加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民网申父母普通签证两天要求寄护照,可以直接寄


确认信里有一个链接,点进去看了下,貌似可以直接送大使馆啊,有没有同学最近这样干啊?还是说北京大使馆不直接收护照了?http://www.cic.gc.ca/submit-envoyer/offices-bureaux-eng.asp Some visa offices offer drop box or in person collection services to applicants. Note that if you choose to use a drop box or in person service, same-day return of passport may not always be possible.

mmgalaxy 说:确认信里有一个链接,点进去看了下,貌似可以直接送大使馆啊,有没有同学最近这样干啊?还是说北京大使馆不直接收护照了?http://www.cic.gc.ca/submit-envoyer/offices-bureaux-eng.aspSome visa offices offer drop box or in person collection services to applicants. Note that if you choose to use a drop box or in person service, same-day return of passport may not always be possible.点击展开...签证中心有如下信息If you have received notification from the Government of Canada requesting your passport, your passport(s) along with the passport request letter may be submitted through the Canada Visa Application Centre (CVAC) of your choice. 如果您收到由加拿大政府发出的通知信要求您提交护照,您可以选择在加拿大签证申请中心(简称“CVAC”)提交护照和通知信。


jckl 说:签证中心是提交护照和通知信可选择的方式,并没有说不能交使馆。不知道其他人有何高见?点击展开...直接递使馆,不要通过签证中心,因为他们不受理,这是昨天我朋友告诉我的,他去北京服务中心帮我递资料,里面的工作人员一直强调如果是网申,他们不办理。

岁月静好! 2014-08-14#5 ChateauLaurier 140 $0.00 这是我从www.cic.gc.ca/submit 抄下的关于探亲签证网申递交护照的原话:"Below are instructions intended only for applicants who have submitted their application online via their MyCIC account and who have received an email requesting that they submit their passport to continue the processing of their application.Do not send your passport or any document unless we have contacted you, as this could delay the processing of your application....Determine where to send your passportTo determine where to send your passport, you will need to refer to the answers you provided to questions 7 and 9 on your application form with regards to your country of residence and your country of application."Q7和Q9是主表上选择申请人所在国家。在P.R.CHINA下"Submit your passport at the visa application centreYou can submit your passport(s) by mail or in person.With your passport(s), make sure you include:The passport request letter you received from CICAny applicable VAC fees, such as passport transmission feesCheck the website of your closest visa application centre (VAC) for more information:VFS Global in ChinaIf all documents are in order, passports will generally be returned within 7 working days."根据官网信息,我个人认为如果寄护照到大使馆的话不但不会加快反而会延迟。大使馆估计把这种“贴纸活”外包给签证中心,如果寄到大使馆他们最终也会给办理,至于多久就不知道了。"Some visa offices offer drop box" 不等于北京大使馆有drop box.我们一个星期前把护照递交到签证中心,3天后拿到护照+签证。

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