加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民ZT: Montreal Exams


1-what are provinces of Atlantic2-what freedoms in constitution....speech, opinion ..3-who you choose in federal elections........house of commons4-what example of volunteer work.....working in house of retirement without salary5-who is the leader of Metis in the revolution against Canada ------the hard question in exam :) ...riel6-who guarantee the First Nation rights .....constitution7-countries of NAFTA8-does government above law 9-who can vote....citizens10-who are etienne, macdonalds....fathers of confederation11-why hockey is important....Canada winter sport and popular12-citizenship responsibility....taking care of family, find job, environment13-what happened in 1867....dominon of Canada14-leader of most voted party.....prime minister15-3 levels of juridical system....supreme, federal, provincial16-who defend the nation....army17-last line in O Canada....guard for thee18-English and French are.....2/3 groups of founding of canada19-highest honor in presence of enemy20-provinces of prairie

2011-08-02 AR,2012-11-05 IP,2013-04-04 Test,2013-05-22 Sing2011-11-05 AR,2012-11-13 IP,2013-05-23 Test, 2013-06-26 Sing1-what are provinces of Atlantic2-what freedoms in constitution....speech, opinion ..3-who you choose in federal elections........house of commons4-what example of volunteer work.....working in house of retirement without salary5-who is the leader of Metis in the revolution against Canada ------the hard question in exam :) ...riel6-who guarantee the First Nation rights .....constitution7-countries of NAFTA8-does government above law 9-who can vote....citizens10-who are etienne, macdonalds....fathers of confederation11-why hockey is important....Canada winter sport and popular12-citizenship responsibility....taking care of family, find job, environment13-what happened in 1867....dominon of Canada14-leader of most voted party.....prime minister15-3 levels of juridical system....supreme, federal, provincial16-who defend the nation....army17-last line in O Canada....guard for thee18-English and French are.....2/3 groups of founding of canada19-highest honor in presence of enemy20-provinces of prairie点击展开...我也是montreal,等考试信,LZ IP多久考试!

回复: ZT: Montreal Exams谢谢LZ分享,貌似5月6号在STC考的就是这套题,但有极个别出入,尤其是关于O Canada 歌词那题。记下这套题的人的记忆力还是很赞的,俺废了半天劲,也就记了个大概。

但行好事,莫问前程。1-what are provinces of Atlantic2-what freedoms in constitution....speech, opinion ..3-who you choose in federal elections........house of commons4-what example of volunteer work.....working in house of retirement without salary5-who is the leader of Metis in the revolution against Canada ------the hard question in exam :) ...riel6-who guarantee the First Nation rights .....constitution7-countries of NAFTA8-does government above law 9-who can vote....citizens10-who are etienne, macdonalds....fathers of confederation11-why hockey is important....Canada winter sport and popular12-citizenship responsibility....taking care of family, find job, environment13-what happened in 1867....dominon of Canada14-leader of most voted party.....prime minister15-3 levels of juridical system....supreme, federal, provincial16-who defend the nation....army17-last line in O Canada....guard for thee18-English and French are.....2/3 groups of founding of canada19-highest honor in presence of enemy20-provinces of prairie点击展开...Thank you very much for sharing your post

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