加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民request letter-divorce certificate
求助:刚下午收到补护信,要我补护照,CSQ还有divorce certificate for your sponsor。但是问题是,我老公他之前没结过婚,就是有一个近10年的common-law partner. 请问这个该怎么处理呢?就写一封解释信行吗?还是要提供相关的分手证据呢?(之前我老公提供了房产证,分手后他买下了他前女友的部分,现在房产证是他一个人的名字。)谢谢谢谢各位同学!
une nouvelle vie回复: request letter-divorce certificate急问!
une nouvelle vie回复: request letter-divorce certificate刚回你了,你发邮件给CIC讲明就可以了。这个没什么的。有可能是VO粗心大意,以为他以前结婚过,所以才问你要的。
回复: request letter-divorce certificatecommon Law 不用离婚证吧,应该写封解释信附带分居的证据。没有类似经验。帮顶!另恭喜楼主补护!!2月的同学们加油!!
Keep your eyes on the goal, otherwise all you see is obstacles!回复: request letter-divorce certificate你老公原来的common-law partnership 是在加拿大时候的事?那根据加拿大的婚姻法是不是该有什么法律文件来证明他的这种关系已经解除了?比如separation certificate 一类?我觉得移民官只是想了解你跟你老公的婚姻关系是不是合法的。
回复: request letter-divorce certificate我刚在一个BC Family Law的网站上看到的Q:Can Immigration Canada ask me for proof that my past common-law relationship is over before I can sponsor my new husband? A:Yes ― one of the documents they ask for is a "Declaration of severance." It's probably enough to submit a letter saying that your relationship with your former partner ended as of a certain date, and that you've not tried to reconcile (get back together). Be sure to sign the letter. However, if you want to make completely sure that the immigration office is satisfied, you can hire a notary public to write up a Statutory Declaration for you with the same information. You then swear to the truth of the declaration in front of the notary public, who puts his or her seal on the document.同时,你老公可以提交他状态改变的连续两年的税单,如果他申报正确的话,其中一年应该是common law关系,而接下来一年应该是single。 还有他们过户房屋的买卖合同也可以算证据。
- 境外配偶团聚北京, 2012-04-03 签收, 2012-06-06 DM1 + MER, 2012-06-25 BJAR, 2012-07-24 IP+补护信, 2012-08-16 补体检信, 2012-09-12 DM2 + 双地址, 2012-09-23 大信封我刚在一个BC Family Law的网站上看到的 Q:Can Immigration Canada ask me for proof that my past common-law relationship is over before I can sponsor my new husband? A:Yes ― one of the documents they ask for is a "Declaration of severance." It's probably enough to submit a letter saying that your relationship with your former partner ended as of a certain date, and that you've not tried to reconcile (get back together). Be sure to sign the letter. However, if you want to make completely sure that the immigration office is satisfied, you can hire a notary public to write up a Statutory Declaration for you with the same information. You then swear to the truth of the declaration in front of the notary public, who puts his or her seal on the document.同时,你老公可以提交他状态改变的连续两年的税单,如果他申报正确的话,其中一年应该是common law关系,而接下来一年应该是single。 还有他们过户房屋的买卖合同也可以算证据。点击展开...挺 shym,哇,quickcar 功课做得好好,怪不得如此火箭,shym 好好看看 顺便去cic看看,加油!!!!
回复: request letter-divorce certificate刚回你了,你发邮件给CIC讲明就可以了。这个没什么的。有可能是VO粗心大意,以为他以前结婚过,所以才问你要的。点击展开...谢谢woshennn,昨天我把补料寄出去了,接下来就又是等待了
une nouvelle viecommon Law 不用离婚证吧,应该写封解释信附带分居的证据。没有类似经验。帮顶!另恭喜楼主补护!!2月的同学们加油!!点击展开...哈哈哈也恭喜Candymmm补护,希望大家都快快毕业!
une nouvelle vie你老公原来的common-law partnership 是在加拿大时候的事?那根据加拿大的婚姻法是不是该有什么法律文件来证明他的这种关系已经解除了?比如separation certificate 一类?我觉得移民官只是想了解你跟你老公的婚姻关系是不是合法的。点击展开...谢谢Jane bao bao! 材料昨天寄出去了,
une nouvelle vie我刚在一个BC Family Law的网站上看到的 Q:Can Immigration Canada ask me for proof that my past common-law relationship is over before I can sponsor my new husband? A:Yes ― one of the documents they ask for is a "Declaration of severance." It's probably enough to submit a letter saying that your relationship with your former partner ended as of a certain date, and that you've not tried to reconcile (get back together). Be sure to sign the letter. However, if you want to make completely sure that the immigration office is satisfied, you can hire a notary public to write up a Statutory Declaration for you with the same information. You then swear to the truth of the declaration in front of the notary public, who puts his or her seal on the document.同时,你老公可以提交他状态改变的连续两年的税单,如果他申报正确的话,其中一年应该是common law关系,而接下来一年应该是single。 还有他们过户房屋的买卖合同也可以算证据。点击展开...哈哈哈quickcar,真的很专业哦!恭喜补护!我昨天把材料寄出去了。寄了护照、我老公来登记时的单身证明,还有他这几年房子地税的账单!再次恭喜,希望快快毕业!
une nouvelle vie挺 shym,哇,quickcar 功课做得好好,怪不得如此火箭,shym 好好看看 顺便去cic看看,加油!!!!点击展开...LWE,快点给V同学DM2和大信封!
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