加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??貌似是,据说是政府之间的外交报复
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??不用貌似,就是是不过是因为外交报复吗?无语啊
年薪加刀10w+,HOUSE, 车子,2个孩子,每年去欧洲或者非洲或者南美洲或者澳洲或者亚洲旅游15天65岁以后能去东南亚温暖的岛上等死这就是偶渺小的移民理想回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??邀请函啥要求呢?爹妈写个回家吃年饭行不?
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??据说今年7月份后,永久居民也要享受这个待遇了,都是海外人士一个待遇了
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??严肃点 。谢绝玩笑。 吃饭太儿戏了,要有正式的有说服力的入境理由。
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??据说今年7月份后,永久居民也要享受这个待遇了,都是海外人士一个待遇了点击展开...恩这个牛还有公民被当外国人的哈哈
年薪加刀10w+,HOUSE, 车子,2个孩子,每年去欧洲或者非洲或者南美洲或者澳洲或者亚洲旅游15天65岁以后能去东南亚温暖的岛上等死这就是偶渺小的移民理想邀请函啥要求呢?爹妈写个回家吃年饭行不?点击展开...嗯,这个理由不可抗拒。
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??发一个渥太华网友做的邀请函样本: 邀请函尊敬的中国驻加拿大大使馆:本人 XXX 十分牵挂定居在加拿大渥太华市的女儿XXX,恰逢暑假来临,诚挚邀请我的女儿于2012年6月26日至2012年9月26日来北京探亲渡假。我和她共同承担她在中国的一切费用。女儿在加拿大的住址是: 10 bank ST. Ottawa ON xxx xxx联系电话: 613-123-5678 EMAIL: [email protected]本人在中国的住址是: 北京市,海淀区,葫芦街12号楼三单元13层2号联系电话:010-98765432 EMAIL: [email protected] 签字:XXXX年XX月XX日 注意邀请函中一定必须要包含如下个人信息:1. 邀请人和被邀请人的姓名2. 邀请人与被邀请人之间的关系3. 邀请人与被邀请人的地址电话等联系方式4. 被邀请人赴中国的目的及停留时间5. 邀请人的签名 有网友说多伦多使馆会CHECK 13个要点, 他们要逐条对:被邀请人信息:1.姓名、2.性别、3.出生日期、4.护照号码5.去中国原因(探亲,旅游)、6.抵达和离开日期、7.中国住址、8.与邀请人关系、(父母亲等)9.谁承担费用10 邀请人姓名、11. 邀请人电话、12. 邀请人地址、13. 邀请人签字外加邀请人身份证复印件。
always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 赏 反馈:deepbluehan 2013-02-08#10 435 $0.00 回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??你填探亲不需要的, 我朋友刚回去了, 顺利到达
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??邀请函, 主要是针对 探亲 以外的签证理由
严肃点 。谢绝玩笑。 吃饭太儿戏了,要有正式的有说服力的入境理由。点击展开...切,民以食为天
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??邀请函, 主要是针对 探亲 以外的签证理由点击展开...确定吗?探亲不用邀请函?
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.据说今年7月份后,永久居民也要享受这个待遇了,都是海外人士一个待遇了点击展开...那是被人误解的谣传。
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??确定吗?探亲不用邀请函?点击展开...探亲回国的, 不需要写邀请函, 我已经前天问过领事馆了
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??我是亲自在领事馆问的
探亲回国的, 不需要写邀请函, 我已经前天问过领事馆了点击展开...THX!!
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??http://www.visaforchina.org/YOW_ZH/visainstruction/255106.shtml要求见上,没说探亲不要。中国人入籍的,哪个不是探亲回中国?
