收到补料信 没有4-7 关键是本来8和4-7在同一页上 所以应该不是漏页问题因为父母有supervisa 貌似4-7和supervisa申请重复所以怀疑故意为之有没有有supervisa也漏4-7或者没有supervisa也没有4-7的朋友来反证一下?谢谢
赏 2014-07-31#4 B 364 $0.00 CIC新发的电邮中,已经有了4-7项。我在出版公司做过,从出版和印刷角度讲,版面搞错是完全有可能的。按最新的list准备就行了,别花时间想这个了,没有实际用处。
反馈:chuntown 2014-07-31#5 C 81 $0.00 是的 为了保险大家都应该提供4-7但是如果cic遗漏 那我对他们更鄙视了希望能有人因此被fire
哪儿能找到 4 - 7? 需要给CIC打电话吗?谢谢
Enclosure: Document Checklist UPDATEDDOCUMENT CHECKLIST - PERMANENT RESIDENCE – SPONSORSHIP OF PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTSYou need to mail this form and listed documents with your application. Please make sure you include this document as
the cover page.Gather your documents
in the order of the checklist and check each item. Attach small items such as photos with a paper clip, otherwise leave documents unbound. Place all documents in a sealed envelope. If your documents are not in English or French, they must be accompanied by the English or French translation completed by a certified translator and a copy of the original document. Do not send any documents other than those requested in this checklist when submitting your application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga.
Note: If your application lacks any of the documents listed in this checklist, it will be returned to you.
If you are unable to provide any of the requested documentation, please include with your application a written explanation with full details as to why that documentation is unavailable and any documentation that would support your claim. Failure to provide supporting documents may result in the refusal of your application.
Once a complete application is received, none of the documents (copies or originals) you submitted will be returned to you during or after processing. When copies are requested please do not send originals as they will not be returned.IMPORTANT NOTICE: Answer all questions and sign all forms where applicable. Please note that by signing these documents, you are certifying that all information provided therein, whether prepared by you or not, is complete and true in all respects.If you or someone acting on your behalf directly or indirectly submits false documents or misrepresents facts relating to your application for a permanent resident visa:•your application may be refused; and•you and your family members could become inadmissible to Canada for two years under section 40(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.If your family circumstances (e.g. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death, etc.), contact information or representative information has changed since the initial application for sponsorship was submitted, include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time your application is assessed. If anything changes with regard to this application once it has been submitted, please consult http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-after.asp to determine how to notify CIC of the change.If you do not notify CIC of these changes, there will be processing delays and it could result in the refusal of your application or the exclusion of a family member.Citoyenneté et Immigration CanadaCitizenship and Immigration Canada
This form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicants.
Documents submitted will not be returned.You must keep a copy of the completed forms and all documents for yourself before sending your application to CPC-Mississauga.FormatFor the Sponsor
1Option C PrintoutSubmit an original Option C Printout for the tax year that you submitted the original sponsorship application
AND an original Option C Printout for the year before you submitted the application. The Option C Printout is required for both tax years.The Option C Printout is different from your notice of assessment and is available to you upon request by calling Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281. There is no charge to obtain copies of the Option C Printout.OriginalFor the Principal Applicant
Forms and supporting documents (to be completed and submitted by all applicants).See the "
Applying as a member of the Family Class" to download current forms and for instructions on completing the forms and gathering the required supporting documents (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/3998-temp.asp).
Note: Do
not complete the Visa Office Specific Instructions. Documents must be submitted
in the order of this checklist.
