加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民今天终于收到宣誓通知!
刚才先在网上查到宣誓时间,然后赶紧去打开信箱,移民局的信也在那里了!下面是整个过程(我的case在scarborough):We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on August 11, 2009. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called A Look at Canada on August 11, 2009. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. We started processing your application on March 15, 2010. We sent you a letter on March 31, 2010 to XXX. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the letter before sending us additional information, as the letter will outline all information that is required. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. Your file was transferred to the Scarboro Citizenship office on April 7, 2010. The Scarboro Citizenship office will contact you if additional information is required. The Scarboro Citizenship office will contact you regarding your citizenship test once all the necessary checks on your file are complete. We sent you a notice on June 3, 2010 to XXX to appear and write the citizenship test on July 8, 2010 at 8:30 AM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us. We sent you a notice on August 5, 2010 to XXX to appear and take the oath of citizenship at the citizenship ceremony to be held on August 31, 2010 at 1:00 PM. The notice you will receive by mail will be your official confirmation of your appointment. If you have not received this notice prior to the date of your scheduled appointment, please contact us. If we have sent the letter to the wrong address, please contact us.
谢绝任何侮辱谩骂之词,如有发布,归发布者本人享用!回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!祝贺祝贺,羡慕羡慕,嫉妒嫉妒。 总共只有12个月?我12月底的资料,到现在就收到一封破信,娘的,天天查,天天received。
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!祝贺祝贺,羡慕羡慕,嫉妒嫉妒。 总共只有12个月?我12月底的资料,到现在就收到一封破信,娘的,天天查,天天received。点击展开...谢谢!希望你也能快点。不过反正现在国人不申请的多,有没有无所谓!
谢绝任何侮辱谩骂之词,如有发布,归发布者本人享用!回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!恭喜!顺沾点仙气!!
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!恭喜楼主,多伦多还挺快的
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!楼主确实是神速啊!一般都要13个月左右,你12个月不到就全部搞定了,看来人品极好啊~
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!楼主确实是神速啊!一般都要13个月左右,你12个月不到就全部搞定了,看来人品极好啊~点击展开...我也差不多13个月呀。从去年8月10号到今年8月31号宣誓!
谢绝任何侮辱谩骂之词,如有发布,归发布者本人享用!回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!我8月申请到现在还没转local呢,唉
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!哇,楼主好快下来呀,我比你晚半个月申请,7月份转到Citizenship and Immigration Operations Ontario office,也没到LOCAL, 也没通知考试,我等的好心急呀,楼主真幸运呀,恭喜恭喜
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!我的考题和alcea的一模一样!
谢绝任何侮辱谩骂之词,如有发布,归发布者本人享用!回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!恭喜!我们基本上是同一天的,还没有安排考试呢。
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!一个加拿大公民向新公民准公民问候.
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!请问你是带未成年人一起申请的吗,小孩有收到单独的入籍信吗?
回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!请问你是带未成年人一起申请的吗,小孩有收到单独的入籍信吗?点击展开...听朋友说,小孩一定要有单独的信。
回家的路有多远回复: 今天终于收到宣誓通知!恭喜LZ, 人品真心好!
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