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http://www.metroimmigration.com/docs/pdfs/2010/fam_class/faq.pdf1. My parents are visiting Canada. Their permanent resident sponsorship is in process. Can Iapply for their extension of stay in Canada? I have heard that instead of mailing theirextension application, it can be send online. Is that true?Yes, they can extend their stay in Canada by sending the request to CIC. Their extension ofstay application can be filled online for quick response from CIC.2. I sent my parents sponsorship application on May 16, 2007. I have not received any letterfrom case processing centre yet. How long it may take?Presently officers are working on the parents files which they have received up to April 30,2007.You should receive correspondence form case processing centre very soon.Q. I have sponsored my parents. The application is in process in India. Recently they havereceived medical request. I have been maintaining required income as per low income cut offevery year. Only this year my income is less than required amount. Is this a concern?Ans. Yes, you need to maintain the income as per LICO until their landing.Q. My brother is 20 years old studying in b com 2nd year. I do not want to sponsor my parents asmy income is not enough. I will only sponsor my brother for now. Is it possible?Ans. No you can not sponsor your brother alone. You will have to sponsor him as accompanyingdependent along with your parents. You have to maintain the income as per low income cut offchart.Q I sent my application to sponsor parents to case processing centre Mississauga inDecember 2006. When should I expect correspondence from Immigration?A Presently officers are working on parental files that were sent to immigrationoffice on December 18, 2006. You will receive correspondence very soon.1. I want to sponsor my parents. Presently my husband is not working. My incomeis less than required income. Is my brother eligible to become cosigner?No, only your husband can co-sign your parental sponsorship.2. I submitted tax assessment for 2006 with my parental sponsorship. Now officer isasking for 2006 option c- print. Why do I need to submit this document? Fromwhere can I get this document?Option ?C gives break down of the income you have reported to CRA and processed byCRA. This document helps to calculate accurate income. You can call 1-800-959-8281 toobtain option-C.Q I want to sponsor my parents. Presently I am not working however my husband isworking. He is making more than what I require to sponsor my parents. Can Isponsor my parents while my husband acts as co-signer?Yes you can.Q I sponsored my parents and a brother. My brother is 25 years old. Officer inIndia had asked to pay right of landing fee. How much landing fee do I have to pay?Right of landing fee is $490 for each applicant and accompanying spouse. However thereis no fee for dependent child even though he(your brother) is more than 22 years old.Therefore you have to deposit $980.1. I have declared bankruptcy. Can I sponsor my parents?If you have declared bankruptcy, do not submit parents application unless you havebeen discharged from the bankruptcy.Income earned during bankruptsy cannot beconsidered as income.2. I am sponsoring my parents. Last year I have received sickness benefits. Will it beconsidered as income?Yes, It will be considered as income.Q1. I have a sister who is currently living in United States. She was in student visa butnow her visa has been expired. I am thinking of filling a petition for her along with fillingfor my parents and other siblings for permanent residents of Canada based on familysponsorship.Q2. I am on EI, can I sponsor her and other family members?A1. Your sister should have valid student visa. If she is more than 22 yrs old she shouldcontinuously study (without any gap) until she gets landingA2. You need to meet low income cut off criteria to meet requirements. The calculationis done based on your 12 months preceding income. You have to maintain your incomeevery year until your parents get landing. Presently if you are receiving E.I, job lossincome is not considered as income for Immigration purpose. However if you aremarried, your spouse’s income can be included.1. I have sponsored my orphan nephew from India. Do I need to submitGuardianship document along with the application?A. Yes, you have to submit Guardianship document issued by the court.2. When I sponsored my parents my income was more than low income cut off.Presently I am on maternity leave and not meeting the income requirements.Does this have impact on my parental sponsorship?A. You have to meet the income requirements until your parents land here. Ifyou have received maternity, size of your family is changed. Officer will askfor present financial evaluation.I sponsored my parents 2 years ago. I am meeting income requirements as per LICOfor past two years however this year I am laid off and would not be able to meet LICOrequirements. Does the officer refuse the case or delay it for not meeting the incomerequirements?Ans. You have to meet income requirements otherwise officer refuses the case.I am sponsoring my parents and my wife parents. Can I sponsor all these familymembersby sending one sponsorship application?Ans. You have to submit two sponsorship applications, one sponsorship on yourbehalf and other one on your wife’s behalf.Metro Immigration―CONTACT: (Corporate) 905-673-1200; 2355 Derry Rd (E), # 12, Mississauga(Branch) 905-794-6003; 9976, The Gore Rd (Corner of Castlemore & Gore), BramptonToll Free: 1-800-694-1373Website: www.metroimmigration.come-mail ID: [email protected]; [email protected] Questions Our AnswerQ1. I am single. I want to apply for Canadian Immigration. Can I apply for mymother and father as my dependents in the application along with me?A. No, family members as per Immigration Regulations include spouse and childrenonly.Q2. I am a visitor in Canada. My wife has sponsored me under (In-Canada) spousalcategory. Can I work?A. You will not be able to work until you get a work permit. You will receive a letterfrom the Immigration, stating that you are eligible to apply for work permit.Q3. My wife was a permanent resident of Canada. She overstayed in India and losther status in Canada. What should I do?A: Initially your wife can apply for a travel document. In case authorities refuse the traveldocument, you can sponsor your wife again.Q4: I had sponsored my spouse about 3 years ago. Now I am divorced. I amplanning to sponsor my parents shortly. Can I exclude my ex-spouse from the size offamily unit?A: It depends on the number of years of support mentioned in the Undertaking to Sponsoryou signed when you sponsored your ex-spouse. He/She will be counted in your size offamily unit as long as the previous undertaking is valid.