加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?帮你查了下CIC官网,如果错过第一次考试,什么都不用做,等第二封考试信就好。有关内容如下: What if I cannot attend my first appointment for my citizenship exam? Can I reschedule it? For your first test: You do not have to contact the local Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) office if you miss your first appointment or cannot go to it. If that happens, most CIC offices will automatically give you a second appointment. CIC will mail you a new Notice to Appear. It will confirm the new date and time for your test. How long it takes to get an appointment is different for each office. If you fail your first test and are scheduled for a second test: If you do not show up for the second test, you will not be rescheduled. You will have to go to an interview with a citizenship judge. We will send you a notice telling you when and where to go.
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.帮你查了下CIC官网,有关内容如下: What if I cannot attend my first appointment for my citizenship exam? Can I reschedule it?For your first test: You do not have to contact the local Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) office if you miss your first appointment or cannot go to it. If that happens, most CIC offices will automatically give you a second appointment. CIC will mail you a new Notice to Appear. It will confirm the new date and time for your test. How long it takes to get an appointment is different for each office. If you fail your first test and are scheduled for a second test: If you do not show up for the second test, you will not be rescheduled. You will have to go to an interview with a citizenship judge. We will send you a notice telling you when and where to go.点击展开...
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?多谢,我看网上有的帖子说第一次不去,如果不打电话就直接让见法官,看来不是这样的,那不着急了点击展开...重要的事情只能看官网,论坛上很多错误信息的。祝考试好运!
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?我打过电话,被告知不用通知,直接等第二封信。lz不用着急!
再度重相逢回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?你收到的考试信下面有一个电话,可以推迟考试,你看看你收到的信。
养胖中回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?我的状态显示6月就IP了,为什么一直没收到书呢
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?我的状态显示6月就IP了,为什么一直没收到书呢点击展开...听说过有人没有收到书的例子,这是CIC网站上的DISCOVER CANADA电子版,内容和书一样的。 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/discover/read.asp
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?弄个skype,买个套餐,很便宜,就可以拨打了,呵呵。
A brave new world 回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?好像新改政策了,无正当理由改期,等于重新办理。因为在国外,等下次入境再办理不属于正当理由......楼主还是查查新的政策再决定改不改吧。
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?好像新改政策了,无正当理由改期,等于重新办理。因为在国外,等下次入境再办理不属于正当理由...... 楼主还是查查新的政策再决定改不改吧。点击展开...上面贴出来的那段英文就是目前的政策啊,说的很清楚,第一次错过不用做任何事,等第二封考试信。 原文见CIC官网链接: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=368&t=5
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?9月3号之后,是新政。看中间部分http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2013/ob476B.asphttp://www.l.ca/htdocs/news_12/canadanews_18/2013/08-09/1322AB3C-1A06-D70B-ACFA-91F0DC55E2D2.shtml
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?9月3号之后,是新政。看中间部分http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2013/ob476B.asp点击展开...那是不是我现在还不是新政,所以按以前的不用管呢?那个电话我在这打不了,只能在加拿大境内打
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?因为通知是8月15日考试。那是不是我现在还不是新政,所以按以前的不用管呢?那个电话我在这打不了,只能在加拿大境内打点击展开...
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?要求果然越来越严苛了。。。
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.因为通知是8月15日考试。点击展开...按理说,你的case应该不受影响,但是说实话,在这儿没人能给你官方的答复。你还得问cic
回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?楼上消息灵通啊,昨天才新鲜出炉的修改案 一下
It is the best of times, it is the worst of times; it is the age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness.回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?的确是改了,楼主真的问清楚,理由不在他们规定得范围得话就是等待1到2年。
养胖中回复: 想推迟入籍考试打哪个电话?好烦啊,希望是按网页上说的9月3号新的规定生效,之前的还按以前的规定来。
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