加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民留学加拿大:这才是正规院校名单 别被忽悠


教育部涉外监管信息网(www.jsj.edu.cn)和中国留学网(www.cscse.edu.cn)公布了一万余所正规海外院校的名单。教育部相关负责人提醒,出国留学一定要擦亮双眼选择正规学校别被“野鸡大学”忽悠了。   教育部公布的海外正规学校名单,包括了美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等44个中国公民主要留学国家。   据了解,加拿大政府认可的高等教育机构主要分为大学和学院。绝大多数大学都是公立的。攻读本科一般需要3-4年时间,硕士研究生需要1-2年,博士研究生需要3年。各类学院侧重培养应用型专业技术人才,一般提供大专文凭和各种证书课程,学制2至3年,不颁发学位;部分学校也开设学制1至2年的课程,完成学业后可转入正规大学二、三年级继续攻读本科课程。   目前,在加拿大以公司形式注册的私立学校数以千计,其专业、学科设置和师资配备等尚无有效监控。中国学生申请这些私立学校时,务必谨慎。   与此前公布的名单相比,此次公布的名单主要变化是调整了6所院校的类别和层次。   二、名单   大学 (University)   Alberta   University of Alberta   University of Calgary   University of Lethbridge   Grant MacEwan University(原Grant MacEwan College)   Mount Royal University(原Mount Royal College)   British Columbia   Capilano University (原Capilano College)   Emily Carr University of Art and Design(原 Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design)   Kwantlen Polytechnic University (原Kwantlen University College)   Royal Roads University   Simon Fraser University   The University of British Columbia   Thompson Rivers University(原University College of the Cariboo)   Trinity Western University   University of Northern British Columbia   University of the Fraser Valley(原University College of the Fraser Valley)   University of Victoria   Vancouver Island University (原Malaspina University-College)   Manitoba   Brandon University   The University of Manitoba   The University of Winnipeg   New Brunswick   Mount Alison University   St. Thomas University   Université de Moncton   University of New Brunswick   Newfoundland & Labrador   Memorial University of Newfoundland   Nova Scotia   Acadia University   Cape Breton University(原University College of Cape Breton)   Dalhousie University   Mount Saint Vincent University   NSCAD University   Saint Mary's University   St. Francis Xavier University   Université Sainte-Anne   Ontario   Algoma University(原为Laurentian University下属学院)   Brock University   Carleton University   Lakehead University   Laurentian University   McMaster University   Nipissing University   Queen's University   Ryerson University   Saint Paul University   St. Jerome's University   Trent University   University of Guelph   University of Ottawa   University of Ontario Institute of Technology   University of Sudbury   University of Toronto   University of Waterloo   University of Western Ontario   University of Windsor   Wilfrid Laurier University   York University   Prince Edward Island   University of Prince Edward Island   Quebec   Bishop's University   Concordia University   école Polytechnique de Montréal   HEC Montréal   McGill University   Tele-Université   Université de Montréal   Université de Sherbrooke   Université du Québec   Université du Québec à Chicoutimi   Université du Québec à Montréal   Université du Québec à Rimouski   Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières   Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue   Université du Québec en Outaouais   Université du Québec: école de technologie supérieure   Université du Québec: école nationale d'administration publique   Université du Québec: Institut national de la recherche scientifique   Université du Québec: Télé-université   Université Laval   Saskatchewan   First Nations University of Canada   University of Regina   University of Saskatchewan   学院 ( College)   Alberta   大学学院   Concordia University College of Alberta   King’s University College   专业学院   Northern Alberta Institute of Technology   Southern Alberta Institute of Technology   学院及社区学院   Bow Valley College   Grande Prairie Regional College   Keyano College   Lakeland College   Lethbridge College(原Lethbridge Community College)   Maskwachees Cultural College   Medicine Hat College   NorQuest College   Northern Lakes College   Olds College   Portage College   Red Deer College   British Columbia   大学学院   Okanagan University College   专业学院   British Columbia Institute of Technology   Justice Institute of British Columbia   Nicola Valley Institute of Technology   学院及社区学院   Camosun College   College of New Caledonia   College of the Rockies   Douglas College   Langara College   North Island College   Northern Lights College   Northwest Community College   Selkirk College   Vancouver Community College   Manitoba   大学学院   The College Universtaire de Saint-Boniface   学院及社区学院   Assiniboine Community College   Keewatin Community College   Providence College   Red River College   Steinbach Bible College   Winnipeg Technical College   New Brunswick   社区学院   New Brunswick Community College   Newfoundland & Labrador   学院   College of the North Atlantic   Northwest Territories   学院   Aurora College   Nova Scotia   大学学院   Université Sainte-Anne - Collège de l'Acadie   University of King's College   学院及社区学院   Nova Scotia Agricultural College   Nova Scotia Community College   Nunavut   学院   Nunavut Arctic College   Ontario   大学学院   Brescia University College   Huron University College   King's University College at The University of Western Ontario   Redeemer University College   University of St. Michael's College   University of Trinity College   学院及社区学院   Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology   Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology   Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology   Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology   Collège Boréal   Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie   Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning   Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology   Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology   Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology   George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology   Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology   Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning   La Cité collégiale   Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology   Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology   Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology   Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology   Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology   Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology   Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology   Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning   Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology   St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology   St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology   Prince Edward Island   学院   Holland College   Quebec   学院及社区学院   Cégep André-Laurendeau   Cégep de Drummondville   Cégep de Jonquière   Cégep de la Gaspésie et des ?les   Cégep de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue   Cégep de Limoilou   Cégep de Matane   Cégep de Rivière-du-loup   Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe   Cégep de Saint-Laurent   Cégep de Sept-Iles   Cégep de Sorel-Tracy   Cégep de Trois-Rivières   Cégep du Vieux-Montréal   Cégep Marie-Victorin   Cégep régional de Lanaudière   Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu   Champlain Regional College   Collège Ahuntsic   Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne   Collège de l'Outaouais   Collège de Maisonneuve   Collège de Rosemont   Collège de Sherbrooke   Collège édouard-Montpetit   Collège Fran?ois-Xavier-Garneau   Collège Gérald-Godin   Collège Laflèche   Collège LaSalle   Collège Lionel-Groulx   Collège Mérici   Collège Shawinigan   Dawson College   Heritage College   Institut de technologie agroalimentaire de La Pocatière   Institut de technologie agroalimentaire de Saint-Hyacinthe   Institut du Tourisme & d'H?tellerie du Québec   John Abbott College   Marianopolis College   Vanier College   Saskatchewan   学院及社区学院   Campion College   Luther College   St. Thomas More College   Yukon   学院   Yukon College 来源:@京华时报

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