加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民UPS 10:47AM status
Hi guys,i am one of those UPS 10:47am users. Not sure if i can give you some positive info. i called CIC this morning, and tried very hard to get the rep. answered my concern------ if i made my application into the 5000 CAP.He checked my UCI#and told me there is a note under my application saying about my application file is complete, and the number is 41xx.Tears~~~~~
i told the rep. he made my day! And he said best wishes~~~~
echo6315 说:Hi guys,i am one of those UPS 10:47am users. Not sure if i can give you some positive info. i called CIC this morning, and tried very hard to get the rep. answered my concern------ if i made my application into the 5000 CAP.He checked my UCI#and told me there is a note under my application saying about my application file is complete, and the number is 41XX.Tears~~~~~点击展开...Thank you for the update. So you can tell them your own UCI number as a sponsor to check on your application status, right? I am also one of UPS customers, just check my credit card, no charge yet.
xz_beijing 说:Thank you for the update. So you can tell them your own UCI number as a sponsor to check on your application status, right? I am also one of UPS customers, just check my credit card, no charge yet.点击展开...yes. he asked me about my UCI# instead of my parents'.
快乐旅途 说:要是他们能看到到底是几点签收的就好了。点击展开...i did ask him about the real deliver time. but he said he doesn't work at mail room and couldn't tell that info.
41xx is way under 5000
http://www.canadameet.com 赏 2015-01-19#8 L 228 $0.00 10:47AM签收的排到4000多号,看来UPS实际上是下午才投递的啦,隔壁有人说5号的也入了5000个名额,所以这UPS估计是2号下午快下班才投递的!
hwang73 说:我的申请下午1点半递的, 排33xx 多号, 也在等扣款点击展开...你是ups的吗?
飘在加拿大 说:给cic打了两次电话,都说无法查询信息。请问电话问到的园友,是通过转接哪个部门查到的。多谢!点击展开...1-888-2422100 waiting time is about 20-30 mins to find a rep. to talk to. and he said he is not able to help at the beginning, and i tried my best to convince him. and finally he offered his help.
可怜我们这批UPS 10:47的,再这样下去不出几个神精病才怪!如果我们这批是2 电才送进去,哪 UPS Jan 12 或 1pm 的不更晚?
我也是 ups 10:47分签收的,一直没有扣款,今天早上打了电话给 CIC,打了三次,前两次的 agent一直都不给查,不管我说什么,就是说 it's too early to check!打到第三次碰上好人,就和他说我想知道我在不在5000内,就给查了,(所以如果打电话去,不给查,就挂电话,继续打,换一个人就可以了)我是排在27xx. 个人觉得我们 ups这一批跨度挺大的,所以大家不要放弃希望,都是一起签收的,应该没有消息就是最好的消息(至少没有退件啊),祝愿我们都顺利 pending,大家都拿到 file number!
judyjcf 说:建议大家不要打电话了。给他们更多时间处理文件吧。月底没消息再打吧。点击展开...接电话的和处理文件的是两个部门
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