加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利
2009.06.25 Apply2012.4.18 Mailed supplement documents2012.05.26 DM and transferred to Ottawa2012.07.11 Request for ME2012.07.24 Medical report diliveried to Ottawa2012.08.29 Request for fingerprint 2012.08.30 CIC website status showed MER2012.09.04 Fingerprint done by RCMP accredited company2012.09.05 Mailed the fingerprints to Ottawa2012.09.07 Fingerprints deliveried to Ottawa2012.10.29 Got Email to mail passport to Seattle, WA2012.11.01 CIC website update status:We started processing XXX's application on October 28, 2012. Medical results have been received. A decision has been made on XXX's application. The office will contact XXX concerning this decision.看来网站更新是慢过Email
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利Close timeline as mine, but did not ask for fingerprint yet. Please keep update when you have any.
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利Close timeline as mine, but did not ask for fingerprint yet. Please keep update when you have any.点击展开...Sure
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利我的和你也差不多
2009-05-11 收到申请,2012-03-30要求补材料,2012-5-30 sponsorship 通过转北京,2012-08-14 收到email体检和交passport,2012-08-20 体检,2012-09-03 MER,2013-01-08 decision made, 2013-01-17 毕业2009.06.25 Apply2012.4.18 Mailed supplement documents2012.05.26 DM and transferred to Ottawa2012.07.11 Request for ME2012.07.24 Medical report diliveried to Ottawa2012.08.29 Request for fingerprint 2012.08.30 CIC website status showed MER2012.09.04 Fingerprint done by RCMP accredited company2012.09.05 Mailed the fingerprints to OttawaNow waiting for the final decision...点击展开...we have quite similar timeline:2009.7 sponsorship application2012.4.12 mailed supplement documents2012.5.10 DM and transferred to Ottawa2012.7.17 medical exam done in Toronto2012.8.10 MERwaiting....... now
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利羡慕楼上已经体检的同学们, 恭喜恭喜! 胜利在望了! 我刚刚收到体检通知,同时要求无犯罪记录。 请问, 如果今年补料的时候已经交了,是不是就不用再交了? 但是没有交加拿大的,请问无犯罪记录要不要加拿大的?如果呆过半年以上? 谢谢回复!急!
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利羡慕楼上已经体检的同学们, 恭喜恭喜! 胜利在望了! 我刚刚收到体检通知,同时要求无犯罪记录。 请问, 如果今年补料的时候已经交了,是不是就不用再交了? 但是没有交加拿大的,请问无犯罪记录要不要加拿大的?如果呆过半年以上? 谢谢回复!急!点击展开...个人情况会不同,你父母这段时间在加拿大有没有住满六个月?如果住满了我觉得有必要交。我体检的时候没有交无犯罪记录,一是补料的时候已经交了在中国的无犯罪记录,二是他们这段时间在加拿大也没住满半年。反正之后的来信也没叫我补。
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利我父母在国内,前几年过来住过半年以上。 我也是补料的时候已经交了在中国的无犯罪记录,但是没有办加拿大的。 你的信里没有提到无犯罪记录吗? 我的是这样写的: You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you are not required to resend it.
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利我父母在国内,前几年过来住过半年以上。 我也是补料的时候已经交了在中国的无犯罪记录,但是没有办加拿大的。 你的信里没有提到无犯罪记录吗? 我的是这样写的:You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you are not required to resend it.点击展开...I called CIC asked about it. They confirmed that no need to submit Canadian Police Certificate until special request for that. The CIC website also indicate this: Do I need to provide a police certificate when applying for permanent residence?Only in certain cases. The Canadian visa office will tell you if you need a Canadian criminal record check while your application is being processed. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/security/police-cert/north-america/canada.asp
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利我父母在国内,前几年过来住过半年以上。 我也是补料的时候已经交了在中国的无犯罪记录,但是没有办加拿大的。 你的信里没有提到无犯罪记录吗? 我的是这样写的: You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you are not required to resend it.点击展开...我也有这段,但当时我体检的时候没交
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利谢谢楼上的两位,放心了。
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利9/7日指模的信件已经在渥太华被签收,等待DM
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利快了快了,估计这两个礼拜就会通知你寄护照了。恭喜恭喜,沾点喜气啊
父母团聚:2008/5 收到申请;2011/11通知补料;2012/3月担保通过转Ottawa后又转北京; 8月15日收到体检通知;8月23日南京体检;8月27日护照,无犯罪证明,体检证明邮寄给北京;9月5日MER;期待毕业的到来。快了快了,估计这两个礼拜就会通知你寄护照了。恭喜恭喜,沾点喜气啊点击展开...啊,有那么快么?不是起码还要等2-3个月么?
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利啊,有那么快么?不是起码还要等2-3个月么?点击展开...按照现在的速度,大概mer后2-3个月才有寄护照。
回复: 立贴记录申请父母团聚的过程,等待最后的胜利I would appreciate that if they request us to send passport in 2012.
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