加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了
从北京进度转战到贵宝地了,希望得到斑竹和大伙的支持。先介绍一下我们自己吧:我们2007年4月12日在北京西单邮政局寄送出,到北京使馆的申请简单表,因为在那天,我的工作经验整整够2年,分数也刚够(其实超了点点分数,哈)。等啊等,2个星期收到使馆的信,说估计48-54个月才能处理我们的申请,那个时候还是所谓的“91新政策”。不过说变就变,08年年初突然出了个什么“228新政”,然后不知怎么的,北京进度加速了。终于,在2008年11月28日这天,我们收到了电子补料信。大喜,短暂的准备一下,2008年12月9日,我们就邮寄出了我们准备充分的补充材料,仅仅11天。2009年3月19日,我们收到了体检通知,并随后在2009年4月6日做了体检,然后就是一直等待。终于在2010年2月12日这天我们收到了使馆的大信封,正是准备开始移民之路了。收到大信封之后,老婆就得到了一个Offer,我们自然而然的,就选择了那个城市开始了我们加拿大的新生活,那一天是,2010年3月29日。老婆2010年4月1日就开始劳动了。我呢?则天天闲转,捡家具,捡了1个多月,终于把空荡荡的屋子摆满了。然后我就先后参加了2个找工作的培训,并在2010年6月24日,我29岁那天,得到了一份工作。欢天喜地了没几天,因为夫妻登录3个月之内都有工作的,也算是很少见了,据说。仅仅3个星期,我就丢了那份工作,哎。之后,我郁闷地过了2个多月,信心都被打击得粉碎,哎。终于,通过一个机会,我来到令一个省份,开始学徒的生涯,我是2010年9月5号离开老婆,2010年9月8号开始了孤独的学徒生涯,漫漫长路啊。转眼又是一年,老婆的工作合同也快到期了,不知道下一步怎么办,很犹豫。我呢,作为学徒,也只有十几块的薪水。同时又在想,都快30岁了,还没有孩子,是不是可以考虑先要孩子,再说老婆的工作呢?但是我们没有生过孩子,怎么照顾啊?还是父母来比较好,而且,以后孩子稍微大些,父母能照顾,也还轻松些,毕竟父母才55,56的年纪,应该还可以帮上我们呢。同事就跟我们讲,不管要不要来,先申请着,以后就算不想来,也就浪费个申请费。但是如果以后想来,团聚移民的大门关闭了,那就什么办法也没有了。我仔细想想,也对!管它5年10年,先申请着。上个星期四,2011年2月24日晚上,整个晚上都没有睡好觉,一直再想事情。犯愁自己学徒收入太少,老婆收入也少,而且工作也不稳定,再想想结婚这么4年多,就没过上什么好日子,怎么有脸面再逼着老婆马上找工作呢?然后,又想了更多,人为什么要活着,最重要的意义又在哪里呢?哎!!!后来想明白了,有这么几件事情我要做,也是对我们这些马上就30岁的人来说,最重要的事情。1, 珍惜枕边人,争取在30岁到来的最后几个月之内,抽出一段时间,什么都不想,两个人好好去玩玩,什么都不想,什么都不想。结婚这么多年,一直努力工作,赚钱,但是积攒下的钱总是跑不过通货膨胀,更跑不过房屋的价格,一直这么焦虑,一直这么疲惫。想想,像我这样的男人,真没有用!2, 尽孝道,争取把父母可以申请到加拿大,尤其像我这样的独生子,父母到老了,就什么依靠都没有了。想着想着,就想到小小的时候,每天早上妈妈都把我抱起来,满屋子走。而我总是喜欢她抱我到书柜那里,因为那里有好玩的东西,而我太小了,够不着,那个时候是1986年... ... 父母为了我,一辈子什么都没有,他们马上就退休了,哎... ...3, 生孩子,最好儿女双全,不过这也不好说,不管怎么样,我都会好好爱护他们的,喂给他们好吃的,每天都抱着他们,像我爸妈对我那样对待他们。跟着3条相比,赚多少钱,什么时候能买房子,反倒都微不足道了。对,就这么办!1)呢,要等2个月以后,老婆工作合同结束,春暖花开,我们也都考过驾照,并搞个二手车之后再说。更新:珍惜了,哈。2011年7月份,8月份,2012年4月先后三次,共计10天,转了Banff, Jasper两个国家公园(好像还有BC省的什么公园,有温泉的那个),花费接近3000刀出去啊,心疼啊。两个人也都拿到驾驶证了,也搞了个不错的小车开开。还买了个小公寓,自己住住,虽然只有2间卧室,800多尺,但是毕竟是自己的房子了,也为明年出生的小宝贝准备下。2)呢,要等待收入达标才行,预计下个月才可以,过了下个月,可能也就不够了,因为老婆没有工作了。更新:老婆找了个临时的工作,既为凑够收入标准,也为生孩子拿EI,如今已经工作了10个星期了。虽然,那是很简单低级的工作再更新:老婆如今已经工作了19个星期了。老婆再加把劲,再坚持3个星期,就有每星期240-250的EI可以拿了,一直拿65个星期再再更新,老婆已经不用上班了,估计每个星期可以拿到310块的EI呢,不过还不知道能拿多久,什么时候开始拿!实际EI每周332,我很满意了。3)呢,好好调养一下身体,6个月以后吧。更新:没有动烟/酒已经五个半月了,呵呵。准备要小宝宝了再更新:可以动烟酒了,哈哈!!!这3,4个星期动了4根烟,1瓶红酒再再更新,小宝宝预计6月初就来了,我还不知道是男孩还是女孩女宝宝,23天大了,我好喜欢她希望如此,反正先放个帖子,具体怎么弄,边看边更新自己的帖子就好了,(最好不要看了以后,发现原来不能办理父母移民,那就杯具了)。2011年8月18日,终于把双方父母的移民材料都搞定了,呵呵!!!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T. 赏 反馈:bhjerry, caryia, camaro 和 7 其他人 2011-02-27#2 Y 6,253 $0.00 回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了感谢Vansu, 提供了收入的标准,谢谢了!-------------------Low Income Cut-off (LICO)Effective until December 31, 2011Size of Family UnitMinimum necessary income1 person (the sponsor)$22,2292 persons$27,6743 persons$34,0224 persons$41,3075 persons$46,8506 persons$52,8387 persons$58,827More than 7 persons, for each additional person, add$5,989-------------------一点点疑问,比如我要双方父母移民,是不是就按照6个人的税前工资收入算呢?而且,可不可以从2010年4月1日起,算道2011年3月31日呢?因为毕竟去年4月以前我们没有收入啊,还在中国呢?另外双方父母,那么谁是申请人呢?有什么要求呢?我再看看,也希望有人解答。先算了算收入:=======================2010年4月1日 - 2010年12月31日我:2307.6 (那个3个星期的工作) + 240(酒吧打工2天)+8280.23(学徒工)= 10,827,83老婆:3000 * 9 = 27,000----------------------------------------2011年1月1日 - 2011年2月27日我: 5,765.16 + 1512.64 = 7277.80 (学徒工,从2011年1月1日,至2011年3月4日)老婆: 3000*2 = 6,000=======================从2010年3月29日登录开始,我截至2011年2月19日,老婆2011年2月27日,一共 $49,592.99, 距离达标线, 如果算6个人的话,还有$3,245.01的差距,非要等到3月底才能够格。
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T. 赏 反馈:1人 2011-02-27#3 Y 6,253 $0.00 回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了刚才顶着风雪出去卖饮料瓶,卖了10块1毛,好多流浪汉也去卖,有个家伙喝得醉熏熏的,骑着自行车,准备卖4个垃圾袋的瓶子,刚到地方就摔倒了,喝酒眼睛都直了,旁边卖饮料瓶的其它流浪汉就和他打招呼,聊天,呵呵。卖的瓶子正好买1瓶4升的牛奶,1袋子面包和1袋子葡萄,不错。呵呵。刚才上网上去查,应该这个地方是最权威的地方了:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/index.asp内容如下:Sponsoring your family资助你的家庭成员Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) knows it is important to help families who come from other countries to reunite in Canada. If you are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada, you can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, dependent child (including adopted child) or other eligible relative (such as a parent or grandparent) to become a permanent resident.