加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了
登陆3年多,为婆婆一共申请了4次单次入境。前2次我们自身条件不够好,也就算了。去年自身条件改善了不少,婆婆方面也有工作2年的证明和准假信,退休多年后返聘的。还是那几条理由被据,family tie, host settlement, 按时回国之类的。每次看到查询到的notes,就一肚子的气。这次准备申请超签了,很纠结邀请信该怎么写。家庭成员状态是没法变的,婆婆独身,公公去世多年,老公独生子。总担心还是以那些理由被据。想按网上模板泛泛写下保证如何如何的话,又担心他们认为我们没有解释婆婆会按时回去的理由。详细解释吧,又感觉在揭自己的短。弄个推理吧,证明不按时回去对大家都没好处,又担心太长,他们也不会仔细看<去年一次申请,说婆婆要回去照顾80几岁的老母,他们的notes居然说婆婆父母双亡,明明表格里填的只有老父不在>。没次弄这个签证,都寝食不安。实在不知道怎么弄了,看了很多贴了。大家帮忙出出主意,谢谢了
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了我觉得不是邀请信的问题吧根据自己朋友和网上大家的经历来看普通签证是有运气在内的。我父母去年签单次也被拒了,今年条件够了我想给他们申请超签。我看基本上如果收入够了体检过了也买了保险就给签证,超签的签证率在百分之八九十,成功几率还是比较大的。
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了仔细看过了CIC上关于super visa的说明,除了收入医保之类的,也说了要签证官满意你能按时回去,这也就意味着还是有可能以这个理由拒签的.毕竟还是有被拒的例子。点击展开...据说拒签的都是收入不够的。
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师据说拒签的都是收入不够的。点击展开...
父母超级签证4月18日北京递材料,25日体检完毕,5月6日来电通知老爸加测体检5项,10日赴医院专家评估。5月10日母亲收到签证。9月4日父亲收到签证。回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了希望如此啊,收入是够了。被拒怕了,已经有后遗症了,痛苦啊
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了收入够了就直接申请多次往返。多次往返不用强制性买保险,即使买也不用买很大保额的。邀请函要好好写,千万不能在网上抄,要写的真实可信。将自己家里的情况写进去,告诉签证官回去的理由。
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了多次往返也要求考察和国内的联系,也麻烦。还是直接超级签证来的省事,只要收入够(算好了人数),买了保险,没见被拒的。 再说保险也不贵,还是买个安心吧。万一老人来了有点什么事,可就真吃不消了。
2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到Offer回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了CIC对邀请信的要求如下: Information for the person preparing the letter of invitation By writing a letter of invitation, you are not legally responsible for the visitor once they get to Canada, but you should provide the letter in good faith. You must give truthful information and intend to keep the promises you made in the letter. Send your letter (notarized if necessary) to the person you are inviting to Canada. They must then submit this letter to the Canadian Embassy or Consulate outside of Canada when they apply for their Temporary Resident Visa. Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:Complete name.Date of birth.The person’s address and telephone number.Your relationship to the person invited.The purpose of the trip.How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada.Details on accommodation and living expenses.The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada.Your letter must also include the following information about yourself:Complete name.Date of birth.Address and telephone number in Canada.Occupation.Whether you are a Canadian citizen or Permanent ResidentA photocopy of a document proving your status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if you were born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if you are a naturalized citizen. If you are Permanent Resident, you must send proof of your permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or your IMM 1000 proof of landing).Details of your family unit, including names and dates of birth of your spouse and dependants (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa);Total number of people residing in your household, including those you have previously sponsored and whose sponsorship is still in effect (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa); andFor the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa only: A written and signed promise of your financial support for your parents or grandparents for the entire duration of their stay in Canada. Proof of income at a level meeting or exceeding the low-income cut-off (LICO) for the total number of people, including the visiting parents or grandparents, must be included.This information is only a guide. You must write the letter of invitation yourself. Some visa offices may require that your letter be notarized by a Notary Public._________________________________________________ 另附俺写给CIC的邀请信 Invitation letter Mar 13, 2013 Citizenship and Immigration CanadaVisa Application Centre19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChaoyang DistrictBeijing, PRC 100600 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter of invitation in supporting the Application for a Temporary Resident Visa (Super Visa) for my mother, XXX (DOB: XXX. Address: XXX. Home Phone: XXX) to come to Canada to visit us. My wife and I have been lived in Calgary since we immigrated to Canada in XXX, 2011, now we are both permanent residents of Canada. CIC Canada announced a new visa option Super visa on December 1, 2011, with a maximum validity as 10 years. It will allow the person to remain in Canada for up to two years at a time. We think this the best option for my