加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教前辈, 关于填写探亲申请表IMM5257的几点疑问


1. 申请表中第2项22岁以上的financial independent子女的信息 (比如我自己) 算不算applicant's family member,应不应该填上去? 2. 申请表中第3项The purpose of my visit to Canada, 是否选"other",然后注明 private visit? (我邀请母亲参加我的毕业典礼和入籍宣誓) 3. 申请表中第9, 10 项Present Job; Name and address of Present employer母亲已经退休,这两项是否不填? 4. 申请表中第11项Name, address and relationship of any person(s) I will visit are我和我妹妹都在加拿大,都是独立移民,是否也要把我妹妹也填上?如果把她填上,是否还要交她的相关材料?比如她的枫叶卡复印件和收入证明。 5. 申请表中第12项 e: Have you or your family member applied for any Canadian Immigration Visa? 我自己,算不算?Yes or No?到哪里做枫叶卡的true copy?

回复: 请教前辈, 关于填写探亲申请表IMM5257的几点疑问sorry, no Chinese input at work. Here is my personal experience and my family got the vsia already.1. You should be counted.2. You are right. Choose "other", then indicate "tourism, attending convocation..... "3. put "retired"4. If your mom will visit your sister, then put your sister's info there. I don't think she needs to supply her ID. But be sure to supply other family relationship of your mom in China. If your mom only has two daughters, you'd better to think about more....5. You are not counted.6. True copy: photocopy is ok. If you really want a true copy, go to Service Canada. I believe they can do for you without any charge. Or, if there is a community centre serving for immigrants around your home, go there and ask a SOCIAL WORK to do a true copy. It is also free. If you go to a lawyer, they will charge you.

回复: 请教前辈, 关于填写探亲申请表IMM5257的几点疑问谢谢老大的热心指导!有空再向你请教找工作的秘籍吧?

回复: 请教前辈, 关于填写探亲申请表IMM5257的几点疑问awze729, thank you so much! Another question about 申请表中第12项e: Have you or your family member applied for any Canadian Immigration Visa? Does my mother need to fill in the information about my sister's visa? My sister got her permanent resident card last year~ Look forward to your reply. Thanks again!

回复: 请教前辈, 关于填写探亲申请表IMM5257的几点疑问多谢!很有帮助!

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