加拿大公民和移民局(CIC)意识到帮助家庭成员从其它国家来加拿大是一件重要的事情,如果你是加拿大公民或永久居民,你可以资助你的配偶,情人(),尚未独立的孩子(包括收养的孩子)或者其它有资格的亲人(比如父母和祖父母,外祖父)成为永久居民。CIC refers to the immigrants who are eligible to use this family sponsoring process as the Family Class.CIC将这些符合条件,并使用家庭资助程序的的移民称为家庭类型。If you become a permanent resident, you can live, study and work in Canada. For more information about being a permanent resident in Canada, see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.如果你(已经)成为一个永久居民,在加拿大学习和工作,可以参阅本网页底部的链接来获得称为加拿大永久居民的进一步信息。When you arrive in Canada as a permanent resident, you must make every reasonable effort to provide for your own essential needs and those of your family.当你作为永久居民到达加拿大以后,你必需做出合理的努力给你和你的家庭提供所需。If you sponsor a relative to come to Canada as a permanent resident, you are responsible for supporting your relative financially when he or she arrives. As a sponsor, you must make sure your spouse or relative does not need to seek financial assistance from the government.如果你资助一个亲属作为永久居民来到加拿大,你需立即为他或者她(刚刚到达加拿大之后)提供经济支持。作为一个资助者,你必需确保你的配偶和亲属不会从加拿大政府寻求经济资助。The process to sponsor your family begins when you, as a citizen or permanent resident in Canada, apply to be a sponsor.这个资助你家庭成员的过程,从你作为加拿大公民或者永久居民,申请作为资助者开始。There are two different processes for sponsoring your family. One process is used for sponsoring your spouse, conjugal or common-law partner and/or dependent children. Another process is used to sponsor other eligible relatives.这个资助你家庭成员的过程分为两个类别。一个是资助你的配偶,情人或者尚未成年的孩子。另一个是资助其它符合标准的亲属。Learn about:详情请见:Family Class: Spouses, partners and dependent children (includes common-law and conjugal partners)家庭类型: 配偶,情人,和未成年的孩子Family Class: Other eligible relatives家庭类型: 其它符合标准的亲属
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了申请双方父母移民需要两个申请1,你老婆申请她自己的父母,你做co-signer2,你申请自己的父母,你老婆做co-signer就是你们两口子的收入得达到供6个人的,这还不算如果你们以后要孩子的。如果不够就只能先申请一方的父母。另外收入是交申请前连续的12个月,和交申请后任何12个月都能达标才行。所以你要考虑到将来是不是要孩子,以及会不会失业等等情况。
回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了资助你的家庭成员:符合条件的亲属http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives.aspYour relative may be able to come to Canada as a permanent resident.你的亲属可能有资格称为加拿大永久居民。If you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, you can sponsor your relative under the Family Class program. To find out if you qualify to sponsor a relative, see the Who can apply link below.如果你是加拿大公民或者永久居民,你可以在家庭类型项目的框架下资助你的亲属。请参考以下链接确认你是否可以资助一个亲属。If you want to adopt a child from outside Canada, please see Adopt a child on the left-hand side of this page under “Canadian Residents”.如果你在加拿大以外收养了个孩子,请参考本网页左手边的“加拿大居民”的关于收养孩子的链接。Learn about:关于:Who can apply谁可以申请How to apply如何申请After applying递交申请之后Arriving到达加拿大Frequently asked questions常见问题
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.申请双方父母移民需要两个申请1,你老婆申请她自己的父母,你做co-signer2,你申请自己的父母,你老婆做co-signer就是你们两口子的收入得达到供6个人的,这还不算如果你们以后要孩子的。如果不够就只能先申请一方的父母。另外收入是交申请前连续的12个月,和交申请后任何12个月都能达标才行。所以你要考虑到将来是不是要孩子,以及会不会失业等等情况。点击展开...非常感谢,如果这样,可不可以比如我先申请我父母,一个Case, 然后老婆申请她父母,另外一个Case呢?前后稍微拉开些时间,比如2个星期,这样就好了。递交申请后任何12个月是什么意思呢?是指比如从今年4月到明年4月,明年4月到后年4月这样吗?还是任何时间开始,比如今年6月到明年6月呢?如果是任何时间的话,的确难度就很大了。考虑到失业,添丁进口,那真的就太不容易了,而且以后收入标准年年递增啊。那样的话,就只能争取去油田干活才行了。哎!
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了谁可以申请http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-who.aspSponsoring your family:资助你的家庭:Eligible relativesWho can apply符合标准的亲属--谁可以申请Certain relatives may be eligible to immigrate to Canada as permanent residents.有些亲属可以符合申请加拿大永久居民。There must be a sponsor for any relative immigrating to Canada within the Family Class. Both the person sponsoring a relative and the person wishing to immigrate to Canada must meet certain requirements.在家庭类型项目内申请任何亲属移民到加拿大,必需有一个资助人。资助人和打算移民到加拿大的被资助必需符合一些要求。Applicants for permanent residence must go through medical, criminal and background checks. An applicant with a criminal record may not be allowed to enter Canada. People who pose a risk to Canada’s security are also not allowed to enter Canada. An applicant may have to provide a certificate from police authorities in the home country. Medical, criminal and background checks are explained in the application kit. For more information, go to the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.