加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省case,求教这是纯属补资料的邮件吗
Since you live in the province of Québec, you must submit an undertaking application to the Québec government as soon as possible. To find out what steps you need to take, visit the website of the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC) at www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca and go to the section Sponsors and Sponsored Persons to download the required forms. For more information, you may contact the Service des renseignements généraux (general inquiries) at 514 864-9191 or 1 877 864-9191. Please note that you must enclose a copy of this letter with your undertaking application. Please note that no further action will be taken your application until such time as our office has received a decision with respect to your sponsorship and undertaking from the Ministère de l'immigration et des communautés culturelles.Since you reside in the Province of Quebec, you must submit a certificate of “Selection du Quebec” from the Ministère de l’immigration et des communautés culturelles for the person(s) whom you are sponsored如题,今天收到这邮件,请问这只是纯属让你补资料还是说担保人资格通过阿?求教!
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 魁省case,求教这是纯属补资料的邮件吗从内容来看是DM1信件里的一部分,是告诉你说你应该现在开始为申请人申请CSQ了。恭喜一下。具体申请方式点那个链接就可以了。
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 魁省case,求教这是纯属补资料的邮件吗是的。我们也是只有邮件。包括补料
回复: 魁省case,求教这是纯属补资料的邮件吗是的。我们也是只有邮件。包括补料点击展开...那太好了,终于等来dm1
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