我是担保自己的亲生小孩移民,仅5岁多,现在说是在加拿大做背景调查。于是我立马先要回小孩的护照,然后让老公(非小孩生父)收养小孩,同时又花了5个大洋调档,2个月没收到文件,于是又写了投诉的邮件,终于等来了35页纸的调档文件。本以为这35页纸,字字机关,结果发现大部分是流水帐,甚至是格式空白。只有几句话引起我的注意和兴趣,又苦于看不懂,于是上网请教各位神通广大的大虾们:Question 1:Application Status: 1App Status: On HoldApp Status Reason: Pending in Cda请教:什么叫Pending in Cda?Question 2:Amoun Required (CAD): 490Amount Paid: 0Code: R15Code Updated Date: 2013/9/02 11:20:31Code Updated by: Ap021457Assigned to: RC-5687Assigned By: SOAMINDue Date: 2013/09/03Refund Authorized By:Receipt #Receipt Date:Currency:这个冒似让我交钱490刀,但我没有得到过交钱的通知,所以一直也没有交钱。看日子是已经due了。我是不是应该主动把钱给补交了?再写信解释说我没收到交钱的通知?Question 3:Paper File: 1Created Date:2013/08/16 13:25:11Created By: SOadminUpdated Date: 2014/03/25 21:45:47Updated by: LH02478Primary: YOffice: BeijingPaper file #: FXXXXXXXXLocation: FCU PAArchive Date:FOSS: N粗体字 Primary: Y Location: FCU PA FOSS: N 是什么意思? 先谢啦!
1. Cda = Canada2. $490 is the Right of Permanent Fee, not the application fee, you have not paid it yet.3. Location: FCU = family Class unit, PA, maybe is a name of the Visa Officer.
谢谢楼上大虾如此快速地回复!我看到里面有notes谈到我有一个open的入籍case,然后让这边密市的人给香港直接回邮件。我估计是因为我的入籍被RQ了,影响了小孩的移民申请。Notes: 2Created Date: 2014/01/08 11:07:12Created By: C1547Updated Date: 2014/01/08 11:07:12Updarted By: C1547Text: Verified client history and the sponsor has a Citizenship file open at CIC StClair. Forwarding visa office's email to Scarborough CIC and St.Ciair CIC (with copy to the visa office) as follows: "Hello CIC Scarborough and St. Clair, Please see email from Hong Kong. Please advise the visa office directly as they have an ongoing FC3 application in process. CIC St Clair: The sponsor has a Citizenship application in process (Case ID XXXXX). appreciate if you can please advise our office/visa office accordingly.我小孩的案子在北京不在香港,我担心他们这样写邮件,南辕北辙,最后耽误的是我的时间。
也许北京使馆签证处的背景调查科委托香港的同事进行某种调查,目前小孩的移民申请材料在北京,如果楼主或者现任老公当初的移民申请是香港处理的,出现这种情况也很正常。加拿大方面, St. Clair的CIC处理楼主入籍申请,世家宝CIC貌似在做别的,调查?
Maybe they are interested in your husband's previous marriage and CIC Scar. is doing that review.Maybe Beijing and Hong Kong CIC offices share the same group of background check experts whoare living in Hong Kong. Just guess.
PA通常代表主申请人的意思 Principal Applicant公民申请那部分没什么好担心的,因为你有申请,他们要确认一下申请有没有问题
咕咚咕咚 说:Maybe they are interested in your husband's previous marriage and CIC Scar. is doing that review.Maybe Beijing and Hong Kong CIC offices share the same group of background check experts whoare living in Hong Kong. Just guess.点击展开...谢谢楼上大虾热心回复。我老公初婚无孩,而且从来没有跟中国人有过恋爱关系,更没有担保过任何人。
AndrewYin 说:PA通常代表主申请人的意思 Principal Applicant公民申请那部分没什么好担心的,因为你有申请,他们要确认一下申请有没有问题点击展开...谢谢!
你好。请问你现在CIC网站上显示的状态是什么呢?担保人部分没有decision made吗?
Start over 赏 2014-04-05#11

Start over你好。请问你现在CIC网站上显示的状态是什么呢?担保人部分没有decision made吗?点击展开...担保人是在去年8月20号就pass了
快乐旅途 说:担保人是在去年8月20号就pass了点击展开... 是吗。那怎么还在调查呢真是太奇怪了。不是理论上担保人pass后就不再调查担保人部分了吗。。。
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