加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~
今天去st clair取卡..结果不好运碰到一个印度人..什么也没特别问..就对着我的护照问了离境和入境的时间..然后说什么它这样看来不能clearly看出我有住够两年..所以要interview..4礼拜内会寄信通知..可是我在网上查听说4礼拜内根本收不到通知..有人打电话去问要9个月的process time...怎么办~~~哭死!!!有同样情况的人嘛???
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~Hi, can you tell us,how many days you were absent in the last 5 years? How many times you travelled overseas? Did you two ( Indian guy & yourself) double checked the entry/exit stamps from China border control as well as entry stamps from CBSA/Immigration? Entring Canada does not necessarily result in the passport stamping but your passport must have been stamped every time you pass the China border. So it could, at least to some extend, explain your physical residency in Canada...suppose you did not travel to other countries during a given timespan.
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~Hi, can you tell us,how many days you were absent in the last 5 years? How many times you travelled overseas? Did you two ( Indian guy & yourself) double checked the entry/exit stamps from China border control as well as entry stamps from CBSA/Immigration? Entring Canada does not necessarily result in the passport stamping but your passport must have been stamped every time you pass the China border. So it could, at least to some extend, explain your physical residency in Canada...suppose you did not travel to other countries during a given timespan.点击展开...我算过大概有1060天没有在加拿大,出入境了大概有6~7次吧。他有跟我对我护照每次出入境的时间,然后对到一定的时候(没对完),他就说让我先去坐一下,等下回来告诉我。他进去然后出来后就直接跟我说不能把卡给我。问他为什么,就说不能够看出你有待够时间。我说我能够prove,他就说他知道,所以让我等通知面试。晕死了!!简直要被印度人气疯
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~其实当面对的护照的数字只是个公开的借口,他们都有底的,看你是不是撒谎。进出加拿大口岸,官员每次一刷你的枫叶卡,海关就自动记录了。有些人以为护照上没有进出境盖戳,海关就不知道具体日期,很自愚。海关懒得护照盖印,自有其道理。枫叶卡是芯片卡,甚至不用刷,经过哪个门,就自动记录信号了,就像香港的身份证过罗湖海关一样。野生动物身上挂个芯片,跑到哪里都在实验人员的“视线”之内。
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我那天去,也有问过去五年没在加拿大多长时间,我说一年半这样,然后也没怎么问就给了卡
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我那天去,也有问过去五年没在加拿大多长时间,我说一年半这样,然后也没怎么问就给了卡点击展开...你还没资格在他们的黑名单上而已。
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~其实当面对的护照的数字只是个公开的借口,他们都有底的,看你是不是撒谎。进出加拿大口岸,官员每次一刷你的枫叶卡,海关就自动记录了。有些人以为护照上没有进出境盖戳,海关就不知道具体日期,很自愚。海关懒得护照盖印,自有其道理。枫叶卡是芯片卡,甚至不用刷,经过哪个门,就自动记录信号了,就像香港的身份证过罗湖海关一样。野生动物身上挂个芯片,跑到哪里都在实验人员的“视线”之内。点击展开...那意思是我上黑名单?? 可是我也是有住够时间的..一天也没有少..
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我的护照上有2个中国的出入境章很不清楚,看不出日期,这下可完了,我该如何 证明自己呢?
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我的护照上有2个中国的出入境章很不清楚,看不出日期,这下可完了,我该如何 证明自己呢?点击展开...我迂得完全靠哕?...如果碰到好的officer???好很多..怪我不好哕
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我算过大概有1060天没有在加拿大,出入境了大概有6~7次吧。他有跟我对我护照每次出入境的时间,然后对到一定的时候(没对完),他就说让我先去坐一下,等下回来告诉我。他进去然后出来后就直接跟我说不能把卡给我。问他为什么,就说不能够看出你有待够时间。我说我能够prove,他就说他知道,所以让我等通知面试。晕死了!!简直要被印度人气疯点击展开...Could you remember exactly what he said in English?Is it something like: I can't tell from your passport that you have fulfilled the residency obligation...?
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~don't worry about it. When my wife and I renewed our maple card, I was refused the same way like you. but the funniest thing is my wife get it renewed and received the new card although she has the same outboard records as me. the only difference is we have various officers. I just collected all the required materials in RQ that including my bank account transaction records, Credit Cards records,Health records,Appartment lease copy,power bill and a handwriting translation of my passport copy. it takes 2 months for them to deal with and eventually they give me the new card. Take it easy and good luck!
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~Could you remember exactly what he said in English?Is it something like: I can't tell from your passport that you have fulfilled the residency obligation...?点击展开...cant really remember exactly what he said..he didn't ask anything else except for my passports
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~don't worry about it. When my wife and I renewed our maple card, I was refused the same way like you. but the funniest thing is my wife get it renewed and received the new card although she has the same outboard records as me. the only difference is we have various officers. I just collected all the required materials in RQ that including my bank account transaction records, Credit Cards records,Health records,Appartment lease copy,power bill and a handwriting translation of my passport copy. it takes 2 months for them to deal with and eventually they give me the new card. Take it easy and good luck!点击展开...thx for your advice..im just wondering when did it happen? and how soon did u get ur letter for interview?
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~其实当面对的护照的数字只是个公开的借口,他们都有底的,看你是不是撒谎。 进出加拿大口岸,官员每次一刷你的枫叶卡,海关就自动记录了。有些人以为护照上没有进出境盖戳,海关就不知道具体日期,很自愚。海关懒得护照盖印,自有其道理。枫叶卡是芯片卡,甚至不用刷,经过哪个门,就自动记录信号了,就像香港的身份证过罗湖海关一样。 野生动物身上挂个芯片,跑到哪里都在实验人员的“视线”之内。点击展开... 如楼上所说,有一问题,假如持枫叶卡去美国旅游几天回加,但不小心把家人的枫叶卡也带在身上的话,启不是连家人也周游一圈(本人未去,只是枫叶卡走一圈,也是视同本人去了?)
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我只在加拿大住一个月,然后就陪老公住台湾,他是公民,我持枫叶卡,没有回中国的记录,那么像我这样的情况,会不会作废我的枫叶卡啊?
回复: 求关于领取枫叶卡的interview!!!!急~~我只在加拿大住一个月,然后就陪老公住台湾,他是公民,我持枫叶卡,没有回中国的记录,那么像我这样的情况,会不会作废我的枫叶卡啊?点击展开...出入台湾没有记录么?。。。。。。
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