加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到香港的体检信,可我怎么看不明白呀


收到了如下的email,可是完全没有告诉我该怎么样去做体检。“New medical reports will be sent to you and family members separately.” 是什么意思呀?还会有附带体检表的email寄来?还是我可以直接去找医生了?email里指出的几个网页我没一个能打开了,急死了!求教筒子们Date: May 19, 2015 UCI: XXXXXXXApplication:XXXXXXXXXDear XXXX XXXX:This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada as a member of the Parents and Grandparents class. You are requested to review your application and submit the following within 30 days from the date of this letter in order to facilitate the processing of your application.For you, the principal applicant, and any dependants 18 and over, whether accompanying you to Canada or not (if applicable) please submit:Complete new medical examinations if your and/or your family members medical examinations are:Expired; or,Will expire within 120 days of this letter.New medical reports will be sent to you and family members separately.ØPayment of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) for you and your spouse (if applicable), if not already paid. We strongly encourage you to pay your fees online and to submit a copy of your receipt to our office. For information regarding fees, click here. Or go tohttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/fees/index.asp to submit your payment online, and submit a copy of your receipt to the Immigration Section of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, via the online portal at: https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=hong kongFor submission of any documents, please submit the documents as a single package. Documents should be submitted by mail or courier to:Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong8/F, Berkshire House25 Westlands RoadQuarry BayHong Kong SARPlease do not submit documentation multiple times, as this may lead to processing delays.Documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either English or French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that police certificates must be originals.Please keep this office informed of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representative.Sincerely,Immigration Section | Section de l’ImmigrationConsulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao8/F, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry BayHong Kong SARWeb sites |Sites web:www.hongkong.gc.cawww.cic.gc.caFor all e-mail correspondence with our office, we request you to use this enquiries form. You may find further information at https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/enquiries-renseignements/case-cas-eng.aspx?mission=hong kong or at www.hongkong.gc.ca.Always include the applicant's full name, date of birth, and file number in your messageDisclaimer: By supplying your email address, you are initiating an email communication with CIC and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case.--------------------------------------------------Désistement : En fournissant votre adresse électronique, vous établissez une communication par voie électronique avec CIC et, par conséquent, CIC est autorité à utiliser l'adresse électronique fournie à cette

08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华 2015-05-19#2 B 364 $0.00 2015-05-19我也收到了香港发来的同样的电邮。没有附体检表。**另外我还有个疑问:我父亲于2个月前刚刚做了supervisa的体检,能否将这个体检再用于移民体检?请有经验的帮助解释。我分享自己的时间表:20100622 Submit sponsorship20101123 Acknowledgement letter20101212 Client Number received20130205 Email Notice, no actual meaning20130215 0102498000233141, Item successfully delivered on Feb. 18, 2013 Sent additional docs: Son's birth certificate, Option C Printouts (2009-2011), request to Ottawa office20140728 Letter received for application20140812 Application sent, Xpress 010249800031954820140813 Package received.20141119 Acknowledgement for application20141126 Email letter requested proof of income of 2013-2014, resent correct email on 2014112820141201 Sent proof of income of 2013-2014 Xpress 0102498000341334 ; 20141202 Deliveried20150115 Sponsorship Qualitified, case moved to Beijing Visa office20150325 Beijing Ebmbassy informed that the case forwarded to Hong Kong Office by email.20150519 HK-Office informed for medical exam by email

奔波于生计,品人生艰辛 2015-05-19#3 S 904 $0.00 邮件的意思是体检表会单独寄给你们(不是和电邮一起)。


08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华 2015-05-19#5 静 52 $0.00 我也是今天收到一样的电邮,还没通知家里,是不是一定要收到体检表才能去体检啊?咳,没通知体检前等待焦急,现在通知体检了又担心体检表不能按期寄到…


shinez 说:一定要有体检表才能体检,否则诊所是没有你们的信息的。点击展开...体检表是email的还是邮政信件?谢谢

StrayHawk 说:体检表是email的还是邮政信件?谢谢点击展开...我收到的是email

担保资料CIC-M收到日期:September 20, 2010; 补材料寄出时间:Aug 30, 2014, CIC Sep 3, 2014.; CIC确认材料完整信:Nov 26, 2014; Sponsorship DM 留密市: Mar 5, 2015 (平信); 体检通知: Apr 20, 2015 (email); 2015-05-20#9 F 1,039 $0.00 报告各位筒子,今天收到了父母的体检表个IMM1017,时隔第一封email仅20小时左右,真不明白他们为什么要发第一封信……

08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华 2015-05-20#10 静 52 $0.00 我也收到email了


vicki.ty 说:请问收到的体检表上有写名字吗,我只收到一个空表,是直接到医生那再添父母各一份吗?谢谢了。点击展开...我收到的表格是两份,第一页是一些解释,第二页是表格,上面有UCI号码和姓名的

08.08.06上海-》多伦多08.10.08多伦多-》温哥华请问收到的体检表上有写名字吗,我只收到一个空表,是直接到医生那再添父母各一份吗?谢谢了。点击展开...你可能用手机或ipad打开的吧 用电脑看 就能看到 表上有名字 UCI号码等等

静静的蔷薇 说:你可能用手机或ipad打开的吧 用电脑看 就能看到 表上有名字 UCI号码等等点击展开...谢谢你,是,后来用电脑打开就好了。

flyshade 说:我收到的表格是两份,第一页是一些解释,第二页是表格,上面有UCI号码和姓名的点击展开...谢谢,我现在看到了,也是一样的信息。


jojot 说:借问一下楼主,你的担保申请费跟登陆费是否都已经交清了?我也收到同样的邮件,叫我父母去体检,同时交登陆费,可是我之前补料的时候明明已经交过了——真的搞不懂。点击展开...信上只是建议没缴费的那些人可以先交费了

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