2015.07.31,DM2,现在等待寄护照通知。精确进程分享如下,祝大家好运。20100622 Submit sponsorship application20101123 Acknowledgement letter20101212 Client Number received20130205 Email Notice, no actual meaning20140728 Letter received for application 补料通知信20140812 Application sent, Xpress 010249800031954820140813 Package received.20141119 Acknowledgement for application20141126 Email letter requested proof of income of 2013-2014, resent correct email on 2014112820141201 Sent proof of income of 2013-2014 Xpress 0102498000341334 ; 20141202 Deliveried20150115 Sponsorship Qualitified, case moved to Beijing Visa office20150325 Beijing Ebmbassy informed that the case forwarded to Hong Kong Office by email.20150519 HK-Office informed for medical exam by email20150520 Sent email to HK-Office, asking if SuperVisa Medical Exam can be used for immigration purpose.20150521 Mother's Medical Exam at Toronto20150602 HK-Offce replied that father no need to medical exam again20150603 Mother's Medical re-Exam at Toronto 复查尿,医生说没有问题,只是取一个更好的结果20150612 Clinic submit medical exam to CIC20150616 Email copies of sheets of medical exam and payment receipt to HK office20150703 Online status: Medical results have been received20150731 Online status: A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.
奔波于生计,品人生艰辛 赏 2015-08-03#2

QC&HK, 10年5.3递, 6.2CIC DM, 6.8DM信, 6.9CSQ递, 7.26 CSQ Letter. 7.28 IP. 8.10FN信,9.3主动补料,9.13免面试信,10.19得知背调中,11年2.24PL, 3.1mer, 3.15双dm 3.16visa 父母团聚 11年7.21递,13年3.4确认信;14年2.20 网申超签,2.23体检,3.3父寄护照,3.14母寄护照,3.25双超签,15年7.28父母补料信,8.13补料签收,15年8.27确认信补料齐全,15年12.10联邦IP,16年3.9联邦担保通过转渥太华,16年3.14CSQ签收,8.22补新无罪信,8.31电邮补料9.14寄护照信,9月19寄护照,10月5日签证中心寄出护照, 赏 2015-08-03#3 B 364 $0.00 肯定是在一年之内的。实际上是3月末supervisa体检的,代替5月份的移民体检。我记得文件上有说明,体检一年内有效。但实际上,你必须要与visa office联系,因为每个人说的不一样。CIC的电话中心说不可以替代,但我发电邮问hk office,得到允许。
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