加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民just get the US visa approved!!!
it takes about one and a half hour for me this morning to get the visa application approved... No materials requested by the officer, just simple questions like how long you've been here, is this the first time... Just landed for 3 months and worked only one month.... see some buddies apply for their parents and got approved also... Big congratulation... will also do this when my parents arrived.
回复: just get the US visa approved!!!get the visa and it is for 10 years!
回复: just get the US visa approved!!!请问现在你约面试,大概提前多久约到?
回复: just get the US visa approved!!!请问现在你约面试,大概提前多久约到?点击展开...我约的时候只能约到两个星期后
回复: just get the US visa approved!!!请问楼主是全家人一起签的吗?
Start from scratch请问楼主是全家人一起签的吗?点击展开...me myself only...
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