加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民有关入籍护照复印问题
3. Biographical page of Passport(s)/Travel Document(s)The biographical page means the page where it has your name, photo, passport/travel document no., issue date and expiration date.Provide photocopies of the biographical pages of all passports and/or travel documents (valid and cancelled) for the relevant four (4) year period immediately preceding the date of your application,网站上说复印这几页,请问美签页用复印么?还有出入境章的页面呢?谢谢
回复: 有关入籍护照复印问题3. Biographical page of Passport(s)/Travel Document(s)The biographical page means the page where it has your name, photo, passport/travel document no., issue date and expiration date.Provide photocopies of the biographical pages of all passports and/or travel documents (valid and cancelled) for the relevant four (4) year period immediately preceding the date of your application,网站上说复印这几页,请问美签页用复印么?还有出入境章的页面呢?谢谢点击展开...不用 入籍申請只要影印 有照片名字基本資料 的那頁就可以了出入境章跟其它旅行簽證不用印
回复: 有关入籍护照复印问题不用 入籍申請只要影印 有照片名字基本資料 的那頁就可以了出入境章跟其它旅行簽證不用印点击展开...感谢~
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