加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?
We received your application for permanent residence on July 26, 2011. We started processing your application on January 10, 2012. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
回复: 请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?We received your application for permanent residence on July 26, 2011. We started processing your application on January 10, 2012. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 点击展开...DM。准备收签证
不要崇拜哥,哥是个传说!We received your application for permanent residence on July 26, 2011. We started processing your application on January 10, 2012. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision. 点击展开...GX,你的签证到手了!
好好学习,天天向上!回复: 请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?恭喜楼主,但是有关问题想问一下,如果被拒了,上面会显示的是什么?是不是也是一样的这些话啊?
回复: 请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?恭喜楼主啊 楼上问题 同问
回复: 请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?GX!什么时候DM的?北京还是香港?
回复: 请同学帮看一下这是什么意思?hk cas。12.23 护照签收。1.14 decision made。还没收到结果。
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