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??渥太华大使馆代办机构关于探亲和游客申请中国签证的要求:http://www.goldenmile2000.com/services.htmlPlease provide the following documents (i) An original passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, with 2 or more blank visa pages. (ii) One completed Visa Application Form [Download] with a color passport photo taken within the last 6 months (full face, front view, unmounted and against a white background) affixed on it; all the items on the application form should be completed neatly with genuine information; if the applicant has a Chinese name, the Chinese name should be filled in. False or incomplete information and illegible characters may lead to refusal of a visa. Religious personages need to declare that they will not engage in any activities relating to religion during their stay in China in Section 5 of the application form. (iii)Supplementary Documents Required for ApplicationOne of the following documents is required: (1) An Invitation Letter for Tourist or for Tourist Group by a Duly Authorized Tourism Unit; (2) An Invitation Letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions or individuals in China. If the invitation letter is issued by an individual in China, the photocopy of the ID of the individual is required. The invitation letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions or individuals in China, shall include the following items: A. Personal information of the applicant: name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc. B. Information concerning the applicant's visit to China: purpose of the visit, date of arrival and departure, places to visit, relationship between the applicant and the inviter, and who will bear the cost of the applicant's accommodations in China. C. Information of the inviter: name of the unit or individual, phone number, address, and if applicable, the legal representative or the inviter's seal and signature. (3)Travel Itinerary in China, photocopy of the roundtrip airline ticket AND hotel reservation. NOTE1)Generally, the invitation letter may be submitted as a fax, copy or printout. If necessary, the consular officer will ask the applicant to submit the original invitation letter, or to provide some supporting and supplementary documents, or schedule an interview.(2) The application with any fake invitation letter or other fraud will be rejected.(3) In accordance with the specific application, the consular officer decides to issue visas with different validity, number of entries and duration of stay in China. (iv) Former Chinese citizens applying for Chinese visas for the first time with a newly issued foreign passport should provide the original Chinese passport, and the photocopy of the data page and extension page of the passport. Should the applicant's name shown in the above documents are not identical, please provide official certificates. (v) Former Chinese citizens who obtained Chinese visas before and are going to apply for Chinese visas with a renewed foreign passport, are required to provide the copy of the data page of their previous foreign passports and the issued Chinese visas on it. (vi) For citizens of other countries, the original and photocopy of their resident permits, or work or student visas are needed.
回复: 持加拿大护照回国需要邀请函??渥太华大使馆代办机构关于探亲和游客申请中国签证的要求:http://www.goldenmile2000.com/services.html Please provide the following documents (i) An original passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of application, with 2 or more blank visa pages. (ii) One completed Visa Application Form [Download] with a color passport photo taken within the last 6 months (full face, front view, unmounted and against a white background) affixed on it; all the items on the application form should be completed neatly with genuine information; if the applicant has a Chinese name, the Chinese name should be filled in. False or incomplete information and illegible characters may lead to refusal of a visa. Religious personages need to declare that they will not engage in any activities relating to religion during their stay in China in Section 5 of the application form. (iii)Supplementary Documents Required for Application One of the following documents is required: (1) An Invitation Letter for Tourist or for Tourist Group by a Duly Authorized Tourism Unit; (2) An Invitation Letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions or individuals in China. If the invitation letter is issued by an individual in China, the photocopy of the ID of the individual is required. The invitation letter issued by companies, corporations, institutions or individuals in China, shall include the following items: A. Personal information of the applicant: name, gender, date of birth, passport number, etc. B. Information concerning the applicant's visit to China: purpose of the visit, date of arrival and departure, places to visit, relationship between the applicant and the inviter, and who will bear the cost of the applicant's accommodations in China. C. Information of the inviter: name of the unit or individual, phone number, address, and if applicable, the legal representative or the inviter's seal and signature. (3)Travel Itinerary in China, photocopy of the roundtrip airline ticket AND hotel reservation. NOTE1)Generally, the invitation letter may be submitted as a fax, copy or printout. If necessary, the consular officer will ask the applicant to submit the original invitation letter, or to provide some supporting and supplementary documents, or schedule an interview. (2) The application with any fake invitation letter or other fraud will be rejected. (3) In accordance with the specific application, the consular officer decides to issue visas with different validity, number of entries and duration of stay in China. (iv) Former Chinese citizens applying for Chinese visas for the first time with a newly issued foreign passport should provide the original Chinese passport, and the photocopy of the data page and extension page of the passport. Should the applicant's name shown in the above documents are not identical, please provide official certificates. (v) Former Chinese citizens who obtained Chinese visas before and are going to apply for Chinese visas with a renewed foreign passport, are required to provide the copy of the data page of their previous foreign passports and the issued Chinese visas on it. (vi) For citizens of other countries, the original and photocopy of their resident permits, or work or student visas are needed.点击展开...是的,网站是确实没说探亲可以不用邀请,所以有点迷惑,不过那上面给出了3个选项,可以选其中之一,用机票和酒店订单可以申请签证的。问题就在于探亲的话,基本都是住家里的,这个酒店订单要怎么办?可以不用吗?从这个申请签证的规定来看,显然是没有为庞大的华人探亲群体单独考虑过方便行事。
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