加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待
今天收到了这两封信:1)This letter refers to your application for an Open Work Permit submitted with your application forpermanent residence to Canada.Your application has been approved and your new document will be sent to you separately.You are authorized to remain in Canada under the conditions listed on the document(s).2)This letter refers to your application for permanent residence under the spouse or common-lawpartner in Canada class.We are pleased to advise you that processing of your application has been completed. TheCanada Immigration Centre in Montreal will contact you concerning your permanent residentstatus.Please note: At the time of your appointment, you and your family members, if any, willbe required to present the original identification document(s) to the Canada ImmigrationCentre. A final decision concerning the granting of permanent residence status will bemade at that time. If permanent residence is granted, the name that will appear on theconfirmation of permanent resident document is your name as it appears on yourpassport or identity documents.太高兴了!!!!!
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待恭喜啊!沾沾喜气!楼主可以分享你的时间表吗?
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待我递申请表的时候就已经把体检和开放性的工签给一起递了. 13年4月5日CIC收到申请表,8月7日签发的CSQ,从此后就没有消息,网上查的动态只有收到申请表的时间,等得非常地无奈,直到今天收到信.就是不知道这个appoitment的时间要多久才知道.
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待我递申请表的时候就已经把体检和开放性的工签给一起递了. 13年4月5日CIC收到申请表,8月7日签发的CSQ,从此后就没有消息,网上查的动态只有收到申请表的时间,等得非常地无奈,直到今天收到信.就是不知道这个appoitment的时间要多久才知道. 中间我们没有一收到要求做CSQ就立刻申请,悠哉悠哉地慢慢做,所以才这么久收到.
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待我递申请表的时候就已经把体检和开放性的工签给一起递了. 13年4月5日CIC收到申请表,8月7日签发的CSQ,从此后就没有消息,网上查的动态只有收到申请表的时间,等得非常地无奈,直到今天收到信.就是不知道这个appoitment的时间要多久才知道. 中间我们没有一收到要求做CSQ就立刻申请,悠哉悠哉地慢慢做,所以才这么久收到.点击展开...你这是算dm2了吗?你的情况算不错了,我知道有几个提交了csq后10个月都没反应的也有我12月20号收到csq,然后没了。。连dm1还没。。唉,像你说的,等得好无奈
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待我去年蒙城的登陆是安排的是DM一个半月后,不知道现在有没有快了。
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待今天收到了这两封信:1)This letter refers to your application for an Open Work Permit submitted with your application forpermanent residence to Canada.Your application has been approved and your new document will be sent to you separately.You are authorized to remain in Canada under the conditions listed on the document(s).2)This letter refers to your application for permanent residence under the spouse or common-lawpartner in Canada class.We are pleased to advise you that processing of your application has been completed. TheCanada Immigration Centre in Montreal will contact you concerning your permanent residentstatus.Please note: At the time of your appointment, you and your family members, if any, willbe required to present the original identification document(s) to the Canada ImmigrationCentre. A final decision concerning the granting of permanent residence status will bemade at that time. If permanent residence is granted, the name that will appear on theconfirmation of permanent resident document is your name as it appears on yourpassport or identity documents.太高兴了!!!!!点击展开...那到底是多久拿到的OWP?
You will never win if you never begin.你这是算dm2了吗?你的情况算不错了,我知道有几个提交了csq后10个月都没反应的也有我12月20号收到csq,然后没了。。连dm1还没。。唉,像你说的,等得好无奈点击展开...根据我在加拿大官网上面看到的应该是见了移民官后就过了:letter saying what we need to finalize your permanent residence. COMPLETE(This is the last step in the processing of your application.) Applicant Arrives in Canada and is Granted Permanent ResidenceYou will need to meet with an Immigration Officer who will verify your documents and grant you permanent residence if all is in order.
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待我去年蒙城的登陆是安排的是DM一个半月后,不知道现在有没有快了。点击展开...希望会快点,好让生活早日正常化
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待那到底是多久拿到的OWP?点击展开...9个半月,担保人第一阶段通过了就下来了,我等着收件就是了
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待你这是算dm2了吗?你的情况算不错了,我知道有几个提交了csq后10个月都没反应的也有我12月20号收到csq,然后没了。。连dm1还没。。唉,像你说的,等得好无奈点击展开...你的应该还要等好些时间才有消息,网上查不到不代表申请没进展,耐心地等,或许没想到的时候消息就来了.祝好运!
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待你的应该还要等好些时间才有消息,网上查不到不代表申请没进展,耐心地等,或许没想到的时候消息就来了.祝好运!点击展开...嗯嗯!是的,承你贵言!希望你也快点毕业!
2013.10.2接收 10.29 ar1 12.20 csq2015. 3.3 dm1 6.3 dm2 7.10 landing回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待魁省真是太快,根本和其他省份沒有可比較性
如有任何疑难,吃饭和遊山玩水上问题欢迎找我联系。回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待收到工签
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待明天去照PR卡照片
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待这也太快了,我的AIP是苦苦等待11个月啊··接点喜气啊,希望我的也能尽快批下来··
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待是啊,我们也没有想到这么快.因为之前一直查不到更新,我还以为要等满18个月的. 现在就等landing appointment了.到时才算毕业.祝大家好运!
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待恭喜去年罢工之前的 case 几乎都是满 11 个月才 AIP,现在都在清理积案。
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待恭喜去年罢工之前的 case 几乎都是满 11 个月才 AIP,现在都在清理积案。点击展开...谢谢!现在应该审理地比较快,又或者我的申请并不复杂.
回复: 太高兴了! 境内魁省家庭团聚移民,9个半月的等待27号面试
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