500強business english writing
在加拿大 我現在賣巧克力沒有寫英文電郵很久有點懷念了。這次我寫一下英文。一個真正的五百強英文案例。沒錯,內容都是我瞎掰的。 背景是一家五百強接到了零售客戶(如Target, Walmart那些)...华人论坛
在加拿大 我現在賣巧克力沒有寫英文電郵很久有點懷念了。這次我寫一下英文。一個真正的五百強英文案例。沒錯,內容都是我瞎掰的。 背景是一家五百強接到了零售客戶(如Target, Walmart那些)...华人论坛
在加拿大 1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you... 我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你 有关… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写邮件来是为了跟进我们之前对第...华人论坛
在加拿大 What were you doing before that?I always want to live a simple and comforatble life,I will choose my family if there has interfere between work and life, but things are not that smoothly.when I give birth to my baby,I lose my job,As I need m...华人论坛
在加拿大 As the saying :graduation time is also the season ofbreaking .with the end of three years of college life, i have broke up with him in unexpectedly .so frustrated even to be a crazy girl , i am so loneliness and he would't accompany with me...华人论坛
在加拿大 别再用很土鳖的词汇了 土鳖词汇,也叫做龌龊词汇,就是大家对于一个中文意思的第一反应。比如:大就是big,想就是think等等。虽然说写作考的不光是单词,但是我们的语言也要稍微...华人论坛
在加拿大 I am writing to enquire about that when did you arrange thechanate delivery to our company that you have preparing 20 chanate containers 是否有错 评论 怎么就没人帮我修改的哈 评论 没看懂你的意思。楼主是做什么产...华人论坛
在加拿大 It is nearly 2 years when I graduated from university, and haven't use English 3 years. Now I am as a international trade sales, English is very improtant, and really so poor for me. I plan to write something everyday, though it will be many...华人论坛
在加拿大 I am writing to confirm that it's going to be necessary a container 40ft NOR. 我问客户他是用20小柜还是40大柜,他这么回答的 NOR 如何理解啊? 评论 应该就是一个40尺平柜 评论 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-...华人论坛
在加拿大 they are for construction check and IM writing, pls check how soon you can get this ready thanks. 结合上下文?IM writing 是什么意思?(我们是做蒸汽刷的) 评论 在线等答案 谢谢大虾们 评论 I am waiting,拼写错...华人论坛
在加拿大 In fact, I don't know what to write. But, I'm afraid that I will forget myself, forget those I have experienced. I have never been a clever child, while a crazy girl. I will write something here, but I'm not sure when I will write or stop....华人论坛
在加拿大 I wanna find some friends that we can chat, and learn together. My spoken English is rather poor, but it's ok, I will try my best to improve, and I am working as a overseas sales. If u have the same thought from me, just leave ur info or ask...华人论坛
在加拿大 today ,it is my first time to write something ,i know my writing is bad ,but if no practice ,my writing will be worse .so from today,i will insist on writing everyday. 评论 从今天开始最好写成from now on,后面是将来时态,呵...华人论坛
在加拿大 what would you do when you feel free and annoyed,if i am in trouble like that ,FOBSHANGHAI Forum is the first choice to change my mood and let it have a relax.Eventually,you will find you are more efficient than ever,that tell us it is impor...华人论坛
在加拿大 daily writing make me like to be a man who is loquacious,actually i don't want to be like that,in order to improve my damn english,it is my only way to excute no matter others how to judge me,i don't care at all.It is a gooddecision to go ou...华人论坛
在加拿大 I am writing on behalf of XXXXX in order to enquire about the price of the magnetic whiteboard folio size. 如题上面的邮件,有没有知道的朋友,folio size. 是什么意思 ? 评论 Folio paper is 8.27 x 13 inches (= 210 x 330...华人论坛
在加拿大 我们是住在士嘉堡,孩子毕业于IB,被一大学的life science 录取。由于英文85,孩子很想找一个优秀的reading and writing tutor for 1:1 的补习,为入医学院作准备。如果有网友推荐一个非常好的老...华人论坛
在加拿大 我家老大上8年级,writing比较弱,语法错误很多,词汇量也比较少,最近听朋友介绍去一个老师那儿补习,没想到孩子很认同老师的教学,告诉我老师的教学对他启发很大,让他觉得wr...华人论坛
在加拿大 小孩grade4了,writing写作还是那么差,提笔一点idea构思都没有,写的都是流水账,补习了没效果怎么办 评论 没什么好气的,我一直都不擅长写作不是过得好好的 评论 孩子还小,别着急...华人论坛
在加拿大 Day 1question:Tourism can be an excellent way for a country to develop but also cause harm. How can we ensure the continue development of the tourism.Tourism might play an important role in a country’s economy. For example, employment ca...华人论坛
在加拿大 SubjectLine (If Applicable): Philosophy graduatetutor English (416) 275 - 1761 Description: English Tutor Want to improve English communication skills (both verbal and written)and assist in accomplishing school-related assignments (e.g. ess...华人论坛
在加拿大 My Assignment experts is one of the highest and authoritative websites providing cheap essay writing services to all students. Our Ph.D. experts and professionals are present 24/7 round the clock to assist students with these assignments. W...华人论坛
在加拿大 How can I do college writing assignments if I don't know English very well? I need someone who can find and correct mistakes in my essay. 评论 用软件grammarly 可以查到一些 评论 短信联系 4168284008 评论 If you need profess...华人论坛
在加拿大 这个星期二要去HUMBER COLLEGE考ESSAY WRITING. 有没有哪位是考过的,告诉我大概的考试内容呢?可以按雅思的A类的ESSAY WRITING来准备吗?谢谢! 评论 Opportunities arise when you face new experience 回复...华人论坛
在加拿大 Tutorship4u 3年美国当地华人专业master论文代写团队,绝对原创,绝不抄袭,收费合理,后续服务完善,准时为您递交最具专业水准的论文。省去您所有的后顾之忧,,帮您完成功课,您可...华人论坛
在加拿大 Tutorship4u 3年专业master论文代写团队,绝对原创,绝不抄袭,收费合理,后续服务完善,准时为您递交最具专业水准的论文。省去您所有的后顾之忧,,帮您完成功课,您可以轻松打工娱...华人论坛
在加拿大 为什么大家说WRITING没算分呢?TEF里的结构那部分,不是算为WRITING吗? 评论 投票大王^_^为什么大家说WRITING没算分呢?TEF里的结构那部分,不是算为WRITING吗?点击展开...词汇和结构不算分的。我...华人论坛
在加拿大 有人知道humber的writing sample assessment 是考什么的么? 这个考试怎么准备?写作是我的短短板,不准备完全写不出,心慌慌地。。。。。。 评论 自己顶有最近在 HUMBER 考过入学考试的请说说...华人论坛
在加拿大 我家老大上8年级,writing比较弱,语法错误很多,词汇量也比较少,最近听朋友介绍去一个老师那儿补习,没想到孩子很认同老师的教学,告诉我老师的教学对他启发很大,让他觉得wr...华人论坛
在加拿大 I have read this post and I really liked it. I was searching for this kind of topic for a long time. I have got many articles but they didn’t had any interesting or unique contents which I want to read. You have included all the relevant d...华人论坛
在加拿大 美文教育将开设“创意写作工坊”,参与的学生将与专业作家、前布朗大学创意写作导师 Keith Hedlund一起学习创意写作。项目共包含八节课,机会难得,不容错过哦! 导师介绍 Mr. H...华人论坛