――3.22CIC双DM――3.23变17――3.24收到大信封VISA――6.30登陆Regina!请问状态里面的“参照上述补充说明”的日期代表什么?点击展开...以前发信件通知的时候,该日期代表如果过了该日期还没收到信件,可联系使馆要求补寄。
05年申请团聚06年拒签上诉07年开庭成功08年登陆多伦多――从结婚到团聚历时3年半!回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IP状态5,有补料的电邮吗?我刚查到5,还没有电邮呢
BJ case2010.1.15签收―2.3DM―2.10FN电邮―2.16FN平信―2.17IP14―2.22IP12―2.25变5―3.3又12―3.17终于13――3.22CIC双DM――3.23变17――3.24收到大信封VISA――6.30登陆Regina!回复: 今天收到这封邮件,请问什么情况?BJ上状态是12,CIC是IPxuerchong~~这些证明你老公住在加拿大的材料你都补了吗? 你老公是不是不住在加拿大,而你们告诉VO你老公是住在加拿大,所以需要补这些材料呢?
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