加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK
HK回执信,内容解读。经朋友参考信息:这是一封回执信,只是告诉你FN号和通知你港方已经收到你的案子,方便你查询进度。 可以准备好通行证,以备使用。 如有更好的回答,可以跟帖回复,一同借鉴。香港7月21号寄出,28号收到。 信正面 申请人:This is to confirm that we have received your application for Permanent Residence in canda. this letter is your receipt. Please make note of your file number which appears above.Please find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to our computerized processing system. Please be sure to attach one of these labels to the covering page of ALL correspondence faxed or mailed to this office. By using these labels to these labels you can help us to work more efficiently. However,please do not affix these labels on bank drafts,money orders or certified cheques as they will not be accepted for payment by our bank.We will conduct an initial assessment of your application and will advise you of the results shortly thereafter Should we require additional information or documents, we will contact you as required.Should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address of family composition(i.e.marriage,birth,death,divorce,separation or adoption of any person included on your application),please do so by either facsimile or mail.For information on processing times, please refer to the Consulate's wed site at www.hongkong.gc.ca.FOR PRC RESIDENTS WHO ARE SPONSORED BY A SPOUSE OR COMMON-LAW PARTNER OR CONJUGAL PARTNER OR PARENTS UNDER FAMILY CLASS:In order to process your application as quickly as possible, it is suggested that PRC applicants obtain their travel documents to come to hong kong immediately. This could facilitate the overall processing time of your application.译:这是为了确认我们已经收到您的申请长期居住在加拿大。这封信是你的收据。请注意您的档案数量出现以上。 随信附上文件标签负有您的档案号码和条形码扫描,可在我们的电脑处理系统。请务必重视其中的一个标签页的涵盖所有函件传真或邮寄至本办公室。使用这些标签,这些标签可以帮助我们更高效地工作。但是,请不要贴上这些标签的银行汇票,金钱 ,命令或经核证的支票,他们不会接受我们的付款银行。 我们将进行初步的评估您的申请,并会为您提供的结果此后不久,如果我们需要更多的资料或文件,我们会与您的要求。 如果您需要向我们提供意见的重大改变您的应用程序,如您的地址变化的家庭组成( 婚姻,出生,死亡,离婚,分居或通过任何人包括对你的申请) ,请这样做,要么传真或电子邮件。 对于信息的处理时间,请参阅领事馆的结婚网站www.hongkong.gc.ca 。 中华人民共和国的居民,由一名配偶或普通法伴侣或夫妻合伙或父母在家庭类别: 为了处理您的申请尽快,建议中华人民共和国申请人取得他们的旅行证件来港,立即。这可能有利于整个处理时间对您的申请。 ***********************************************信背面 Prepare yourself for immigration to CanadaYour application has just been received at visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We nonetheless encourage you to use these months to gather information on canada.One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in canada Most occupations in canada ae not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications.However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through an assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to canadian standards. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in canada.In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office(FCRO)provides information and referrals. You can find more information on the FCRO Wed site at:www.credentials.gc.ca. Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada(1-800-622-6232) for more information Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Cannada Centers.On this Going to canada Internet site(at www.directioncanada.gc.ca) you will also find important information about living and working in Canada as well as the"Working in Canada Tool"which will tell you what the current prospects are for you occupation across Canada. It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether you occupation is a regulated profession in Canada.We trust that this information is helpful Thank you for your interest in Canada.译:编写自己的移民加拿大 您的申请刚刚收到签证办事处和一些几个月前可能会通过你知道最后决定您的申请。然而,我们鼓励您使用这些个月,收集资料,加拿大。 其中一个您的第一个步骤应该是开始研究潜在的就业机会在加拿大多数职业在加拿大爱不规范。对于那些职业,雇主负责评估,并确认您的资格。 但是,有些职业的监管,不准许任何人未经授权的做法。要获得许可实行管制占领,你必须经过评估,并接受您的教育和专业资格的管理机构。这一评估将比较您的培训,教育和经验,加拿大的标准。该评估也将有助于确定是否进一步的培训和评价,可能需要在您获得许可的做法在加拿大的占领。 合作伙伴服务加拿大,外交部全权证书推介办公室( FCRO )提供信息和推介。你可以找到更多有关FCRO周三网站: www.credentials.gc.ca 。在加拿大的客户,可致电1-888-854-1805或服务加拿大一般查询号码:1 - 800 - O型加拿大( 1-800-622-6232 )的更多信息,客户也可以在加拿大获得的人服务服务Cannada中心。 在这个走向加拿大因特网网址(在www.directioncanada.gc.ca )您还将找到有关的重要信息的生活和工作在加拿大以及“在加拿大工作的工具” ,它将告诉你目前的前景是你占领加拿大各地。它提供的信息基本技能,工作说明,工作条件和机会。它也将告诉你,你是否占领是受管制的行业在加拿大。 我们相信,这一信息是有益的感谢您对在加拿大。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK这是FN 信吧。
HK Case,漫漫长征等待中! 回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK是啊,按照信得内容,要怎么处理呢?
