加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民收到大信封了.从彩虹桥登陆必须进入美国吗. y
收到大信封了.. 里边有这句话:You must leave Canada, enter another country and re-enter Canada at the Port of Entry to become a permanent resident at a Port of Entry...请问: 从彩虹桥登陆必须进入美国吗.
已登录的同学, 请问你们的信里有这句话吗
yes, at rainbow bridge, you have to talk US border officers in order to get a piece of paper from them. CBSA officer will need that paper to process your landing request.
arfred 说:yes, at rainbow bridge, you have to talk US border officers in order to get a piece of paper from them. CBSA officer will need that paper to process your landing request.点击展开...跟海关人员讲话就是进入美国了么?
freetime2010 说:收到大信封了..里边有这句话:You must leave Canada, enter another country and re-enter Canada at the Port of Entry to become a permanent resident at a Port of Entry...请问: 从彩虹桥登陆必须进入美国吗.点击展开...跟美国海关说做flagpole回加拿大登陆。
zhangyu316 说:跟美国海关说做flagpole回加拿大登陆。点击展开...Thank you.
arfred 说:yes, at rainbow bridge, you have to talk US border officers in order to get a piece of paper from them. CBSA officer will need that paper to process your landing request.点击展开...Thank you.
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