永久居民申请人必需通过医学检查,犯罪和背景调查。有犯罪记录的申请人是不被允许进入加拿大的。对加拿大安全可能造成潜在威胁的申请人也是不被允许进入加拿大的。申请人需要提供所在国警察部门的“无刑事犯罪记录“证明,在申请系列文件中还解释了医学检查,犯罪和背景调查的细节。请参阅本网页右手边”I need to“的链接获得进更多的信息。Sponsoring an eligible relative资助一个符合要求的亲属Who can be sponsored谁可以被资助Who cannot be sponsored谁不能被资助Sponsoring an eligible relative资助一个符合要求的亲属You can sponsor certain relatives if you are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada and if you are 18 years of age or older.如果你是年龄在18岁以上的加拿大公民或永久居民,你可以资助一些亲属。You may not be eligible to sponsor a relative if you:以下情况,你不符合资助亲属的标准:failed to provide the financial support you agreed to when you signed a sponsorship agreement to sponsor another relative in the past你在过去曾经签署了资助其它亲属的协议,但是你没有提供经济支持defaulted on a court-ordered support order, such as alimony or child support在法院下令拖欠赡养令,如赡养费或子女抚养received government financial assistance for reasons other than a disability在除残疾以外,以任何原因获得政府的经济资助were convicted of a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offencedepending on circumstances, such as the nature of the offence, how long ago it occurred and whether a pardon was issued被指控犯有暴力犯罪,任何对亲属或在任何情形下的性犯罪,如该罪行,多久以前发生的,以及是否发出赦免。(不大会翻译,不是很明白)defaulted on an immigration loanlate or missed payments拖欠或拒缴贷款are in prison or蹲过大牢have declared bankruptcy and have not been released from it yet.申请破产了,而且还没有缓过劲来。Other factors not mentioned in this list might also make you ineligible to sponsor a relative.注意,还有其它的一些情况可能导致你不具有资助亲属的资格,但是没有列在这里。(这个弄得不太好,不详细啊!)When you sponsor a relative to become a permanent resident of Canada, you must promise to support that person and their dependants financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements. If you have previously sponsored relatives who later turned to the Canadian government for financial assistance, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person. Sponsorship is a big commitment, so you must take this obligation seriously.当你资助一个想称为加拿大永久居民的亲属时,你必需发誓在经济上资助那个人和需要依赖他们的人(这个也不大清晰啊?)。因此,你的收入必需达到一定的标准,如果你以前资助的亲人在加拿大曾想政府申请经济支持,你也不能在资助另外一个人了。资助,这个事情是个大承诺,你必需要素认真对待你所承担的义务啊!To be a sponsor:想称为一个资助人:You and the sponsored relative must sign a sponsorship agreement that commits you to provide financial support for your relative if necessary. This agreement also states that the person becoming a permanent resident will make every effort to support themselves. Dependent children under age 22 do not have to sign this agreement. Quebec residents must sign an “undertaking” with the province of Quebeca contract binding the sponsorship.你和你所资助的人必需签署一个资助协议,并承诺你给你的亲属以必要的经济支持。这个协议还会涉及那个被资助的人会努力自给自足。未成年的孩子,22岁以下的,不需要签署这样的协议。魁北克的居民必需签署一个"Undertaking"什么的附加资助协议(跟我好像关系不大)。You must promise to provide financial support for the relative and any other eligible relatives accompanying them for a period of three to ten years, depending on their age and relationship to you. This time period begins on the date they become a permanent resident.你必需承诺为你的亲属以及陪伴他们的符合标准的亲属一段十,依照他们的年龄和跟你的关系,三年到十年的以经济资助。这个时期从他们成为永久居民的时候开始计算。If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec’s immigration sponsorship requirements after Citizenship and Immigration Canada approves you as a sponsor. For more information, see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.如果你居住在魁北克,你必需遵照魁北克政府的流程,首先由CIC证明你的资助人资格,然后再看能否满足魁北克的移民资助要求。请参阅本网页下面的链接获得更多的信息。If you are a Canadian citizen who lives abroad and plans to return to Canada when your relatives immigrate, you may sponsor your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or your dependent children who have no dependent children. For more information, see Spouses, partners and dependent children in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.如果你是居住再加拿大以外的加拿大公民,并打算和你的移民的亲属返回加拿大,你要资助你的配偶,情人或者你的孩子,而那个人没有孩子(什么乱七八糟的东西啊)。请参见本网页下面的"Spouses, partners and dependent children"链接获得更多信息。To sponsor any other eligible relatives (for example, parents and grandparents), you must be living in Canada.想资助其他符合条件的亲属(比如父母,祖外祖父母),你必需在加拿大生活呢。