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK我前几天收到的FN的信和你的这封差不多,只是没有最后的FOR PRC RESIDENTS WHO ARE SPONSORED BY A SPOUSE OR COMMON-LAW PARTNER OR CONJUGAL PARTNER OR PARENTS UNDER FAMILY CLASS:In order to process your application as quickly as possible, it is suggested that PRC applicants obtain their travel documents to come to hong kong immediately. This could facilitate the overall processing time of your application.我觉得是不是让你办理港澳通行证呢,因为香港的补料清单中要求我们出示能够进入香港的证据,不知道LZ是不是补料里提供了这方面的证据.个人意见.
Hong KongDone on Feb 1th 2010回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK非常感谢楼上的,但是办个通行证那不是很简单的事情吗。我办好了邮寄给使馆? 需要我人到港吗? 我对最后一样也理解不来。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK我的是和楼主一样的信,我开始也很纳闷,不过后来明白了。他不是要你寄港澳通行证,而是让你自己先办好,这样方便他们随时叫你过去,比如过去面试或取签什么的~我当然希望楼主是直接就过去取签喔!我也在等,唉。。。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK楼上的TX,那你有补了什么东西过去,借我借鉴一下。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK这就是一封普通的FN的信.原则上说,你什么也不用做. 如果将来需要补资料什么的,就用所附的条码. 港澳通行证,是让你提前办好. 如果以后需要你去香港取签,或面试什么的不要因为港澳通行证耽误事. 港澳通行证可千万别寄给使馆.
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK我补料的时候把港澳通行证给复印了一份也当作材料发给他们了,因为不了补料清单上说:If you are not citizen or permanent resident of Hong Kong, Macao or the PRC, please provide proofof your lawful admission to Hong Kong, Macao or the PRC for a period of at least one year beforethe date of your application.我觉得LZ可以先把港澳通行证办下来,如果觉得不放心你就把复印件邮给他们,也算是补充了这方面的证据。但是个人觉得,不邮也没什么,就办好了放着,取签时候用好了。呵呵
Hong KongDone on Feb 1th 2010这就是一封普通的FN的信.原则上说,你什么也不用做. 如果将来需要补资料什么的,就用所附的条码. 港澳通行证,是让你提前办好. 如果以后需要你去香港取签,或面试什么的不要因为港澳通行证耽误事. 港澳通行证可千万别寄给使馆.点击展开... 谢谢。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK我补料的时候把港澳通行证给复印了一份也当作材料发给他们了,因为不了补料清单上说:If you are not citizen or permanent resident of Hong Kong, Macao or the PRC, please provide proofof your lawful admission to Hong Kong, Macao or the PRC for a period of at least one year beforethe date of your application.我觉得LZ可以先把港澳通行证办下来,如果觉得不放心你就把复印件邮给他们,也算是补充了这方面的证据。但是个人觉得,不邮也没什么,就办好了放着,取签时候用好了。呵呵点击展开...恩,那你补料的时候除了复印件,还递送了什么别的材料吗? 让我也借鉴一下。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK学习~~
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK还有收到一样信件的朋友吗?
