回复: 2007年1月的枫叶卡If you have been a permanent resident foryou mustfive years or morehave been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past 5 years.less than five yearsshow that you will be able to meet the minimum of 730 days physical presence in Canada at the 5-year mark.

回复: 2007年1月的枫叶卡整理:If you have been a permanent resident for,you must: 1,five years or more:have been physically present in Canada for a minimum of 730 days within the past 5 years.2,less than five years:show that you will be able to meet the minimum of 730 days physical presence in Canada at the 5-year mark.
回复: 2007年1月的枫叶卡没事,什么时候有空回来住两年就能续卡。。。。。。
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