加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母探亲签证,我该选哪个类别呢?


我妈在过去十年内, 去过加拿大三次,停留的时间都不短, 有次是一年以上, 那时候探亲是看我妹妹。现在我妹妹拿了身份, 全家回国了; 而我现在加拿大,PR身份, 3年多没见我妈,想她过来看看我, 但是在办妈妈的VISITOR VISA申请时, 不知道该选下面的那个类别(http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/TRV_Application_Kit.aspx?lang=eng):1.PRIOR TRAVEL TO CANADA / USA (FOR CLIENTS WHO HAVE PREVIOUSLY OBTAINED A VISA AND HAVE TRAVELLED TO CANADA OR THE USA IN THE PAST 10 YEARS OR WHO ARE IN POSSESSION OF A VALID USA VISA):√Statement explaining your current purpose of travel to Canada with your application OR Letter of Invitation.If you are employed, a signed original letter on company letterhead from the employer granting leave of absence and including the following information: the applicant’s name, position, current salary and date of hire; and the employer’s name and address in Chinese characters as well as the telephone number.2.PRIVATE VISITORS (VISITING FAMILY OR FRIENDS):√From you:Completed “Education and Employment” form for you and each accompanying family member aged 18 years old and above, completed in English or French AND Chinese;If you are employed, a signed original letter on company letterhead from your employer granting your leave of absence and including the following information: your name, position, current salary and date of hire; and your employer’s name and address in Chinese characters as well as the telephone and fax number;If you are retired, a Retirement Certificate indicating the amount of your pension;If you are a student traveling during periods other than school holidays, an original letter from your school confirming that you are enrolled and in good standing and that the school has approved your absence.Original bank documents showing financial history over several months (e.g. Certificates of Deposits, bank books, etc.);Evidence of your assets in China (e.g. original house property certificate, vehicle registration, etc.); andProof of relationship with the inviter in Canada (e.g. copy of birth certificate, copy of marriage certificate, proof of correspondence, etc.). From your inviter(s):An invitation letter stating the purpose and duration of the visit;A list showing the number of people in inviter’s household;A copy of the inviter’s citizenship or immigration status document (e.g. Permanent Resident Card – please copy both sides, Study Permit, Work Permit, etc.);Proof of inviter’s income and financial situation in the form of independent, third-party documentation from a Canadian source which is reliable or easily verifiable. For example, but not limited to: Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessments [NOA], employment letters showing salary, pay stubs, banks statements, Statements of Remuneration Paid or financial statements prepared by a licensed professional. If the inviter is studying in Canada, a letter of acceptance from the school.我妈出国很多次, 护照上的记录良好。请大家指点, 我很想快点见见老妈, 3年多了, 实在太长。。。

Opportunities arise when you face new experience 2014-09-21#2 Amanda Geng 1,619 $0.00 你妈妈来过,就可以用第一种方法申请。非常简便,填写一些表格就可以了。

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