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK大家都收到这封信
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK那有处理过的TX是怎么做的啊,或者早期收到的TX还收到使馆的什么信件吗?
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK我老公在广州也收到和LZ完全一样的信了。2010-05-19 mississauga 签收2010-06-24 本人收到DM信2010-07-08 我老公收到香港寄出的FN 直到现在2010-08-20 还没任何动静,心里有些急了。香港和北京的查询系统还不一样,没法查到进度的代号。 条形码左边的有013 字样。。上方是B05******各界盟友能解析一下吗? 谢谢。。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK有面试的话,貌似时间都定好了。。。就是1年后。。。我的经验。
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK谢谢LZ的回复,希望能等到奇迹的发生了。。。(^_^)
回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK呵呵, 我也给你看了看, 下面是我的翻译, 给你参考一下. 虽然不是专业翻译, 但希望能帮到你. This is to confirm that we have received your application for Permanent Residence in canda.[FONT=宋体]这是在确认我们已经收到你的加拿大永久居留申请[/FONT]. this letter is your receipt. Please make note of your file number which appears above. [FONT=宋体]这封信是你的单据[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]请记录上方你的档案号码[/FONT].Please find attached file labels which bear your file number and a barcode which can be scanned in to our computerized processing system. [FONT=宋体]随信附上文件标签有你的档案号码和一个可以扫描到我们的计算机处理系统的条形码[/FONT].Please be sure to attach one of these labels to the covering page of ALL correspondence faxed or mailed to this office[FONT=宋体]请务必在所有传真或邮寄的书信上付上一个标签[/FONT]. By using these labels to these labels you can help us to work more efficiently.[FONT=宋体]付上文件标签有帮助我们更有效地工作[/FONT]. However,please do not affix these labels on bank drafts,money orders or certified cheques as they will not be accepted for payment by our bank.[FONT=宋体]不过[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]请不要在银行汇票,汇票或保付支票上贴这些标签[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]我们银行不接收这些付款单据[/FONT].We will conduct an initial assessment of your application and will advise you of the results shortly thereafter Should we require additional information or documents, we will contact you as required. [FONT=宋体]我们将对您的申请进行初步评估,并会告知你结果[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]我们不久之后是否需要更多的资料或文件,如果需要我们将与您联系。[/FONT]Should you need to advise us of a significant change in your application such as a change in your address of family composition (i.e.marriage,birth,death,divorce,separation or adoption of any person included on your application), please do so by either facsimile or mail. [FONT=宋体]你需要告知我们[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]如果你在申请过程中有显著变化如你的家庭成员的地址变更[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体](即包括在你申请中的任何人的结婚,出生,死亡,离婚,分居或收养),请以传真或邮寄的方式通知我们[/FONT]. For information on processing times, please refer to the Consulate's wed site at www.hongkong.gc.ca. [FONT=宋体]关于案件的处理时间[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]请参阅领事馆的网站[/FONT]www.hongkong.gc.ca.FOR PRC RESIDENTS WHO ARE SPONSORED BY A SPOUSE OR COMMON-LAW PARTNER OR CONJUGAL PARTNER OR PARENTS UNDER FAMILY CLASS: [FONT=宋体]对于那些已被担保的配偶或普通法伴侣或合法夫妻或家庭双亲等家庭团聚的中国大陆人士[/FONT]:In order to process your application as quickly as possible, it is suggested that PRC applicants obtain their travel documents to come to hong kong immediately. This could facilitate the overall processing time of your application. [FONT=宋体]为了尽快处理您的申请,建议中国大陆的申请人立即来港获得他们的旅行证件。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]这可以促进您案件的整体处理时间[/FONT].
