加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案
06/8/31申请06/10/FN.07/8/补料.08/8/4审完09/2/13发体检表变5。03/02体检。04/15变8。04/29变5,05/06变8。05/13使馆电话补料19日电话再补。22日变5。29日上午12下午13。06/8:17。07/15夜抵蒙。12/10/16申请入籍。13/12/17入籍考,14/02/12宣誓。回复: 入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案不行的,必须有正规的改名手续的.
回复: 入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案千万别改,得不偿失!改名需要履行一个单独的改名手续,很麻烦的。这且不说,你改了名之后,以后的麻烦一辈子跟着你!所有你以前的文书和你将来的事情如果跟你以前的文书有关,你有的麻烦了,每次必须提供改名证明。你要不怕这些麻烦,那就改吧,但是你得到的是什么呢?不能再随便使用任意英文名的自由(否则你是在cheating了)。
回复: 入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案其实你要改名,任何时候改都是一样的,麻烦是一样的大。履行了改名手续后,再改公民证、护照都可以。
回复: 入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案听说很多人借入籍的机会把英文名字加上,把中文名字做中名,请问怎么做? 多谢指点 点击展开...Legal change of name documentIf your present name is different from the name printed on your Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688), you must send in supporting legal documentation as proof of your name change:a certified copy of a legal change of name document, court order, adoption order, marriage certificate issued by civil authorities with your new name or a divorce decree with your new name, anda certified copy of your provincial driver’s licence, provincial identification card or provincial health card in the requested name.Important information. If you have had a legal name change, you must include a copy of your Record of Landing (IMM 1000), Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) with this application.Important information. Marriage and legal change of name certificates issues by the Government of Quebec before January 1, 1994 are not acceptable. You must obtain a new document issued by the civil authorities in the province of Quebec on or after January 1, 1994.
回复: 入籍填报时怎样改名?急求答案多谢楼上。我是想为女儿以后生活方便,所以不知道入籍的同胞们是否都保留了原来的名字,大家都是随意在生活中取一个英文名字吗?求教!
06/8/31申请06/10/FN.07/8/补料.08/8/4审完09/2/13发体检表变5。03/02体检。04/15变8。04/29变5,05/06变8。05/13使馆电话补料19日电话再补。22日变5。29日上午12下午13。06/8:17。07/15夜抵蒙。12/10/16申请入籍。13/12/17入籍考,14/02/12宣誓。多谢楼上。我是想为女儿以后生活方便,所以不知道入籍的同胞们是否都保留了原来的名字,大家都是随意在生活中取一个英文名字吗?求教!点击展开...正式改名,要按照上面的指引申请,3 - 6 个月审批。
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