1Generic Application Form to Canada (IMM 0008)Each application package must contain only one completed, dated and signed 2D barcodedIMM 0008. Please complete and validate this form online.All dependants previously listed on the original sponsorship application must be listed on theIMM 0008. If you no longer wish to include them in your application, please provide a written explanation why and include it with your submission.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.aspOriginal
2Additional Dependants/Declaration (IMM 0008DEP) (if applicable)If the applicant has more than five dependants (whether they are accompanying or not), then the principal applicant must complete, date and sign this form.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.aspOriginal
3Schedule A: Background Declaration (IMM 5669)A separate form must be completed, dated and signed by:• the principal applicant, and,• spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not) and,• each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not).Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever comes first, in chronological order. Do not leave any sections blank or gaps in time. You must write "n/a" in any sections that are not applicable to your situation. Include all:• jobs,• periods of unemployment,• study,• vacations, or• being a homemaker.Do not use abbreviations. Do not use general words such as "employee", "working", or “manager." Specify your activity such as retail salesperson, architect, financial manager, etc.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.asp
Note: If this section is not accurately completed, it will cause delays in the processing of your application.Original
4Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)A separate form must be completed, dated and signed by:• the principal applicant; and• spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not); and• each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not).For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp#3998E4Original
5Use of a representative (IMM 5476)Complete, date, sign and include this form in your application if you have a paid or unpaid representative.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp#3998E4Original
6Travel documents and passportsPassports or travel documents for you, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children. Include only copies of pages showing:•the passport number,•date of issue and expiry,•the photo, name, date and place of birth,•pages showing any amendments in name, date of birth, expiration, etc.You must hold a valid regular passport. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports
are not valid for immigration to Canada.Proof of Admission (if applicable)If the visa office you have specified for processing your application is not the visa office responsible for your country of nationality, provide proof that you have been lawfully admitted for a period of at least one year to a country for which the specified visa office is responsible.Proof of lawful admission is in the form of a stamp in the passport or a status document issued at the Port of Entry or other place of admission. If an extension of the original status has been obtained, the evidence required would be a document or stamp issued by the ministry responsible for immigration matters, providing an extension up to one year or beyond.Please note that the
CPC-Mississauga is not a visa office. Visa offices are outside of Canada.Submit photocopies of:• current or expired entry/exit stamps in your national passport, and• current or expired status documents indicating the date you were admitted and the validity.Copies
7Proof of Relationship to Sponsor in CanadaSubmit proof of relationship showing you are the parent or grandparent of your sponsor in Canada. The document you submit must prove the relationship between the principal applicant and the sponsor.You must provide the following documents:•Birth certificates;•Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);•National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable).Copies
8Identity and Civil Status DocumentsYou must provide the following documents for you and your current and/or former spouse/common-law partner:•Marriage certificate(s), final divorce or annulment certificate(s). If married more than once, include certificates from each marriage and divorce or annulment you, your spouse or common-law partner have had;•Death certificate for former spouse(s) or common-law partner(s) (if applicable);•Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);•National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)•If you have a common-law partner, complete and include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (
IMM 5409 – original) and provide evidence that you have cohabitated with your partner for a period of at least 12 continuous months. Evidence may be, but not limited to, the following examples listing both your names:Øcopies of joint bank account statements,Øcopies of leases, utility bills etc.Copies, unless otherwise stated
9Proof of Dependent Children's Relationship to Principal ApplicantFor all accompanying dependants submit proof of relationship to the principle applicant.•Children's birth certificates (which name their parents);•Family/ household Registry/Book (if applicable);•Adoption papers issued by recognized national authorities showing the legal, approved adoption of adopted dependent children;•Proof of full custody for children under the age of 18 and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court, where applicable;•If the other parent of your children is not accompanying you to Canada, you must submit a signed Statutory Declaration from Non-Accompanying Parent/Guardian for Minors Immigrating to Canada (
IMM 5604 - original) for each child consenting to their travel to Canada along with a copy of the non-accompanying parent's photo ID showing their signature;•If the children will not accompany you to Canada, proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements;•Proof of
continuous full-time studies of all dependent children aged 22 or over, including:•complete school records/transcripts since attaining age 22;•letters from the schools indicating the number of hours of classes attended per day, and the number of days attended per week;•proof of full financial support by parents since reaching age 22.Copies, unlessotherwise stated
10Photo RequirementsSupply
two (2) photos for each member of your family and yourself
taken within six (6) months before application submission.On the
back of each photograph, write:·the name and date of birth of the person who appears in the photo; and·the date the photo was taken.Follow the instructions provided in
Appendix A: Photo Specifications found athttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E_tempA.pdf.Originals
11Mailing Your ApplicationMail to the
Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario:• this document checklist,• the letter that was sent with this document checklist;• your complete application,• supporting documents required in this checklist, and• include 2 self-addressed mailing labels:• one in English or French, and• one in the official language of your country of residence.