HKcase,2010.06.29签收,07.29DM,08.10IP。。。回复: 大家来看看我的信,指点迷津!HK[FONT=宋体]呵呵, 我也给你看了看, 下面是我的翻译, 给你参考一下. 虽然不是专业翻译, 但希望能帮到你. [/FONT][FONT=宋体]信背面[/FONT]Prepare yourself for immigration to Canada Your application has just been received at visa office and some months will probably pass before you know the final decision on your application. We nonetheless encourage you to use these months to gather information on canada. [FONT=宋体]为移民加拿大做好准备[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]签证办事处刚刚收到您的申请[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]并且在知道你的申请的最后决定前将可能需要几个月的时间[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]然而,我们鼓励您使用这几个月来收集加拿大信息。[/FONT]One of your first steps should be to begin researching potential employment in canada Most occupations in canada are not regulated. For those occupations, the employer is responsible for assessing and recognizing your qualifications. [FONT=宋体]您的第一个步骤之一是应该开始研究在加拿大潜在就业[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]绝大部分职业在加拿大是不受监管的。对于那些职业,雇主负责对你的资格评估和确认工作。[/FONT]However, some occupations are regulated and do not permit persons to practice without a license. To obtain a license to practice a regulated occupation, you must go through an assessment and an acceptance of your education and professional qualifications by a regulatory body. [FONT=宋体]然而,某些职业是被规管的,不允许任何人无牌执业。要获得许可证来从事监管职业,你必须经过评估和监管机构对你的教育和专业资格的承认[/FONT].This assessment will compare your training, education and experience to canadian standards. The assessment will also help determine whether further training and evaluation may be needed before you acquire a license to practice your occupation in canada. [FONT=宋体]这一评估将以加拿大的标准比较您的培训,教育和经验[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]在你获得许可证之前[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]评估将有助于确定你是否需要一步培训和评价[/FONT].In partnership with Service Canada, the Foreign Credentials Referral Office(FCRO)provides information and referrals. You can find more information on the FCRO Wed site at:www.credentials.gc.ca. [FONT=宋体]与加拿大服务的合作伙伴关系[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]外交部全权证书推荐办公室([/FONT]FCRO[FONT=宋体])供信息和转介[/FONT].[FONT=宋体]你可以[/FONT]FCRO[FONT=宋体]的网站上找到更多资讯:[/FONT]www.credentials.gc.ca[FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]Clients in Canada can call 1-888-854-1805 or the Service Canada general enquiries number at 1-800-O-Canada(1-800-622-6232) for more information Clients in Canada can also obtain in-person service at Service Cannada Centers. [FONT=宋体]在加拿大的用户可以致电[/FONT]1-888-854-1805 [FONT=宋体]或加拿大服务普通查询号码[/FONT]1-800-O-Canada(1-800-622-6232). [FONT=宋体]获得更多资讯[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]在加拿大的用户亦可在加拿大服务中心获得个人服务[/FONT].(in person[FONT=宋体]是亲自[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]当面的意思[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]中间多了[/FONT]”-”[FONT=宋体]的没见过呢[/FONT])On this Going to canada Internet site[FONT=宋体]([/FONT]at www.directioncanada.gc.ca) you will also find important information about living and working in Canada as well as the"Working in Canada Tool"which will tell you what the current prospects are for you occupation across Canada. [FONT=宋体]以下这些可到加拿大网站(在[/FONT][FONT=宋体]www.directioncanada.gc.cahttp://www.directioncanada.gc.ca/) [/FONT][FONT=宋体]你还可以找到有关在加拿大生活和工作的重要信息以及[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]在加拿大工作的工具[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]这会告诉你目前整个加拿大你的职业前景是什么[/FONT].It offers information on essential skills, job descriptions, work conditions and opportunities. It will also tell you whether you occupation is a regulated profession in Canada. [FONT=宋体]它提供基本技能,工作说明,工作条件和机会的信息。它还会告诉你你的职业在加拿大是否规管行业[/FONT].We trust that this information is helpful Thank you for your interest in Canada. [FONT=宋体]我们相信,这一信息是有帮助的[/FONT]. [FONT=宋体]感谢您对加拿大的兴趣。[/FONT]
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