加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民UBC新校长


@加拿大卑诗省府核心小组 : 对于卑诗大学(UBC)任命数学及资讯科技组织Mitacs行政总裁及科技总监,亦是大学电脑科学系敎授的Arvind Gupta为下一任新校长,省专上教育厅长维克(Amrik Virk)表示欢迎,并期望与他一起合作为学生提供优质教育。


感觉到印度血统吗? 感觉很像有


感觉到了猫虎的血统~~~ 炎黄子孙

Curriculum Vitae B.Sc. - McMaster University, 1983 M.Sc. - University of Toronto, 1985 Ph.D. - University of Toronto, 1990 Interests Algorithmic Issues in Bioinformatics The burgeoning field of bioinformatics has spawned areas of research in both CS and genetics. My primary interest is in the development of new combinatorial techniques to address molecular biology challenges in areas such as proteomics, haplotyping and sequence alignment. Constructive Combinatorics My research concentrates on graph theoric approaches to addressing constructive logial complexity in graph minors. I have looked at both the sequential and parallel complexities of the algorithms that eminate in this area. My main focus has been on obtaining tight upper and lower bounds and developing new algorithms. Other Information Dr. Gupta is a member of the Association of Computing Machinery, the European association of theoretical computer science, IEEE, and a Fellow of the Advanced Systems Institute. He is the CEO and Scientific Director of MITACS, the Mathematics of Information Technology & Complex Systems, based at UBC. MITACS is a federally and provincially funded research network with offices located coast to coast. MITACS brings together academia, industry and the public sector through research and training initiatives to develop cutting edge tools vital to the knowledge-based economy. In 2003, Dr. Gupta spearheaded the creation of MITACS Accelerate, an internship program which provides the opportunity for Canada?s graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to undertake applied research projects in collaboration with companies from coast to coast. Funded by the Government of Canada through the Industrial R&D Internship Program and the provinces, MITACS aims to create more than 1,000 internships across Canada. MITACS also created the Globalink program which fosters research linkages with India?s Institutes of Technology. In the summer of 2009, Globalink brought 17 of India?s top undergraduate science and technology students from the Institutes to British Columbia where they undertook applied research projects with local faculty. In 2010, MITACS Globalink will be piloted in Ontario (50 students), New Brunswick (10 students) and have a second successful year in British Columbia (50 students). For more information, please visit www.mitacs.ca Dr. Gupta also serves as President of the organizing committee for ICIAM 2011 (The International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics), which will bring over 3,000 delegates to Vancouver. For more information, please visit www.iciam2011.com

Virk (also spelled as Wirk, Birk, Vrik) is a gotra of the Jat (南亚次大陆旁遮普等地的)贾特人clan 宗族 found in the Punjab region of India and Pakistan.

In Hindu society, the term gotra means clan. It broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor. Pāṇini defines gotra for grammatical purposes as apatyam pautraprabhrti gotram (IV. 1. 162), which means "the word gotra denotes the progeny (of a sage) beginning with the son's son." When a person says "I am Kashyapa-gotra," he means that he traces his descent from the ancient sage Kashyapa by unbroken male descent.



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