加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民担保案件 IMM1344 表格更新


http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob325B.asp Operational Bulletin 325B - February 6, 2012 New 2D bar code Sponsorship Form (IMM 1344) Issue Effective February 6, 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will launch a new two-dimensional (2D) bar code sponsorship application form entitled Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM1344). This form will be applicable to both the Spouse or Common-law Partner in Canada class and the Family Class. Background The 2D bar code Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) was introduced on July 18, 2011; however, CIC had to manually enter the data contained in the IMM 1344.Current status Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to sponsor members of the Spouse or Commonlaw Partner in Canada class or the Family class for immigration to Canada, must complete and submit the Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM1344) along with the 2D bar code Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008). Co-signers, if applicable, must be listed on the form which is generally completed by hand. The form cannot be saved electronically, nor can the information on the form be scanned into existing CIC systems.New forms Effective February 6, 2012, the new 2D bar code IMM 1344 will be available online. Previous versions will no longer be available. The CIC website will be updated to reflect the change to this form. With regard to mission websites, most websites will not be affected as they link directly to the CIC main website. Missions with direct links to old forms have been contacted. However, all missions should review their websites and local documents carefully for any textual references to now outdated forms or procedures. For any discrepancies, requests for changes to the missions’ websites should be made directly to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade’s web team at [email protected] with a copy to International Region / RIX at [email protected] versions of sponsorship applications forms will continue to be accepted by CIC until March 31, 2012.Form details As with the current IMM 0008 generic application for permanent residence form, the new IMM 1344 will generate bar codes when applicants complete and validate their form electronically. The new Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM1344) should now be accessed electronically, and sponsors can save a partially completed application form. Similar to the Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008), data entry is facilitated into GCMS by incorporating barcodes which will be generated when applicants complete their form electronically. The bar codes will only appear on the IMM 1344 application form once all required information has been correctly completed and the “Validate” button (located at the top and bottom of the application form) has been pressed. The bar codes, which will print on the last page of the form, will contain all of the data entered by the applicant and may be scanned for direct upload into GCMS. To assist applicants to accurately complete the new IMM 1344, they will be prompted electronically as they progress through the form. With the increased amount of data collected by GCMS, this feature will be very important to assist offices inputting data. CIC continues to examine ways to further facilitate data entry to ensure that the information requested from clients will be available for case processing without having to enter it manually. All application forms must continue to be reviewed to ensure accuracy as well as completion, and offices must continue to retain the entire completed application form once processing is completed. Officers should encourage applicants to complete the new forms electronically (not by hand) and not submit old application forms. Officers and applicants are encouraged to read the instruction guide as it contains further details regarding the completion of the new application forms.Similar to the IMM 0008 application form, the IMM 1344 is accessed electronically. Refer to the GCMS training manual for any GCMS specific instructions. Communication products regarding this new application form will be provided to the CIC Call Centre, and information will be made available on WebCART.

回复: 担保案件 IMM1344 表格更新。。。。。又开始

回复: 担保案件 IMM1344 表格更新One question about the IMM1344 is that I can not leave any place blank, otherwise I can not pass the validation. I became a Canadian citizen and surrendered my PR Card to CIC last year. My landing paper was issued in 2001, but I can not find my UCI there. I know UCI is a 8 digit number, so I know the number on the top right corner b********* is not UCI. Just below this number, there is a number with 8 digits, like ********. But there are no words preceding this number indicating what this number is. Can anyone tell me where I can find my UCI on my landing paper?

2012-04-21 递料 -- 2012-04-24 CIC签收2012-07-31 DM1 --2012-08-29 AR22012-09-18 补户信 --2012-10-07 DM22012-10-10 双地址 --2012-10-30 VISA回复: 担保案件 IMM1344 表格更新只提了改表格,也没有说改移民身份的事情啊?

回复: 担保案件 IMM1344 表格更新IMM1344 取代了 IMM1344A + IMM1344B谢谢黄先生团队提供这个讯息

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