Who can be sponsored谁可以被资助?You can sponsor:你可以资助:parents父母亲grandparents祖父母,外祖父母brothers or sisters, nephews or nieces, granddaughters or grandsons who are orphaned, under 18 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship弟弟或者妹妹(因为你要18岁,他们要小于18,所以肯定是弟弟妹妹了,要是说younger sister(s) or brother(s)就清晰多了),侄子侄女,外甥外甥女,他们要是孤儿,并且小于18岁,而且还没有结婚,没有情人。another relative of any age or relationship but only under specific conditions (see Note below)accompanying relatives of the above (for example, spouse, partner and dependent children).Note: you can sponsor one relative regardless of age or relationship only if you do not have a living spouse or common-law partner, conjugal partner, a son or daughter, parent, grandparent, sibling, uncle, aunt, nephew or niece who could be sponsored as a member of the family class, and you do not have any relative who is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or registered as an Indian under the Indian Act.其他的亲属,不管什么年龄,什么关系,只有符合个别情况可能才行,参见注释(估计就是都不行)注释:你可以资助一个亲属,而不管她/他多大年纪,除非你没有任何活着的亲属了... ...Who cannot be sponsored谁不可以被资助Other relatives, such as brothers and sisters over 18, or adult independent children cannot be sponsored. However, if they apply to immigrate under the Skilled Worker Class, they may get extra points for adaptability for having a relative in Canada.其他的亲属贝,比如18岁以上的兄弟姐妹(这个就可能比资助人大些了),和成年的但不能独立的孩子(18-22岁之间???)。然而,如果他们能在劳工移民(技术移民)类别下申请,他们由于由亲属在加拿大而可以获得“适应性”的加分。Related Links相关连结Immigrating to Quebec (ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles)魁北克的什么东西Spouses, Partners and Dependent Children配偶,情人和未独立的孩子。Success Stories: The Sky Is the Limit成功按理,什么什么的
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了资助你的家庭成员,符合标准的亲属如何申请http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-how.aspSponsoring your family:资助你的家庭成员Eligible relatives How to apply符合标准的亲属,如何申请The application process involves two steps:申请过程包括以下两个阶段You, as a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, must apply to be a sponsor and then be approved.The eligible relative(s) must apply and be approved for permanent residence. Application forms for your relatives to fill out will be sent to you in Canada after the Case Processing Centre of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in Mississauga, Ontario, reviews your sponsoring application. You should ensure that the correct number of application forms are mailed overseas to the relatives you want to sponsor for permanent residence.你,作为加拿大的公民或者永久居民,必需首先申请成为资助者,并被批准(谁证实?怎么证实)。符合标准的亲属必需申请,并被批准成为永久居民。在位加拿大,安大略,密西沙加的加拿大公民与移民部的案例处理中心审核后,你亲属所需要填写的申请材料将会邮寄给在加拿大的你。(这个句子不太好,太长了)。你需要确保申请表格数目的正确,因为那些东西要被邮寄到外国去,到你那想成为加拿大永久居民的亲属那里。If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec immigration sponsorship requirements. For more information see the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.如果你居住在魁北克... ... How to apply for sponsorship如何申请资助资格Obtain an application package .获取一个申请材料包Read the guide.读概要导读Complete the application form and attach the necessary documents.完成申请表格,并附上所需要的文件Pay the fee and get the necessary receipt.交钱,拿收据Mail the application form and documents.邮寄申请表格和其他文件1. Obtain an application package.1, 获取申请文件包,(一直不知道package该如何翻译,就像不知道offer该怎么翻译一样)The package includes the application guide and all the forms you need to fill out. Download and print the application package.这个包,包括申请导读,和你所需要填写的所有的表格,下载并打印这个包吧。2. Read the guide.2, 读导读Read the guide carefully before you complete the application form. The fee for processing your form is not refundable, so make sure you are eligible to sponsor a relative before you apply.在你完成申请表格前,仔细读这个导读。申请费不能退的啊,所以你先确认你能不能做你亲属的资助人。(人家只管收dollars)3. Complete the application form and attach the necessary documents.完成申请表格,并附上必需的文件。Use the instructions in the guide to help you fill out the application form. Be sure to provide the necessary documentsthese are listed in the Document Checklist in the kit. If information or documents are missing, your application may be delayed.请参考说明来一步步指导帮助你填写申请表格。务必啊,务必提供必需的文件,那些东西在文件备忘列表里面都说明了。如果你的申请缺文件,拿延误申请就不关我们的事情了。