(This period was 10 years before June 28, 2002 and 3 years on and after June 28,2002)Q5: I had sponsored my parents and brother 5 years ago. Now, my wife and I planto sponsor her parents. My brother is employed and my parents are living with himnow. Are they included in the size of the family unit now?A: Yes. When you sponsored your parents and brother 5 years ago, you signed anUndertaking of support for 10 years. This is valid for 10 years after they land in Canada.So, their number will be counted for family unit size no matter whether your brotheris employed OR parents are living with him.Q6: I am a permanent resident of Canada. I have applied for the renewal of my P.RCard. Now my brother is getting married in India. This marriage was fixedsuddenly as the girl is from abroad. My P.R is valid till April 2008. I want to go toIndia to attend my brother’s wedding. I have a notarized copy of my P.R card. Willthey let me board the plane without my P.R Card?A. Chances are weak. The P.R Card has a magnetic tape at the back of it. That magnetictape has all your information stored in it with which they can keep a track of the Holder.Q7: I am a P.R in Canada. My wife and I both have lost our parents. I have my auntback home who has always stayed with us since she got divorced.She does not have any children and is financially dependent on me. Can I sponsorher to come to Canada on permanent basis?A. No, you cannot sponsor her to come to Canada on permanent basis however you maysponsor her to come and visit you.Any immigration enquiry, please contact Mr.Suresh Gupta of Metro Immigration at 905-673-1200 / reach usthrough e-mail for any immigration concerns in the next issue.Disclaimer: The Immigration tips are prepared by Metro Immigration for the general information of our clients and other interestedparties. Information provided in the tips may not be comprehensive and should not be acted upon in any specific situation withoutseeking appropriate legal advice.IMMIGRATION TIPSFAMILY CLASS SPONSORSHIP1. My brother is 21 years old and is not a student. Can I sponsor him along with myparents?As of now, you can include your brother as a dependent child of your parents since he isless than 22 years old. However, processing of your application will take few years andyour brother may possibly complete 22 years during that period. Once he completes 22years, you would be asked to give details regarding ‘regular student’ status of yourbrother. Your application can be rejected based on the fact that he is not a regular studentafter the age of 22.Please note, all dependent children mentioned in the application should be1. I am 20 years old Permanent Resident of Canada. Can I sponsor my parents?Yes. If you are a Permanent Resident or Citizen of Canada and above 18 years of age,you can sponsor.2. Can my brother or sister cosign my Undertaking to sponsor my parents?No. Only the Spouse of the Sponsor can be a Cosigner in an Undertaking to sponsor.3. Is there any Minimum Necessary Income applicable for sponsorship?Yes. Sponsor and the Cosigner (if any) must meet the requirement of MinimumNecessary Income as per “Minimum Necessary Income Table” applicable at the timeof sponsorship.4. My sister will be completing 22 years after 2 months. What is the processing fee Ihave to pay if I apply for sponsorship now?If you apply before your sister completes 22 years, you will pay $150. If you applyafter she completes 22 years, then you will pay $550 as processing fee.5. I became permanent resident of Canada 9 months ago. Do I have to complete oneyear before I sponsor my parents?Not necessary. If you and your spouse (if Cosigner) are meeting the requirements ofMinimum Necessary Income criteria in the period of previous 12 months (or less),you may apply to sponsor your parents.6. My wife had sponsored her parents one year ago. I did not cosign the applicationat that time. Now, I want to sponsor my parents and my wife will not be cosigningmy application. Do I have to include the number of people already sponsored bymy wife, in total number of persons for the purpose of determining my MinimumNecessary Income?No. Since you have not cosigned your wife’s application to sponsor and your wife is notcosigning your application, you need not include them in total number of persons for thepurpose of determining your Minimum Necessary Income7. I sponsored my wife four years ago and the Undertaking is in effect. Recently weare divorced. Now I plan to sponsor my parents. Do I have to include my ex-wifein total number of persons for the purpose of determining my MinimumNecessary Income?Yes. If the Undertaking is still valid for the period, you have to include your ex-wifewhile determining your Minimum Necessary Income, though you are divorced.8. My 24 years old brother is unemployed and lives with my parents. Can I sponsorhim along with my parents?You can do so only if your brother is a “Regular” Student enrolled in a Course“Recognized by the Government”. You may also include him if he is a person with“disability”.10. My sister is 21 years