父母已经呆在加拿大境内快两年了,他们的普通签证到今年的5月份到期。不知道是不是在签证到期前,可以在境内给他们申请super visa? 或是递申请到西雅图或bufflo?还是他们必须回国, 然后在申请他们过来?
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa有没有知道的童鞋, 请指教一下。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa请不要搞混。在境内是无法申请super visa的。所谓的转super visa,只是申请获得和super visa入境时相同的“待遇”,即自动两年居住时间。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/faq/visit/index.asp#superVisa点开这一项:If parents and grandparents are already in Canada and their visa will be expiring soon, what should they do? Will they be eligible to renew their status from in Canada?If parents and grandparents are already in Canada and their visa will be expiring soon, what should they do? Will they be eligible to renew their status from in Canada?回答是:
An application for a new single- or multi-entry visa must be done from outside Canada at a visa office.However, parents and grandparents who are in Canada on an authorized stay of up to six months may apply for an
extension of their status of up to two years by submitting an application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta, as long as they meet all the criteria for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. These applications will be examined on a case-by-case basis.个人建议,如果你不认可或者无法负担购买医疗保险,而又想take advantage of super visa的话,不妨等父母回国下次来的时候直接申请super visa,那样的话你只花一次买保险的钱(一年,10万coverage),就能拿到10年往返,且每次至少2年的逗留。而如果你现在花钱买保险就为转"super visa"的话,你实际只是拿到了两年的逗留,你的签证还是以前那张(如果是单次的,就意味着已经用掉,下次来仍然需要申请签证)。下次如果你父母回国再来想要super visa的话,你还需要花同样的钱买保险才能拿到。我认为不值得,因为你用普通方式一样可以申请一年甚至两年逗留,我听说过最长的有一直续5年的。当然,如果你认可买医疗保险的必要性,也能负担,那就无所谓了。只是要记住只要你父母还在加拿大境内,他们是不可能在他们的护照上再贴上一张super visa的。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa楼上这位同学,我也有同样的问题,所以今天直接给cic打了电话询问,回答是certainly , 完全可以在加拿大延期申请超级签证!这里是cic发来的信息。 Please do not reply to this email.

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Please do not reply to this email. [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Date: 2012-02-07 [/SIZE][/FONT] Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. I am pleased to provide you with the requested information:
Temporary Pause on Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Applications and Introduction of a Super Visa Reuniting families is an important part of Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC) immigration program. CIC will significantly increase the number of admissions for sponsored parents and grandparents in 2012. At the same time, effective November 5, 2011, there has been a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']temporary pause[/FONT] of up to two years on the acceptance of new applications for this category. The increase in admissions paired with the pause will allow the department to [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']reduce the backlog[/font] in this category.To offset the potential impacts of the pause, effective December 1, 2011, CIC is introducing a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Parent and Grandparent Super Visa[/font], for foreign nationals seeking to visit their Canadian or permanent resident child or grandchild in Canada to apply for an extended stay of up to 24 months. Currently, visitors can usually stay for six months at a time. If they wish to stay longer, they must apply for an extension and pay new fees. With the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, eligible parents and grandparents will pay fewer fees and be able to enjoy the company of their families in Canada for a longer period of time without having to renew their status.The Super Visa is a multiple entry visa, which will be valid for up to ten years. An applicant is eligible for a Super Visa if they have:provided proof of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident; undergone a medical examination and are admissible on health grounds; provided satisfactory evidence of private medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company, valid for a minimum period of one year from the date of entry which: covers the applicant for health care, hospitalization and repatriation; provides a minimum of $100,000 coverage; and is valid for each entry to Canada and available for review by the examining officer upon request; and provided a written and signed promise of financial support, e.g. a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']letter of invitation[/font], from the host child or grandchild for the entire duration the applicant intends to stay in Canada. The letter must be accompanied by evidence of their means of providing such support. This will normally mean details of the number of persons in the host’s household and proof of income at a level meeting or exceeding the [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Low-income Cut-off[/font] for the total number of persons, including the visiting parent(s) or grandparent(s). To apply for a Super Visa, you must submit an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257)[/font]. You have to contact the responsible [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Canadian visa office[/font] to see if you need to fill out any additional forms or provide any additional documents.If you are from a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']country[/font] whose citizens are visa exempt, you must submit an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257)[/font] with no fees. If you are already in Canada on a temporary resident status, you may apply for a two year extended stay by submitting an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay or Remain in Canada (IMM 1249) by mail to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta[/font], along with the appropriate fees.For more information, please visit our [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Web site[/font]. In addition, many answers to questions are addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of our [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Web site[/font]. [/SIZE][/font] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. It is a summary of the information contained in the law. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our Web site to ensure that you have the most current information on our programs and policies. [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]For any further questions, please visit our Web site at [URL="http://www.cic.gc.ca/"]www.cic.gc.ca[/URL] or contact our Call Centre at
1 888 242-2100 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service by calling
1 888 576-8502 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Don't forget about CIC's other on-line services: Download application kits and forms[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Inform us of a change of address[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Learn the status of your application.[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Tips for clients.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Rene[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Agent #3712[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Citizenship and Immigration Canada [/FONT][/SIZE]
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa境内不能申请visa,只能申请2年的居住权。两个是不同的东西
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa同问,如果这次签证是单次往返,是不是不管申请延期多长时间,只要离开加拿大签证就作废了?