As the sponsor, you must sign an agreement that commits you to supporting the relative for a certain time period. You will have to provide proof of minimum income.Your eligible relative must promise to make every effort to become self-supporting.If your relative has dependent children, they must be included on your sponsorship application and, later, on the application of your relative to come here as a permanent resident.作为资助人,你必需签一个承诺协议,说在一定时间内给你的亲属以经济支持。你必需提你的收入证明,高与最低收入要求。你那符合条件的亲属也必需承诺他们尽其所能自己自足。如果你的亲戚还有(尚未独立的)孩子,他们也要包括在你的申请材料中...4. Pay the fee and get the necessary receipt.4,交钱拿收据Depending on who you are sponsoring, the fees are:根据你想资助的人的不同,费用如下$75 for the sponsorship application资助人资格申请,75刀$475 for the principal applicant主申请,估计是我爸爸,或者我妈妈?? 475刀$150 for a dependent child of the principal applicant, under age 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship22岁以下的,还没有结婚或者长久固定关系性伴侣的,尚未独立主申请人的孩子。150刀$550 for a dependant of the principal applicant who is 22 or older, or who is under 22 and married or in a common-law relationship and主申请的更大些的孩子或者22岁以下但是有“合伙人”的孩子。550刀$490 for the right of permanent residence fee, which is required before the status is granted. (Note: If you do not include the $490 fee when you submit your sponsorship application, you will be asked to provide it just before your relative’s visa is issued. This fee is the only fee that you do not need to include when you send in your sponsorship application.)每个申请人的,“成为加拿大永久居民”费,490,现在不用交。You can pay fees:at most banks. If you use this method, you must get an original receipt of payment (form IMM 5401) to bring with you when you pay. This form is not available online. You must have it mailed to you. See Order a receipt of payment (IMM 5401) under Related Links at the bottom of the page.online through Pay my application fees in the I Need To… section on the right-hand of this page. Once you have paid your fees online, you must print a receipt of payment form and include it with your application. Be sure to print the actual receipt, not the “payment confirmation form” page. See Payment of fees on the Internet under Related Links at the bottom of the page for more information.If you live outside Canada, but submitted your application in Canada, online payment is recommended.If you cannot pay online, you may pay fees with an international money order or a bank draft made payable to the Receiver General for Canada. It must be in Canadian funds.To ensure the bank draft or money order can be cashed at a Canadian financial institution (such as a bank or Western Union) you must include some information. On the front, you must clearly write the financial institution’sname and complete address (not a post office box number) andaccount number(s).It is very important to include this information. If you do not, your application may be delayed or returned to you.5. Mail the application form and documents.5,邮寄申请表和文件The mailing address will be in the sponsorship application form.收件人地址在资助资格申请表中已经有了,到那里克找。You can find information on how long it will take to process your application in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.你可以在本网也右手边的"I need to"部分找到关于申请案例处理时间的信息。How to apply for permanent residence如何申请永久居民After CIC receives your application, you will be notified of the results of the assessment of your sponsorship application. You will also be sent the permanent residence application kit to send to your relative(s) overseas.在CIC接收到你的申请以后,你就会被告知你的资助资格申请的评估结果,你也将会收到要你邮寄给你海外亲属的永久居民申请材料。You must send the kit to the relatives you are sponsoring and tell them to complete the permanent residence application forms. They must send these forms, with all the required documents, to the Canadian visa office responsible for processing their application in their home country. For information about overseas visa offices, go to the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.你必需把这些东西邮寄给你要资助的亲属,并告诉他们如何完成永久居民申请表格,他们必需把那些东西,和必需的材料再邮寄到他们所在国家的负责处理他们申请的签证处。你可以点击本网页右手边的"I Need to ..."部分来获得关于加拿大海外签证处的信息。Your relative(s) must complete the medical examination requirements. Instructions are in the application kit. You can take this step once all necessary documents have been gathered to support the applications. For information about the medical examinations, go to the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.