加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC遗失申请,有没有人碰到过?


7月18日UPS 快递申请,7月19日CIC 签收。至今一直没有消息。今早9点多打电话询问,被告知系统里查不到,但是话务员还算热心,要了我当时的UPS快递号和付款收据IMM5401的号,说帮我发个REQUEST到收件部去查询,她还让我再等两个礼拜看看是否有进展,没进展可再联系他们。可11点多收到如下邮件,重递材料是没问题,不过很多材料当时交的是原件,也没留底,现在到哪里去找COPY来给它啊?!还望有过类似遭遇的童鞋们不吝赐教啊。现在真的是欲哭无泪了 This letter is in response to your recent inquiry regarding the Application to Sponsor a Member of theFamily Class that you submitted to this office.Unfortunately we are unable to locate your application at this time.If you still wish to sponsor your family member(s), the following should be submitted to our office assoon as possible: proof of delivery for the original application (i.e. tracking confirmation from courier); a copy of the original application, which must include all of the forms listed below that havebeen signed and completed: Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344), Sponsor Evaluation (IMM 5481), Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008), Schedule A – Background Declaration (IMM 5669), Additional Family Information (IMM 5406), and Use of a Representative (IMM5476 - if applicable). for applications for a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner, provide a signed andcompleted copy of the Sponsored Spouse Questionnaire (IMM 5490) and the SponsorQuestionnaire (IMM 5540); copies of all required supporting documents; a copy of this letter; and a copy of the original payment receipt (or receipt number).Please submit your application to the following address:Attn: CSU - OCCPC MississaugaPO Box 6100, Station AMississauga, ONL5A 4H4If you do not have a copy of the original application, it will be necessary for you to obtain and complete a new sponsorship application. You can obtain a new sponsorship package by visiting our website at www.cic.gc.ca.If you are unable to provide any or all of the requested documents/information, please explain why they are not available. The fees you originally paid will be applied to the application once it is received.

2008.10.23: FN (12)-->2009.1.21: 收到补料信-->2009.5.11: 补料妥投-->2009.5.27: ME (变5)-->2009.6.9: 体检,寄护照&交登陆费-->2009.6.17: 变7-->2009.7.21: 变13-->2009.7.27: CIC变DM-->2009.7.30: 变17-->2009.7.31: 收到大信封,毕业。回复: CIC遗失申请,有没有人碰到过?我还真碰到过了, 当时我也是有tracking number的, 就提供了。 结果是丢了。 Call Centre 让我重新寄, 并且给我一个不同的地址, 从那个地址来看, 是直接寄给了Team leader。 挖当时和Call centre说, 重新寄没问题, 但是原件的东西肯定没有了, 他们告诉我有什么就寄什么, 然后写个cover letter说明CIC找不到我先前寄的东西了。 结果显示他们在收到我重新寄的第二天就把我的申请批了。

回复: CIC遗失申请,有没有人碰到过?请问你当时办的团聚申请吗?

2008.10.23: FN (12)-->2009.1.21: 收到补料信-->2009.5.11: 补料妥投-->2009.5.27: ME (变5)-->2009.6.9: 体检,寄护照&交登陆费-->2009.6.17: 变7-->2009.7.21: 变13-->2009.7.27: CIC变DM-->2009.7.30: 变17-->2009.7.31: 收到大信封,毕业。回复: CIC遗失申请,有没有人碰到过?七月十二号寄,十六号签收,八月二十一号才收到第一封信,这跨度不正常

回复: CIC遗失申请,有没有人碰到过?对~二楼说得没错,有什么寄什么,然后附信说明,说不定又是一个火箭批了啊

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