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa你这封信上写的很清楚,境内申请的只是延期,可以到两年,但是并不是super visa, 这是两回事。楼上这位同学,我也有同样的问题,所以今天直接给cic打了电话询问,回答是certainly , 完全可以在加拿大延期申请超级签证!这里是cic发来的信息。 Please do not reply to this email.

[SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Please do not reply to this email. [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Date: 2012-02-07 [/SIZE][/FONT] Sir, Madam, Thank you for contacting the Call Centre. I am pleased to provide you with the requested information:
Temporary Pause on Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Applications and Introduction of a Super Visa Reuniting families is an important part of Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s (CIC) immigration program. CIC will significantly increase the number of admissions for sponsored parents and grandparents in 2012. At the same time, effective November 5, 2011, there has been a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']temporary pause[/FONT] of up to two years on the acceptance of new applications for this category. The increase in admissions paired with the pause will allow the department to [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']reduce the backlog[/font] in this category.To offset the potential impacts of the pause, effective December 1, 2011, CIC is introducing a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Parent and Grandparent Super Visa[/font], for foreign nationals seeking to visit their Canadian or permanent resident child or grandchild in Canada to apply for an extended stay of up to 24 months. Currently, visitors can usually stay for six months at a time. If they wish to stay longer, they must apply for an extension and pay new fees. With the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa, eligible parents and grandparents will pay fewer fees and be able to enjoy the company of their families in Canada for a longer period of time without having to renew their status.The Super Visa is a multiple entry visa, which will be valid for up to ten years. An applicant is eligible for a Super Visa if they have:provided proof of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent resident; undergone a medical examination and are admissible on health grounds; provided satisfactory evidence of private medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company, valid for a minimum period of one year from the date of entry which: covers the applicant for health care, hospitalization and repatriation; provides a minimum of $100,000 coverage; and is valid for each entry to Canada and available for review by the examining officer upon request; and provided a written and signed promise of financial support, e.g. a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']letter of invitation[/font], from the host child or grandchild for the entire duration the applicant intends to stay in Canada. The letter must be accompanied by evidence of their means of providing such support. This will normally mean details of the number of persons in the host’s household and proof of income at a level meeting or exceeding the [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Low-income Cut-off[/font] for the total number of persons, including the visiting parent(s) or grandparent(s). To apply for a Super Visa, you must submit an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257)[/font]. You have to contact the responsible [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Canadian visa office[/font] to see if you need to fill out any additional forms or provide any additional documents.If you are from a [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']country[/font] whose citizens are visa exempt, you must submit an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application for a Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside Canada (IMM 5257)[/font] with no fees. If you are already in Canada on a temporary resident status, you may apply for a two year extended stay by submitting an [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Application to Change Conditions, Extend My Stay or Remain in Canada (IMM 1249) by mail to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta[/font], along with the appropriate fees.For more information, please visit our [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Web site[/font]. In addition, many answers to questions are addressed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of our [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Web site[/font]. [/SIZE][/font] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. It is a summary of the information contained in the law. If you plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our Web site to ensure that you have the most current information on our programs and policies. [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]For any further questions, please visit our Web site at [URL="http://www.cic.gc.ca/"]www.cic.gc.ca[/URL] or contact our Call Centre at
1 888 242-2100 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service by calling
1 888 576-8502 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time). [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Don't forget about CIC's other on-line services: Download application kits and forms[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Inform us of a change of address[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Learn the status of your application.[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Tips for clients.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Rene[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Agent #3712[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]Citizenship and Immigration Canada [/FONT][/SIZE]点击展开...