old, unmarried and is not a student. Can I sponsor her alongwith parents?You can do so since she is less than 22 years old. However, once she completes 22years, it is necessary that she is a Regular student enrolled in a Course Recognized bythe Government. She should continue to be a regular student till she is givenimmigration.9. I sponsored my brother (less than 22 years old at that time) along with my parents.Now, my brother has a very good job offer and is inclined to accept the offer. Willit affect his immigration?Yes. Once your brother takes up the job, he would not continue to be dependent son ofyour parents. It is necessary that you withdraw your sponsorship.10. I sponsored my sister (less than 22 year old at that time) along with my parentsand the Application is under process. Now, my sister is getting married. Will itaffect her immigration?Yes. Once your sister gets married she is not considered as dependent daughter of yourparents.11. My total income is $40,000. I am planning to invest $6000 in RRSP. Will it affectmy income while computing Minimum Necessary Income?No. Your total income is still $40,000, i.e. the income shown in Line 150 of your TaxReturn.12. My total income from employment is $35000. I have withdrawn $5000 from myRRSP. Will it affect my income while computing Minimum Necessary Income?Yes. Your total income now becomes $40000 since amount withdrawn from RRSP isshown as your income and $40000 is shown in Line 150 of your Tax Return.13. I sponsored my parents two years ago. My wife cosigned the application. We metthe requirements of Minimum Necessary Income applicable at that time. Now, Iam on Unemployment Insurance and my wife is working. Will it affect oursponsorship application?Yes. You are required to meet the Minimum Necessary Income requirements fromthe Date of Application till the immigration of your family members. UnemploymentInsurance due to job loss is not considered as income for the purposes of MinimumNecessary Income.14. My wife has sponsored her parents last year. I cosigned the application. Now, mywife is on maternity benefits and I am working. Will these factors affect oursponsorship application?Yes. With the birth of your child, there is an addition to total number of family membersand your Minimum Necessary Income will go up.15. I sponsored my parents two years ago and the application is in process. Now, I amgetting married and would like to sponsor my spouse. Will it affect mysponsorship application for parents?Yes. Once you get married, there is an addition to total number of family members andyour Minimum Necessary Income will go up.16. My wife and I want to sponsor her parents and my parents. Both of us are signingthe undertaking. Can we do it in a single application?No. You have to make two separate applications for your parents and her parents. In theapplication to sponsor your wife’s parents, she is the Sponsor and you are the cosigner. Inthe application to sponsor your parents, you are the Sponsor and she is the cosigner.17. I am presently on disability benefits. Will this benefit earned be considered for theMinimum Necessary Income?Yes. However, Unemployment Insurance benefits due to job loss are not considered.18. I am presently on maternity benefits. Will this benefit earned be considered forthe Minimum Necessary Income?Yes. However, Unemployment Insurance benefits due to job loss are not considered.19. I receive Canada Pension Plan Death Benefits of my previous wife. Now, I wantto sponsor my parents. Will this pension amount be considered for calculatingMinimum Necessary Income?Yes. Pension amount is taken into account while computing your income.Q1. My brother is 24 years old and is a student. Can I sponsor him asaccompanying dependent child along with my parents?Dependent child is 22 years of age or older and, since before the age of 22,has• been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time studentin a post secondary institution accredited by the relevantgovernment authority and• depended substantially on the financial support of a parentIf your brother is meeting these requirements you can sponsor him.Q 2. Do our investment in RRSP or our expenses towards child care willaffect our total income?No. Your RRSP contribution or your child care expenses will not besubtracted from your total income and hence, it will not affect your totalincome.Q. I have sponsored my parents and CIC has sent my file back for re evaluation. I earned$40,000 as self employed truck driver from March 2006 to Sep 2006. Officer has askedme to provide proof of self Employed income for his duration. What document should Isent as income proof?A. Bank statement and statement of business activity is the good proof of income.Q.I sponsored my parents in 2007. Unfortunately my father died last month .Is mymother and sibling’s application still in process? What would be the next step on mybehalf?A. You have to change your mother as principal applicant. You need to send newsponsorship agreement and death certificate to the officer.1. I have sponsored my parents for permanent resident status in Canada. I want themto visit Canada. Is it possible to apply for their visitor visa while the applicationfor permanent resident status is in process?Yes, they can apply fro visitor visa while application for permanent residency is inprocess.2. I sent the application to sponsor my parents to case processing centre Mississaugain February 2007. When am I supposed to receive response from them?Presently case processing centre is working on the parental files they received inJanuary 2007. You should receive response from them soon.
父母团聚北京+魁省Case:2011.01.31邮寄-02.02签收老婆团聚北京+魁省Case:2010.8.11签收-9.16DM信-9.17递MICC-9.28FN Email-9.29态14-9.29MICC扣钱-10.5FN信-10.7CIC IP-10.11态12-10.12态5-10.18态6-10.25投CSQ-10.28态12-2011.01.07态13-01.10态17-01.11大信封回复: 从网站上找到了个很好的解答各种父母团聚移民的帖子,建议加精!!格式不好,看起来太费力,不建议加精
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