mother. She can make two years’ plan to stay, but if she just want a short visit, she can go back China anytime. Therefore, it is flexible and convenient and we would like to invite her to Canada to stay with us for two years starting from XXX 2013 to XXX 2015. Inviter’s information is as follows:We do not have any children. Only me and my wife live together, our family unit includes two people, they are:Complete name: XXX(Son) and XXX(Daughter in Law)Date of Birth: XXX and XXXAddress: XXXTelephone Number: XXXWe also want to invite my wife’s parents to visit Canada in the future. In that case, there will be maximum five people in our family unit in Canada. Our 2012 family income is $XXX which is far exceeding the LICO for five people. My wife and I are both working in the engineering company in Calgary, I’m a XXX and my wife is an XXX. Two years after we immigrated to Canada, everything now looks fantastic for our life and we want to invite my mother to come to share the joy of us and discover the natural beauty of Canada, which can make her golden age more colorful. We just bought a new house (address is shown in the inviter’s information) last year, during my mother’s stay, she will live with us in that house and we would visit various tourist attractions around Calgary such as Banff, Jasper, Waterton as well as other beautiful cities in Canada such as Vancouver and Toronto. We will pay for all of her living expenses, including but not limited to the cost of any travel, food, medical insurance and accommodations. By signing below, we promise to provide financial support for my mother for the entire duration of her stay in Canada. Should you have any further questions or concerns about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], or by telephone at XXX. Yours very truly, name 接下来附上枫叶卡, NOA, T4, 公司在职证明信,写明职位,工资,何时入职,另外俺加附了购房合同。 另附俺写给老妈的邀请信: XXX(Date of birth: XXX)AddressTel:XXX Dear Mum,By this letter, we invite you (Mother: XXX) come to Canada to visit us. We miss you very much, because we haven't seen you for long time after we immigrant to Calgary, Canada. Canada is such a beautiful country, especially in the spring and summer.... We will pay all the bills that you will spend in Canada. We look forward to see you on XXX,2013. Please come to see us. Yours Sincerely, XXX
2009.12.8 悉尼妥投;2010.2.12 RN;2010.3.22 补料妥投HK;2010.4.22 收到FN;2010.5.20 IP;2010.6.7 收到ME;2010.6.15 体检;2011.2.22 MER;2011.3.1PL到,签发日期2011.2.18;2011.3.3护照寄出;2011.3.22 DM;2011.3.23 大信封到;2011.6.4温哥华入关;2011.8.3 Process Engineer 面试;2011.8.19 收到OfferCIC对邀请信的要求如下: Information for the person preparing the letter of invitation By writing a letter of invitation, you are not legally responsible for the visitor once they get to Canada, but you should provide the letter in good faith. You must give truthful information and intend to keep the promises you made in the letter. Send your letter (notarized if necessary) to the person you are inviting to Canada. They must then submit this letter to the Canadian Embassy or Consulate outside of Canada when they apply for their Temporary Resident Visa. Your letter must include the following information about the person being invited:Complete name.Date of birth.The person’s address and telephone number.Your relationship to the person invited.The purpose of the trip.How long the person you are inviting intends to stay in Canada.Details on accommodation and living expenses.The date the person you are inviting intends to leave Canada.Your letter must also include the following information about yourself:Complete name.Date of birth.Address and telephone number in Canada.Occupation.Whether you are a Canadian citizen or Permanent ResidentA photocopy of a document proving your status in Canada. For instance, a Canadian birth certificate if you were born in Canada or a Canadian citizenship card if you are a naturalized citizen. If you are Permanent Resident, you must send proof of your permanent resident status (a copy of your PR card or your IMM 1000 proof of landing).Details of your family unit, including names and dates of birth of your spouse and dependants (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa);Total number of people residing in your household, including those you have previously sponsored and whose sponsorship is still in effect (this is mandatory for the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa); andFor the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa only: A written and signed promise of your financial support for your parents or grandparents for the entire duration of their stay in Canada. Proof