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa可以申请的,是移民部长康尼1月8日亲自说过的,好多报纸都有报道,http://www.life416.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8875:2012-01-08-22-05-07&catid=166:2011-01-17-02-24-10&Itemid=269 http://news.iask.ca/local/2012-01/1229956.html http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20120108/taa1.htm 可以上网搜索,有很多报道
09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。可以申请的,是移民部长康尼1月8日亲自说过的,好多报纸都有报道,http://www.life416.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8875:2012-01-08-22-05-07&catid=166:2011-01-17-02-24-10&Itemid=269 http://news.iask.ca/local/2012-01/1229956.html http://www.mingpaotor.com/htm/News/20120108/taa1.htm 可以上网搜索,有很多报道点击展开...
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa很清晰。1. 境内无法申请visa2. 单次签证用过就失效,没有任何手段能重新使用这个visa3. 入境时,海关官员给visitor的境内逗留时间缺省是6个月。只有super visa会被区别对待,一次给2年4. 申请延期和申请visa是
完全不同的两回事;如果你满足super visa的要求,可以一次申请长达2年的延期,但不是说你就有了visa。你出境之后再进入一样会需要重新申请(除非你现在护照上仍然有有效的签证,即你之前申请的是多次往返的签证)。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa这些报纸用词非常的不准确。visa是入境的许可。super visa只是一种多次往返visa而已。在境内停留多长时间是入境时海关官员“授予”你的权力,是停留许可,而不是入境许可。停留多长时间和visa有一些关系,但不是同一件事情。你就算只是持有普通的单次visa,通过多次延期,也可以停留长达4/5年,但不代表你获得了一张新的visa。super visa之所以被叫做"super",是说加拿大认为这个visa持有人有比较好的financial support和其他条件,在境内居住会比较“安全”,因此会在入境时一次性给予2年停留时间。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa这个回复说的非常清楚了。很清晰。1. 境内无法申请visa2. 单次签证用过就失效,没有任何手段能重新使用这个visa3. 入境时,海关官员给visitor的境内逗留时间缺省是6个月。只有super visa会被区别对待,一次给2年4. 申请延期和申请visa是
完全不同的两回事;如果你满足super visa的要求,可以一次申请长达2年的延期,但不是说你就有了visa。你出境之后再进入一样会需要重新申请(除非你现在护照上仍然有有效的签证,即你之前申请的是多次往返的签证)。点击展开...
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa申请延期有两个选择, 一个是vistor extension, 另外一个是Parents and Grandparents-Extended Stay. 是不是前面一个是普通的延期申请(一般给6个月), 后面一个是一次可以延期两年的?
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa感谢所有童鞋提供的信息, 经过几次电话cic, 两点可以确认,第一境内不能申请super visa, 但是如果满足super visa 申请条件可以延签两年。我父母当时入境时持single-entry visa, 既使给延签两年, 也不可能转multi-entry visa. 第二像我父母已经在加拿大境内的,如果想申请super visa, 可以寄申请到美国。我已经将材料寄出了. 我会随时update申请状况。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa感谢所有童鞋提供的信息, 经过几次电话cic, 两点可以确认,第一境内不能申请super visa, 但是如果满足super visa 申请条件可以延签两年。我父母当时入境时持single-entry visa, 既使给延签两年, 也不可能转multi-entry visa. 第二像我父母已经在加拿大境内的,如果想申请super visa, 可以寄申请到美国。我已经将材料寄出了. 我会随时update申请状况。点击展开...,先收藏,我父母也是5月VISA到期,但是那张以前续签的大纸还没到期,正烦恼怎么在境内不用回国弄SUPER VISA,请问LZ 是寄到美国BULLFULO吗?
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa感谢所有童鞋提供的信息, 经过几次电话cic, 两点可以确认,第一境内不能申请super visa, 但是如果满足super visa 申请条件可以延签两年。我父母当时入境时持single-entry visa, 既使给延签两年, 也不可能转multi-entry visa. 第二像我父母已经在加拿大境内的,如果想申请super visa, 可以寄申请到美国。我已经将材料寄出了. 我会随时update申请状况。点击展开...请问进展如何?我妈妈也是类似的情况,我们也想给她直接在这里申请super visa,入境已经快五个月了,不知道还来得及不,不知道是不是需要先申请一个延期。
回复: 求教父母已经在加拿大境内, 如何申请super visa申请延期有两个选择, 一个是vistor extension, 另外一个是Parents and Grandparents-Extended Stay. 是不是前面一个是普通的延期申请(一般给6个月), 后面一个是一次可以延期两年的?点击展开...我也有此疑问,不知道大家是怎么看的?
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