CPC MississaugaP.O. Box 6100, Station AMississauga, ONL5A 4H4
Enclosure: Document Checklist UPDATEDDOCUMENT CHECKLIST - PERMANENT RESIDENCE – SPONSORSHIP OF PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTSYou need to mail this form and listed documents with your application. Please make sure you include this document as
the cover page.Gather your documents
in the order of the checklist and check each item. Attach small items such as photos with a paper clip, otherwise leave documents unbound. Place all documents in a sealed envelope. If your documents are not in English or French, they must be accompanied by the English or French translation completed by a certified translator and a copy of the original document. Do not send any documents other than those requested in this checklist when submitting your application to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga.
Note: If your application lacks any of the documents listed in this checklist, it will be returned to you.
If you are unable to provide any of the requested documentation, please include with your application a written explanation with full details as to why that documentation is unavailable and any documentation that would support your claim. Failure to provide supporting documents may result in the refusal of your application.
Once a complete application is received, none of the documents (copies or originals) you submitted will be returned to you during or after processing. When copies are requested please do not send originals as they will not be returned.IMPORTANT NOTICE: Answer all questions and sign all forms where applicable. Please note that by signing these documents, you are certifying that all information provided therein, whether prepared by you or not, is complete and true in all respects.If you or someone acting on your behalf directly or indirectly submits false documents or misrepresents facts relating to your application for a permanent resident visa:•your application may be refused; and•you and your family members could become inadmissible to Canada for two years under section 40(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.If your family circumstances (e.g. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death, etc.), contact information or representative information has changed since the initial application for sponsorship was submitted, include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time your application is assessed. If anything changes with regard to this application once it has been submitted, please consult http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-after.asp to determine how to notify CIC of the change.If you do not notify CIC of these changes, there will be processing delays and it could result in the refusal of your application or the exclusion of a family member.Citoyenneté et Immigration CanadaCitizenship and Immigration Canada
This form is made available by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and is not to be sold to applicants.
Documents submitted will not be returned.You must keep a copy of the completed forms and all documents for yourself before sending your application to CPC-Mississauga.FormatFor the Sponsor
1Option C PrintoutSubmit an original Option C Printout for the tax year that you submitted the original sponsorship application
AND an original Option C Printout for the year before you submitted the application. The Option C Printout is required for both tax years.The Option C Printout is different from your notice of assessment and is available to you upon request by calling Canada Revenue Agency at 1-800-959-8281. There is no charge to obtain copies of the Option C Printout.OriginalFor the Principal Applicant
Forms and supporting documents (to be completed and submitted by all applicants).See the "
Applying as a member of the Family Class" to download current forms and for instructions on completing the forms and gathering the required supporting documents (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/3998-temp.asp).
Note: Do
not complete the Visa Office Specific Instructions. Documents must be submitted
in the order of this checklist.
1Generic Application Form to Canada (IMM 0008)Each application package must contain only one completed, dated and signed 2D barcodedIMM 0008. Please complete and validate this form online.All dependants previously listed on the original sponsorship application must be listed on theIMM 0008. If you no longer wish to include them in your application, please provide a written explanation why and include it with your submission.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.aspOriginal
2Additional Dependants/Declaration (IMM 0008DEP) (if applicable)If the applicant has more than five dependants (whether they are accompanying or not), then the principal applicant must complete, date and sign this form.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.aspOriginal
3Schedule A: Background Declaration (IMM 5669)A separate form must be completed, dated and signed by:• the principal applicant, and,• spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not) and,• each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not).Provide the details of your personal history since the age of 18, or the past 10 years, whichever comes first, in chronological order. Do not leave any sections blank or gaps in time. You must write "n/a" in any sections that are not applicable to your situation. Include all:• jobs,• periods of unemployment,• study,• vacations, or• being a homemaker.Do not use abbreviations. Do not use general words such as "employee", "working", or “manager." Specify your activity such as retail salesperson, architect, financial manager, etc.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/step-by-step.asp
Note: If this section is not accurately completed, it will cause delays in the processing of your application.Original
4Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)A separate form must be completed, dated and signed by:• the principal applicant; and• spouse or common-law partner (whether they are accompanying or not); and• each dependent child over the age of 18 years (whether they are accompanying or not).For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp#3998E4Original
5Use of a representative (IMM 5476)Complete, date, sign and include this form in your application if you have a paid or unpaid representative.For instructions on completing this form, please refer to: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3998ETOC.asp#3998E4Original
6Travel documents and passportsPassports or travel documents for you, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children. Include only copies of pages showing:•the passport number,•date of issue and expiry,•the photo, name, date and place of birth,•pages showing any amendments in name, date of birth, expiration, etc.You must hold a valid regular passport. Diplomatic, official, service or public affairs passports
are not valid for immigration to Canada.Proof of Admission (if applicable)If the visa office you have specified for processing your application is not the visa office responsible for your country of nationality, provide proof that you have been lawfully admitted for a period of at least one year to a country for which the specified visa office is responsible.Proof of lawful admission is in the form of a stamp in the passport or a status document issued at the Port of Entry or other place of admission. If an extension of the original status has been obtained, the evidence required would be a document or stamp issued by the ministry responsible for immigration matters, providing an extension up to one year or beyond.Please note that the
CPC-Mississauga is not a visa office. Visa offices are outside of Canada.Submit photocopies of:• current or expired entry/exit stamps in your national passport, and• current or expired status documents indicating the date you were admitted and the validity.Copies
7Proof of Relationship to Sponsor in CanadaSubmit proof of relationship showing you are the parent or grandparent of your sponsor in Canada. The document you submit must prove the relationship between the principal applicant and the sponsor.You must provide the following documents:•Birth certificates;•Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);•National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable).Copies
8Identity and Civil Status DocumentsYou must provide the following documents for you and your current and/or former spouse/common-law partner:•Marriage certificate(s), final divorce or annulment certificate(s). If married more than once, include certificates from each marriage and divorce or annulment you, your spouse or common-law partner have had;•Death certificate for former spouse(s) or common-law partner(s) (if applicable);•Legal documents showing name or date of birth changes (if applicable);•National IDs, family/household registry/book (if applicable)•If you have a common-law partner, complete and include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (
IMM 5409 – original) and provide evidence that you have cohabitated with your partner for a period of at least 12 continuous months. Evidence may be, but not limited to, the following examples listing both your names:Øcopies of joint bank account statements,Øcopies of leases, utility bills etc.Copies, unless otherwise stated
9Proof of Dependent Children's Relationship to Principal ApplicantFor all accompanying dependants submit proof of relationship to the principle applicant.•Children's birth certificates (which name their parents);•Family/ household Registry/Book (if applicable);•Adoption papers issued by recognized national authorities showing the legal, approved adoption of adopted dependent children;•Proof of full custody for children under the age of 18 and proof that the children may be removed from the jurisdiction of the court, where applicable;•If the other parent of your children is not accompanying you to Canada, you must submit a signed Statutory Declaration from Non-Accompanying Parent/Guardian for Minors Immigrating to Canada (
IMM 5604 - original) for each child consenting to their travel to Canada along with a copy of the non-accompanying parent's photo ID showing their signature;•If the children will not accompany you to Canada, proof that you have fulfilled any obligation stated in custody agreements;•Proof of
continuous full-time studies of all dependent children aged 22 or over, including:•complete school records/transcripts since attaining age 22;•letters from the schools indicating the number of hours of classes attended per day, and the number of days attended per week;•proof of full financial support by parents since reaching age 22.Copies, unlessotherwise stated
10Photo RequirementsSupply
two (2) photos for each member of your family and yourself
taken within six (6) months before application submission.On the
back of each photograph, write:·the name and date of birth of the person who appears in the photo; and·the date the photo was taken.Follow the instructions provided in
Appendix A: Photo Specifications found athttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E_tempA.pdf.Originals
11Mailing Your ApplicationMail to the
Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario:• this document checklist,• the letter that was sent with this document checklist;• your complete application,• supporting documents required in this checklist, and• include 2 self-addressed mailing labels:• one in English or French, and• one in the official language of your country of residence.
CPC MississaugaP.O. Box 6100, Station AMississauga, ONL5A 4H4 点击展开...邮件的checklist不是以附件形式传给大家的吗?
不是,就是一个电邮。收到post mail的几天后,应该也收到这个email。或者检查你的垃圾箱。
赏 2014-07-31#10
5,444 $0.00 停止父母移民是政府应该做的,肯定会一刀,盼望这一天快点到来。
生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。·
生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池