加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Regarding question of valid U.S VISA in expired Chinese Pass
Got reply from 美国驻多伦多领事馆 -美国签证官方问答 ... I think it's useful for person who has the same concern.<snip>Dear Mr. xxxx, Unless canceled, revoked, or damaged, a visa is valid until its expiration date. Therefore, if you have a valid U.S. visa in an expired passport, you can present it, along with a new valid passport, at the port of entry. Please do not remove the visa from the old passport as this will invalidate the visa. Both of the passports must indicate the same nationality; must be of the same type; and your name must be identical in both passports. If the names on the visa and the new passport are different, you must present proof of the change (marriage certificate, etc.) to the Customs and Border official at the U.S. port of entry who will make the final determination regarding your eligibility to be admitted to the United States. Best of luck, Vice Consul LaiU.S. Consulate General Toronto</snip>
回复: Regarding question of valid U.S VISA in expired Chinese Passport非常有用的信息,感谢楼主分享。
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