加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有关公民法的问题
加入父母双方都是移民以后入了加拿大国籍 然后回国 国内生的小孩是不是以自动获得加拿大国籍?找了些资料。貌似第一代(自己子女)自动成为加拿大公民,第二代(孙辈)如果还是在他国出生的话 那么则不是加拿大公民。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/rules.asp#understandUnderstanding the first generation limitation Under the old rules, it was possible for Canadians to pass on their citizenship to endless generations born outside Canada. To protect the value of Canadian citizenship for the future, the new law limits ? with a few exceptions ? citizenship by descent to one generation born outside Canada. This means that children born to Canadian parents in the first generation outside Canada will only be Canadian at birth if: one parent was born in Canada, orone parent became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada and was later granted citizenship (also called naturalization). The rules may also affect children adopted by Canadian parents outside Canada, depending on the way in which the child obtained, or will obtain, their Canadian citizenship. Learn more about the new citizenship law and adoption.
2011.8.13 入籍申请挂号寄出 8.17网络查询签收付签名 9.15第一封大信封发出 送书一本 2012.3.1变态了in process 电话cic告知申请于2012.4.4 Mississauga接收!2013.2.8考试。2013.3.5入籍。加入父母双方都是移民以后入了加拿大国籍 然后回国 国内生的小孩是不是以自动获得加拿大国籍?点击展开...这种情况属于第二种,one parent became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada and was later granted citizenship (also called naturalization). 国内生的孩子当然可以自动成为加拿大公民。至于移民第二代,如果还是在国内出生,而其父母两人都既不属于加拿大出生的公民也不属于移民后成为公民,那么就不能在出生时自动成为加拿大公民。但是第二代父母可以担保子女移民,然后马上为他们申请公民(如果是18岁以下孩子)。具体见以下移民局网站信息。Can I obtain Canadian citizenship for my children born outside Canada after April 17, 2009, if they are not automatically Canadian citizens at birth? How?You may sponsor your children to immigrate to Canada as permanent residents, if you and your children meet the normal requirements for sponsorship. After they become permanent residents, you can immediately apply for a grant of citizenship on your children’s behalf if they are under 18. (These children are not subject to the regular three-year residency requirement.) Children who follow this route must meet the usual requirements for immigration and citizenship. If you live outside Canada and wish to sponsor your child, in most cases you must provide evidence that you will live in Canada once your child becomes a permanent resident. This could, for example, include a letter from an employer or proof of having rented or bought a home in Canada.
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