你的亲属必需完成医学检查呢,申请材料包里面有说明说。你可以在完成所有必需的支持材料之后在做医学检查啊。你可以点击本网页右手边的"I Need to ..."部分来获得关于医学检查的信息。Information on forms表格的信息If you apply to sponsor or to be a permanent resident in Canada, you must not misrepresent your situation in any way because it can make you inadmissible to Canada. You cannot misrepresent any relevant facts in your application. You cannot misrepresent your family members and marital status, and you must inform CIC of any change in circumstances. You must disclose all your family members in the application. If you fail to disclose and/or have examined any of your close family members at any time between the date of the original application and the date your family member is granted permanent residence, then you will be barred from sponsoring those members in the future.如果你申请资助或者成为加拿大永久居民,你必需保证材料的真实可靠,要不然不行啊。你不能在材料里面做假,你页不能在家庭成员,婚姻状况,上作假,而且一有变化,马上告诉CIC。你必需说明你所有的家庭成员,如果你整事,就完蛋了。Related Links相关链接Immigrating to Quebec (ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles)魁北克云云Spouses, Partners and Dependent Children配偶,稳定性关系伙伴,和为成年孩子(也许翻译成尚未独立的孩子比较好,反正就是衣食住行不能自给自足,自理的孩子)Payment of fees on the Internet网上交钱Order a receipt of payment (IMM 5401)要收据
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.非常感谢,如果这样,可不可以比如我先申请我父母,一个Case, 然后老婆申请她父母,另外一个Case呢?前后稍微拉开些时间,比如2个星期,这样就好了。递交申请后任何12个月是什么意思呢?是指比如从今年4月到明年4月,明年4月到后年4月这样吗?还是任何时间开始,比如今年6月到明年6月呢?如果是任何时间的话,的确难度就很大了。考虑到失业,添丁进口,那真的就太不容易了,而且以后收入标准年年递增啊。那样的话,就只能争取去油田干活才行了。哎!点击展开...只要你能保证收入够,同时递交申请也没事儿。说任何12个月收入都够,是CIC要求的,而且不知道CIC什么时候查你的收入,它比如说2012年6月5号要你提交之前12个月的收入证明,那你就得有2011年6月到2012年5月的收入证明并且符合它的最低要求。但是标准是以你申请那一年为准,而不会按照后来涨了以后的来算。
回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了只要你能保证收入够,同时递交申请也没事儿。说任何12个月收入都够,是CIC要求的,而且不知道CIC什么时候查你的收入,它比如说2012年6月5号要你提交之前12个月的收入证明,那你就得有2011年6月到2012年5月的收入证明并且符合它的最低要求。但是标准是以你申请那一年为准,而不会按照后来涨了以后的来算。点击展开...太感谢了,还有一个问题就是所谓申请政府支持的东西,就是说有没有financial assistance,好像领取过就不行!如果怀孕,领取EI,算不算啊,我估计怀孕的钱都不可以领取才行。如果想生1,2个孩子,老婆工作不稳定,再申请双方老人,压力太大了。而我才是1年学徒,哎!我太弱小了,就算我能每天工作12个小时,在我拿到Journeyman电工证之前也拿不到6万的钱啊,哎。太弱小了。
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了作为家庭成员类型申请Applying as a member of the family classhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/famcls.aspThis application is for persons who wish to be re-united with close family members in Canada. A Canadian citizen or permanent resident must sponsor family class immigrants. This person can sponsor:此申请是为希望和身在加拿大的家庭成员重聚的申请者准备的。一个加拿大公民或者加拿大永久居民必需资助家庭类型的移民,这个人可以资助:parents or grandparents;父母,祖外祖父母an orphaned close family member;一个身为孤儿的近亲an adopted child or a child to be adopted in Canada.一个收养的孩子或者在加拿大收养的孩子Note: Canada’s citizenship law was amended to allow Canadian citizens who adopt a child from a foreign country the option of applying for Canadian citizenship for their adopted child without first having to apply for permanent residence. An application for Canadian Citizenship for a person adopted by a Canadian citizen (after February 14, 1977) is available. Adopted persons who are adults may apply for themselves.The person in Canada must first submit a sponsorship. For more information on the sponsorship process, refer to the Application to Sponsor.关于1977年加拿大的收养法案的一些信息Your sponsor should advise you once your sponsorship has been processed and send you a Family Class application. You must submit your completed Family Class application to the Canadian visa office that will serve you. Check the list of countries and Visa Offices to find out where you must submit your application.你的资助人,应当在协议资助这个事情处理完毕后,立即告知你,并邮寄给你一个家庭类型的申请。你必需向当地加拿大签证处提交完整的家庭类型申请表,请参见下面的国家和签证处列表找出你所需要联系的签证处。Some of the documents are available to you in Portable Document Format (PDF). This is a universal file format that allows you to read, print or download an online document while maintaining the fonts, graphics and general layout of that document. To view a PDF document, you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are numerous PDF readers available for free download or for purchase on the Internet.有些文件是PDF格式的,反正就是说你需要PDF的阅读器,这就好像你想读word文件,就需要Microsoft Office, ... ...If you cannot view and print this application from this website, contact your nearest Canadian visa office abroad.