加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有去沈阳体检过的团聚同学吗
今天收到政府的邮件,说让带我儿子去体检,然后还额外给了一个数字,请问下那是什么意思啊?然后体检都带什么东西,然后结果是寄北京大使馆还是寄加拿大啊,是体检的地方寄还是我们自己寄啊?谢谢有知道的同学回复下无上感激!IMM1017 要两个COPY,可是我没有找到这张表格啊?
既来之则安之回复: 有去沈阳体检过的团聚同学吗顶,没人知道吗?
既来之则安之回复: 有去沈阳体检过的团聚同学吗1, 然后体检都带什么东西bring the identity of your son, like his passport. Call the hospital before you go and ask what else you should bring. 2, 然后结果是寄北京大使馆还是寄加拿大啊,是体检的地方寄还是我们自己寄啊the doctor will take care of it. Remember to get the receipt. If possible, also ask for EMS tracking number. 3, 然后还额外给了一个数字i don't know what it is 4, IMM1017 要两个COPY,可是我没有找到这张表格啊?don't worry about it, the doctor has it.
回复: 有去沈阳体检过的团聚同学吗also send a copy of the CIC letter to your son, and bring it to the doctor in case the doctor needs to see it.
回复: 有去沈阳体检过的团聚同学吗太感谢各位的回答了!!!
既来之则安之1, 然后体检都带什么东西bring the identity of your son, like his passport. Call the hospital before you go and ask what else you should bring. 2, 然后结果是寄北京大使馆还是寄加拿大啊,是体检的地方寄还是我们自己寄啊the doctor will take care of it. Remember to get the receipt. If possible, also ask for EMS tracking number. 3, 然后还额外给了一个数字i don't know what it is 4, IMM1017 要两个COPY,可是我没有找到这张表格啊?don't worry about it, the doctor has it.点击展开...您好,我想问下,体检完的回执和收据自己留着吗?是不是要和护照一起给北京大使馆寄过去?
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