加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民renew枫叶卡是不是不需要提供枫叶卡复印件?
回复: renew枫叶卡是不是不需要提供枫叶卡复印件?应该不需要。 Your PR CardIf you are applying to renew your present card or replace your damaged card, you should retain it until you receive your new card.If you are asked to present yourself at a local CIC office, you must bring with you the previous card and the original documents of the copies which you have included with your application. You will be asked to destroy your previous card once you receive the new one.Format: Original Note. If you receive your new Permanent Resident card by mail, you must destroy your previous card. If you are instructed to attend an interview at a local CIC office to pick up your new card, you must bring your existing card with you, along with the originals of documents included in your application
岁月静好!回复: renew枫叶卡是不是不需要提供枫叶卡复印件?我当时申请的时候 有附上 ,反正就一张纸罢了
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