如果你还是不能看网站上这些申请文件,就近联系加拿大签证处。This application includes the following items:申请包括如下的文件General information for all applicants:所有申请人都需要填写的总体信息Instruction Guide [IMM 3998]> also in PDF format PDF, 267 KB导读 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/3998E.PDFApplications forms.申请表格All forms are required.所有的表格都需要(就是说所有申请人,都必需填写这些表格Application for permanent residence [IMM 0008 GENERIC] PDF, 237 KB永久居民申请表 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008egen.pdfSchedule 1 Background/Declaration [IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1] PDF, 286 KB计划1 背景以及声明 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/imm0008_1e.pdfAdditional Family Information [IMM 5406] PDF, 134 KB其他家庭信息 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5406E.PDFUse of a Representative [IMM 5476] PDF, 55 KB雇佣中介代理才需要填写的东西Video tutorial to help you complete this form还弄个视频帮助你弄这个中介代理的东西 Visa office specific instructions.签证处的说明信息Select the visa office where you must apply, for information on country-specific documents required and office procedures for applying.选择你所必需联系的签证处,不同国家所需要的文件可能不同...Abidjan, Ivory Coast [IMM 3068] (refer to the Dakar, Senegal PDF, 394 KB visa office instructions as the Abidjan office is temporarily closed).Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates [IMM 3146] PDF, 180 KBAccra, Ghana [IMM 3100] PDF, 187 KBAnkara, Turkey [IMM 3103] PDF, 178 KBBeijing, China [IMM 3155] PDF, 210 KB北京,中国 就用该个。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/E33155.PDFBerlin, Germany [IMM 3056] PDF, 186 KBBogota, Colombia [IMM 3063] PDF, 183 KBBucharest, Romania [IMM 3106] PDF, 183 KBBuenos Aires, Argentina [IMM 3044] PDF, 181 KBBuffalo, U.S.A. [IMM 3048] PDF, 190 KBCairo, Egypt [IMM 3011] PDF, 182 KBCaracas, Venezuela [IMM 3108] PDF, 185 KBColombo, Sri Lanka [IMM 3110] PDF, 202 KBDakar, Senegal [IMM 3068] PDF, 393 KBDamascus, Syria [IMM 3099] PDF, 216 KBGuatemala City, Guatemala [IMM 3117] PDF, 183 KBHavana, Cuba [IMM 3118] PDF, 180 KBHong Kong, China [IMM 3019] PDF, 182 KBIslamabad, Pakistan [IMM 3020] PDF, 184 KBKingston, Jamaica [IMM 3021] PDF, 185 KBKuala Lumpur, Malaysia [IMM 3123] PDF, 184 KBKyiv, Ukraine [IMM 3074] PDF, 177 KBLima, Peru [IMM 3125] PDF, 180 KBLondon, Great Britain [IMM 3023] PDF, 185 KBManila, Philippines [IMM 3025] PDF, 191 KBMexico City, Mexico [IMM 3062] PDF, 187 KBMoscow, Russia [IMM 3075] PDF, 289 KBNairobi, Kenya [IMM 3055] PDF, 187 KBNew Delhi, India [IMM 3029] PDF, 202 KBParis, France [IMM 3031] PDF, 196 KBPort of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago [IMM 3033] PDF, 183 KBPort-au-Prince, Haiti [IMM 3061] PDF, 182 KBPretoria, South Africa [IMM 3067] PDF, 182 KBRabat, Morocco [IMM 3060] PDF, 191 KBRome, Italy [IMM 3034] PDF, 196 KBSantiago, Chile [IMM 3064] PDF, 182 KBSao Paulo, Brazil [IMM 3134] PDF, 182 KBSeoul, Korea [IMM 3058] PDF, 185 KBSingapore, Singapore [IMM 3057] PDF, 185 KBSydney, Australia [IMM 3038] PDF, 177 KBTaipei, Taiwan [IMM 3156] PDF, 182 KBTel Aviv, Israel [IMM 3039] PDF, 181 KBTokyo, Japan [IMM 3041] PDF, 204 KBVienna, Austria [IMM 3042] PDF, 202 KBWarsaw, Poland [IMM 3059] PDF, 184 KB
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了The application process involves two steps:1) You, as a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, must apply to be a sponsor and then be approved.2) The eligible relative(s) must apply and be approved for permanent residence. Application forms for your relatives to fill out will be sent to you in Canada after the Case Processing Centre of Citizenship and Immigration Canada in Mississauga, Ontario, reviews your sponsoring application. You should ensure that the correct number of application forms are mailed overseas to the relatives you want to sponsor for permanent residence.没有看明白,看它的意思是1) 我先要确认并证实我作为资助人的资格。2) 密西沙加办公室给我邮寄东西,但是那些东西是要父母填写的(我必需确保这个过程,文件数目都正确无误)但是这个和下面的那几个,比如a)IMM 0008 GENERIC, b)IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1 c)IMM 5406 和d)IMM 3155 有什么关系呢?没有任何地方让我填写收入啊?而且他们所说的两个步骤,如何做第一步?第一步所需要的材料在哪里呢?很疑惑!另外怎么写我要资助我爸妈啊?爸妈怎么说他们要努力找工作,自食其力啊?咋写啊?
