加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民入籍申请材料疑问
1.请问 (IELTS), general training, not the academic version or只有ACADEMIC不能用的话,本人没有毕业,可以用加拿大大学的成绩单作为语言证明吗? 2.小孩的在国内,还在幼儿园,大家用什么证明呢?除了护照,还提供国内医院或者疫苗证明是自己翻译吗?谢谢If there is information on both sides of your child’s personal identification documents, provide a photocopy of both sides. For a child under school age, identification such as:a passport page containing his or her photo and personal details, ora hospital or immunization record, may be provided
回复: 入籍申请材料疑问1.请问 (IELTS), general training, not the academic version or只有ACADEMIC不能用的话,本人没有毕业,可以用加拿大大学的成绩单作为语言证明吗? 2.小孩的在国内,还在幼儿园,大家用什么证明呢?除了护照,还提供国内医院或者疫苗证明是自己翻译吗?谢谢If there is information on both sides of your child’s personal identification documents, provide a photocopy of both sides. For a child under school age, identification such as:a passport page containing his or her photo and personal details, ora hospital or immunization record, may be provided点击展开...雅思academic也可以,这个不是很严格。
回复: 入籍申请材料疑问雅思academic也可以,这个不是很严格。点击展开...哦,谢谢,那大家都交了ACADEMIC的没问题?
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