加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民IM0008的问题
IM0008 box3 到底是填2 还是3, 要不要把自己(担保人)加进去,还有就是下面的dependant 要不要把自己写进去?
4月12号递交--4月16号CanadaPost显示收到--7月16号DM1+MER--8月13号BJAR--9月12号IP--9月14号 补护信--9月20号 护签--9月30号 DM2---10月30号大信封回复: IM0008的问题如果只是sponsor父母两个人,就填2
回复: IM0008的问题不对吧,里面说including you, 即使父母加我, 都3了,还有配偶co-signer..要算吗?
回复: IM0008的问题不对吧,里面说including you, 即使父母加我, 都3了,还有配偶co-signer..要算吗?点击展开...错了,这个表格是父母以主申请人填写的, 所以应该就是2
回复: IM0008的问题immigration office requested for processing this application 填什么?
回复: IM0008的问题immigration office requested for processing this application 填什么?点击展开...China
回复: IM0008的问题China点击展开...不对吧?ontario的应该是CPC Mississauga吧?
回复: IM0008的问题哎呦,都是一群迷糊,都不看Guide的,我觉着CIC准备的填表指南非常清楚了。边看指南边填表,根本没什么问题的。回到上面的问题,immigration office requested for processing this application,不用填的
回复: IM0008的问题哎呦,都是一群迷糊,都不看Guide的,我觉着CIC准备的填表指南非常清楚了。边看指南边填表,根本没什么问题的。回到上面的问题,immigration office requested for processing this application,不用填的点击展开...谁说不用填?:Question 4Immigration Office requested for the processing of your applicationIndicate the name of the Immigration Office which serves:•your country of nationality, or•the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one (1) year.Note: Do not select the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) as the immigration office requested to process your application. Although you may be required to submit your application to the CIO, you must indicate the name of an appropriate visa office using the criteria above.Note:If you are applying for refugee protection from within Canada or being sponsored from within Canada, this question does not apply to you. Go to Question 5.
回复: IM0008的问题谁说不用填?:Question 4Immigration Office requested for the processing of your applicationIndicate the name of the Immigration Office which serves:•your country of nationality, or•the country in which you are residing, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one (1) year.Note: Do not select the Centralized Intake Office (CIO) as the immigration office requested to process your application. Although you may be required to submit your application to the CIO, you must indicate the name of an appropriate visa office using the criteria above.Note:If you are applying for refugee protection from within Canada or being sponsored from within Canada, this question does not apply to you. Go to Question 5.点击展开...同意 我填的是 VISA OFFICE, BEIJING, PR CHINA
回复: IM0008的问题唉,好心指点你们,还不领情,明年我再来公布答案吧。
回复: IM0008的问题同意 我填的是 VISA OFFICE, BEIJING, PR CHINA点击展开...如果被担保人申请从国内申请visa,我觉得你填的对。如果从加拿大申请,应该填渥太华吧
回复: IM0008的问题同意 我填的是 VISA OFFICE, BEIJING, PR CHINA点击展开...我也是!
回复: IM0008的问题同意 我填的是 VISA OFFICE, BEIJING, PR CHINA点击展开...
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