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了第一步就是你申请sponsorship,担保。第二步就是在你担保通过后,你父母申请移民。如果这些简单的英文都看不懂的话,那也许你需要请中介帮你办,因为后面填表什么的还有很多英文要看。填表都是问你什么填什么,没有你需要自己发挥写解释信的需要。
回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了谢谢,不过就没有看懂如何申请sponsorship, 所谓的担保。 因为一共只有4个文件,其中专门给中国的那个说要提供sponsorship的复印件,所以我想应当先申请个sponsorship, 但是没有具体的说明啊?什么机构办理,需要提供什么东西,都没有啊!!!看英文应当问题不大,因为当初的技术移民就是我自己办理的,不过谢谢你让我找中介的建议。其实我自认为英文很好呢,比如我的第一份工作,同事就说很少(确切地说是第一个)遇到说英文像我这样的中国新移民。
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了导读里面讲了一个叫 “IMM 1344B” http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1344EB.pdf的东西,但是这个东西也要在证实sponsor身份之后才能填写的啊?可能这个地方就是要求提供sponsorship复印件的地方,但是则怎么办理sponsorship呢?
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了少看了一个链接:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/family.asp我以为和http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/famcls.asp是一模一样的,其实有差别前者需要如下的文件:This application includes the following items:Instruction Guide [IMM 5196]导读 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/5196E.PDF这个就对了,里面有对收入的要求,呵呵。> also in PDF format PDF, 461 KBApplication to Sponsor and Undertaking [IMM 1344A] PDF, 346 KB资助承诺申请 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1344EA.PDF这个就更靠谱了。Financial Evaluation [IMM 1283] PDF, 284 KB资产评估 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1283E.PDFSponsorship Agreement [IMM 1344B] PDF, 39 KB资助协议 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM1344EB.PDFStatutory Declaration of Common-Law Union [IMM 5409] PDF, 97 KB这个是什么???Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] PDF, 55 KB不需要中介代理 Video tutorial to help you complete this form Document Checklist Sponsor [IMM 5287] PDF, 75 KB文件清单http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5287E.PDF
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了还有个小问题,就是我觉得好像我也需要提交如下的材料:a)IMM 0008 GENERIC, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...mm0008egen.pdfb)IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...imm0008_1e.pdfc)IMM 5406 ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFOhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM5406E.PDF并且除了a) b) c)之外还提交d) Application to Sponsor and Undertaking [IMM 1344A] http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit.../IMM1344EA.PDFe) Financial Evaluation [IMM 1283]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM1283E.PDFf) Sponsorship Agreement [IMM 1344B] 资助协议 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit.../IMM1344EB.PDF当然除此之外还要看CheckListhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5287E.PDF和Checklist里面明确要求要提交的东西,但那就属于documents而不是application forms了。疑惑之处在于,网页上说所有申请人都必需提交a) b) c), 但是我算申请人吗?因为我要先申请Sponsor, 所以我也应该算是申请人。但是在父母团聚这个申请过程中,我并不是申请人,而是叫Sponsor啊?还有一个问题就是,我看到principal申请人是475刀,那么谁是principal呢?是我妈妈,还是我爸?如果其中一个是principal, 另外一个叫做什么呢?如何收费呢? 或者他们两个都是主申请???那么是不是每个人都要单独一个case???
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了要睡觉了,明天还要劳动呢,谢谢never大侠。
2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T.还有个小问题,就是我觉得好像我也需要提交如下的材料:a)IMM 0008 GENERIC, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...mm0008egen.pdfb)IMM 0008 SCHEDULE 1 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...imm0008_1e.pdfc)IMM 5406 ADDITIONAL FAMILY INFOhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM5406E.PDF并且除了a) b) c)之外还提交d) Application to Sponsor and Undertaking [IMM 1344A] http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit.../IMM1344EA.PDFe) Financial Evaluation [IMM 1283]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/IMM1283E.PDFf) Sponsorship Agreement [IMM 1344B] 资助协议 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit.../IMM1344EB.PDF当然除此之外还要看CheckListhttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5287E.PDF和Checklist里面明确要求要提交的东西,但那就属于documents而不是application forms了。疑惑之处在于,网页上说所有申请人都必需提交a) b) c), 但是我算申请人吗?因为我要先申请Sponsor, 所以我也应该算是申请人。但是在父母团聚这个申请过程中,我并不是申请人,而是叫Sponsor啊?还有一个问题就是,我看到principal申请人是475刀,那么谁是principal呢?是我妈妈,还是我爸?如果其中一个是principal, 另外一个叫做什么呢?如何收费呢? 或者他们两个都是主申请???那么是不是每个人都要单独一个case???点击展开...把这个好好看看就行了:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/guides/5196E.PDF两步是两个申请,弄完一个再考虑第二个。目前sponsorship的申请要等3年以上,看你这个人看多了东西就混,那你就暂时把第二步你父母的移民申请先忘掉。至于付多少钱,怎么付,上面link的guide第25页fees说的清清楚楚,你不是英语挺好的吗,好好看看吧。
回复: 准备开始给双方父母办理团聚移民了任何连续的12个月,都要满足收入要求,所以,目前你要考虑如果老婆继续工作,可考虑先担保一家,这样算四口人,两家恐怕不行.等你熬够小时数,进学校,然后变第二年学徒时,就很容易在油田找工作了,就算非工会工资低点,从今天开始二年学徒也有28.17了.估计你得上油田才行.
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