加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国签证 - 关于美国签证



回复: 关于美国签证我去年短登,今年夏天准备再次登陆,请问各位大侠我这次在温哥华申请美国的签证是否可行呢?如果可以,需要什么东东呢?点击展开...I don't see any reason that you can't apply for the visa in Vancouver. Yet, chances are slim for you to obtain a tourist visa if you fail to prove to the officer that you will return to Canada after the trip. Here are the requirements for visa application: evidence of landed immigrant status;you have to fill out a form DS-156 online: ( http://www.amcits.com/form_ds_156.asp). Separate forms must be submitted for each applicant, even if applicants share a single passport;an application fee in the amount of $100.00 U.S. per applicant, payable in U.S. cash if applying in person or to the U.S. Treasury in the form of a money order or certified check if applying by mail (**see Toronto section below for special fee instructions for that consulate and item 5 for mail-in criteria);a passport valid for travel to the U.S. The passport must have an expiration date at least 6 months beyond the intended duration of the visit; 1 current (less than 6 months old) photo of the applicant, 50mm x 50mm (2 inches x 2 inches), full face, without head covering, against a white background;in addition to the form DS-156, all male applicants between the ages of 16-45 must submit a completed and signed form DS-157, with street addresses and telephone numbers where required; (DS-157 form can be download and filled out by hand: http://www.amcits.com/form_ds_157.asp)applicants for student (F or M) or exchange visitor (J) visas must also complete a form DS-158;any appropriate supporting documents, such as proof of employment or studies, home ownership or other commitments in Canada, and evidence of any prior travel to the U.S.;applicants for student visas (F-1) must submit Form I-20, applicants for exchange visitor visas (J-1) must submit Form DS-2019 (Form IAP-66, if issued and dated prior to August 31, 2002, is acceptable) and applicants for H and L visas should submit Form I-797 and the supporting I-129;Once you prepare all the documentations, you must reserve your interview through Visa Appointment Reservation System: https://www.nvars.com/Production/userhome.aspx . A reservation fee is required as well.For more information on the requirements, please check:http://vancouver.usconsulate.gov/content/content.asp?section=visas&document=landed_newrequirements_021803Good Luck!

回复: 关于美国签证I don't see any reason that you can't apply for the visa in Vancouver. Yet, chances are slim for you to obtain a tourist visa if you fail to prove to the officer that you will return to Canada after the trip. Here are the requirements for visa application:点击展开...动词、冠词、标点,。

回复: 关于美国签证鼓励一下.

动词、冠词、标点,。点击展开...Just so you know that I'm not an English teacher. Sometimes, it's faster for me to type in English than in Chinese. I'd really appreciate that if you could correct my errors so that I would improve my English. Many Thanks.

回复: 关于美国签证谢谢大家,可是我两次都是短登,在加拿大没工作,也没房产,总不能拿在中国的房产证明吧,是不是聚签的可能性很大呢?

回复: 关于美国签证很有可能被拒. 建议在加找到稳定工作上六个月的班后去签.

回复: 关于美国签证#2楼未见错误啊,尤其是冠词和标点

回复: 关于美国签证如果你之前去过美国,还好一些。我就是之前去过两次,在温住了2个多月,没工作,只有存款1万出头,赶圣诞前去签,就给了10年。比较幸运。签完我就跑回国了。

回复: 关于美国签证不知道能不能提供在中国的工作的证明(雇主信)呢?

回复: 关于美国签证不知道能不能提供在中国的工作的证明(雇主信)呢?点击展开...可以,不过有些风险:1. 有可能做背景调查,可能需要几个月2. 让你去中国签证。

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