of income at a level meeting or exceeding the low-income cut-off (LICO) for the total number of people, including the visiting parents or grandparents, must be included.This information is only a guide. You must write the letter of invitation yourself. Some visa offices may require that your letter be notarized by a Notary Public._________________________________________________ 另附俺写给CIC的邀请信 Invitation letter Mar 13, 2013 Citizenship and Immigration CanadaVisa Application Centre19 Dongzhimenwai DajieChaoyang DistrictBeijing, PRC 100600 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this letter of invitation in supporting the Application for a Temporary Resident Visa (Super Visa) for my mother, XXX (DOB: XXX. Address: XXX. Home Phone: XXX) to come to Canada to visit us. My wife and I have been lived in Calgary since we immigrated to Canada in XXX, 2011, now we are both permanent residents of Canada. CIC Canada announced a new visa option Super visa on December 1, 2011, with a maximum validity as 10 years. It will allow the person to remain in Canada for up to two years at a time. We think this the best option for my mother. She can make two years’ plan to stay, but if she just want a short visit, she can go back China anytime. Therefore, it is flexible and convenient and we would like to invite her to Canada to stay with us for two years starting from XXX 2013 to XXX 2015. Inviter’s information is as follows:We do not have any children. Only me and my wife live together, our family unit includes two people, they are:Complete name: XXX(Son) and XXX(Daughter in Law)Date of Birth: XXX and XXXAddress: XXXTelephone Number: XXXWe also want to invite my wife’s parents to visit Canada in the future. In that case, there will be maximum five people in our family unit in Canada. Our 2012 family income is $XXX which is far exceeding the LICO for five people. My wife and I are both working in the engineering company in Calgary, I’m a XXX and my wife is an XXX. Two years after we immigrated to Canada, everything now looks fantastic for our life and we want to invite my mother to come to share the joy of us and discover the natural beauty of Canada, which can make her golden age more colorful. We just bought a new house (address is shown in the inviter’s information) last year, during my mother’s stay, she will live with us in that house and we would visit various tourist attractions around Calgary such as Banff, Jasper, Waterton as well as other beautiful cities in Canada such as Vancouver and Toronto. We will pay for all of her living expenses, including but not limited to the cost of any travel, food, medical insurance and accommodations. By signing below, we promise to provide financial support for my mother for the entire duration of her stay in Canada. Should you have any further questions or concerns about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], or by telephone at XXX. Yours very truly, name 接下来附上枫叶卡, NOA, T4, 公司在职证明信,写明职位,工资,何时入职,另外俺加附了购房合同。 另附俺写给老妈的邀请信: XXX(Date of birth: XXX)AddressTel:XXX Dear Mum,By this letter, we invite you (Mother: XXX) come to Canada to visit us. We miss you very much, because we haven't seen you for long time after we immigrant to Calgary, Canada. Canada is such a beautiful country, especially in the spring and summer.... We will pay all the bills that you will spend in Canada. We look forward to see you on XXX,2013. Please come to see us. Yours Sincerely, XXX点击展开...
父母超级签证4月18日北京递材料,25日体检完毕,5月6日来电通知老爸加测体检5项,10日赴医院专家评估。5月10日母亲收到签证。9月4日父亲收到签证。回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了好帖!谢谢!
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了很有用,多谢了。
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了真好!
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了超签有硬指标 普签是靠运气 曾经我是这样认为的。但通过我办父母的普签 我感觉普签也是有一定指标的。我把父母两个人分开申请 两个人提供的条件完全一样 最后两个人都通过了。不知道能不能说明普签不全是运气。呵呵
where there is the dream, there is the home!回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了不是邀请函的问题。关键是银子要够。不是你觉得够不够,按你的方式花钱够不够,而是他觉得够不够,按他的方式花钱够不够。有人(专业工作的移民)上个月父母从国内来探亲兼旅游,才一个月两人一共花了5500美金,还都是平价消费,别人的经济状况可见一班。楼主可以借鉴一下。你或者你父母有这个实力,就可以顺利签证。或者比较周围获得签证的人的情况,看看别人的消费能力,财产状况,就客观了。什么VOA,工资只一方面,不要看表面。别人的资产情况不可能都告诉你,中国人尤甚。经济实力不够,一碰运气,二就努力挣钱吧。楼主拒签,可能不在信件写得好不好,要知道, 签证处的人是中国通,明白的很。还是“硬”材料不够。
回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了顶。。
我的新疆游记http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15201783川西游记http://www.xcar.com.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=10208623回复: 请教超签邀请信该如何写,普签被据4次了超签比普签要容易的多,起码国内不用准备什么乱七八糟的证明,不会有移民倾向这一条。
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