加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,
请问哪位高手可以解释一下以下的内容:l [FONT=宋体]Original birth/ marriage/ divorce court order (judgement, petition and divorce certificate)/ annulment or legal separation court orders for you and/ or your sponsor/ death certificate for deceased spouse. (Please also bring the notarized certificate with the photocopy of the original.)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 请问这里提到的配偶是指配偶也要带这些原件吗?[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体] [/FONT]l [FONT=宋体]Notarized of Certified Declaration for Non?Accompanying Family Members[/FONT][FONT=宋体](*Please note that you may not be able to sponsor your non ? accompanying family member(s) in the future if they do not comply with immigration requirements with you at this time. Please refer to our website www.cic.gc.ca for Regulations under R23, R117 (9) (d) to R117 (11) and our Mission specific checklist posted on www.hongkong.gc.ca)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] - A declaration from you or your spouse/ common-law partner declaring that you are aware of the consequences of not having your non-accompanying family member(s) comply with the immigration requirements at this time.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] - sign the separation statement and notarize or certify the statement (see attachments)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 这个究竟是什么东西啊?我要怎么证明我就一个人去,不带任何人。我以后要担保我父母去探亲而已。我要怎么做这个证明啊?[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] Notice of Assessment for the past two years together with copies of the Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return for the past two years 是要Notice of Assessment的原件+ Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return的复印件还是全部都是复印件呢? Proof of removal of Terms & Conditions imposed on sponsor’s landing paper(IMM1000).这句话什么意思?要证明什么啊? 非常着急,谢谢。
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!这种问题,最好给cic打电话, 他们会回答你。
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!CIC回答也是英文的,我都不明白啊。希望有经验的同志帮助我一下
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!是“Notice of Assessment的原件+ Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return的复印件”."Proof of removal of Terms & Conditions imposed on sponsor’s landing paper(IMM1000)",sponsor的IMM1000上有什么附加条款(Terms & Conditions)吗?要的是这些附加条款已经被remove(比如条件被满足)的证据。
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!是“Notice of Assessment的原件+ Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return的复印件”. "Proof of removal of Terms & Conditions imposed on sponsor’s landing paper(IMM1000)",sponsor的IMM1000上有什么附加条款(Terms & Conditions)吗?要的是这些附加条款已经被remove(比如条件被满足)的证据。点击展开...其实我还是不理解。当初是一个人登陆,移民纸上的资料没有增加也没有删除过。那这一点的要求是不是不关我事了?
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!求助,同上
2009.5.12递档Mississauga,5.13日收到,6.17DM通过,7.2 香港ip 目前等待中.......回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!如果你有报税的话,个人税务评核表原件(Original Option C printout of Notice of Assessment), 可打电话到1-800-9598281索取.
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return应该是报税后CRA寄给你的信。
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!面试须携带资料文件原件清单1.您本人的护照和身份证原件2.全家人户口本人原件3.你本人和担保人的出生证明原件、结婚证书原件、担保人的离婚证书原件,同时携带相应证书的公证件4.孩子出生证明的原件和公证件5.孩子申请登记成为加拿大公民的凭据6.所有和担保人在婚前和婚后保持联系的凭据,包括但不限于下列:- 书信往来原件- 电子邮件打印件- 双方的电话账单原件- 汇款凭证- 结婚/婚宴/双方与孩子的合影照片若干- 双方名下的共同投资(如有的话)7.申请人更新的无犯罪公证8.更新的申请表格(我司代为准备)9.担保人的文件:- 出生证明原件- 加拿大公民卡双面复印件- 登陆纸复印件- 现持有的有效护照和已过期的护照所有页面的复印件- 显示回中国探亲的所有机票/登机牌的原件- 过去2年(2007和2008)的报税凭证(NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT)与及相关报税存档的文件,如: Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return for the past two years- 更新的雇主证明(如有的话);如果当前的雇佣少于1年,请提供以往雇佣纪录的证明文件,如:T4,雇用合同复印件等- 过去5年详细的居住地址- 过去2年的银行对帐单- 在加拿大的其它财产证明,如:房产/生意/车等10.申请人的雇主证明,证明的内容须包括雇佣期限、职位、工作职责和工资收入。如若现在的工作不满一年,需提供以往雇主的雇佣证明。此证明必须用有公司正规信函纸出具并有负责人签名和盖公章,然后附公证翻译件
努力工作快乐生活回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!还有朋友能帮忙解答我的帖子吗?谢谢了
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!为什么没有人搭理我的
回复: 面试信里太多不理解的,很着急。请大家帮忙,谢谢!请问哪位高手可以解释一下以下的内容:l [FONT=宋体]Original birth/ marriage/ divorce court order (judgement, petition and divorce certificate)/ annulment or legal separation court orders for you and/ or your sponsor/ death certificate for deceased spouse. (Please also bring the notarized certificate with the photocopy of the original.)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 请问这里提到的配偶是指配偶也要带这些原件吗?[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Original 是说 原件的意思。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Please also bring the notarized certificate with the photocopy of the original. 是说: 公证件 要原件的复印件-- 也就是说 是间接公证,-- 公证翻译和原件相符 [/FONT] l [FONT=宋体]Notarized of Certified Declaration for Non?Accompanying Family Members[/FONT][FONT=宋体](*Please note that you may not be able to sponsor your non ? accompanying family member(s) in the future if they do not comply with immigration requirements with you at this time. Please refer to our website www.cic.gc.ca for Regulations under R23, R117 (9) (d) to R117 (11) and our Mission specific checklist posted on www.hongkong.gc.ca)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] - A declaration from you or your spouse/ common-law partner declaring that you are aware of the consequences of not having your non-accompanying family member(s) comply with the immigration requirements at this time.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] - sign the separation statement and notarize or certify the statement (see attachments)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 这个究竟是什么东西啊?我要怎么证明我就一个人去,不带任何人。我以后要担保我父母去探亲而已。我要怎么做这个证明啊?没有孩子的话, 这个和你没有关系。这里没有你父母的事情,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Family Members 是指配偶和孩子, 其他人都不算[/FONT] Notice of Assessment for the past two years together with copies of the Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return for the past two years 是要Notice of Assessment的原件+ Tax Return Summary and Income Tax and Benefit Return的复印件还是全部都是复印件呢? Notice of Assessment的原件 + copies 可以是原件Proof of removal of Terms & Conditions imposed on sponsor’s landing paper(IMM1000).这句话什么意思?要证明什么啊? 最后一项不知道非常着急,谢谢。点击展开...
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