加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明


请问论坛内大侠: 我可以直接去移民服务机构为LINC定级的那个测试中心拿到The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) level 4或以上的测试报告就行了吗? 如果不行,那得怎么着才行(快速的、便捷的、免费的或费用低的) 谢一个先~

Nothing has changed. Except everything.回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明那个不行,要么英语考试,要么给这里读书的毕业证,无他法

回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明申請人需透過3種方式來證明自己英語或法語的水平.第一種方式是申請人可以參加第三方主持,並被政府接受的語言測試,並提供成績單為證明. 以英文的測試來說, 加拿大語言基測和雅思均是被政府接受的語言測試:申請人在英文的聽,說領域需達到加拿大語言標準4級,也就是相當於雅思聽力的4.5級,口語的4級即可. (雅思一定要G類, A類不行)第二種的方式是申請人需要在英語或法語的語言環境下,完成高中或專上教育,並能提供相關的畢業證明作為憑證. 第三種方式是申請人需參加由政府資助的英語或法語的語言培訓課程,並且能證明自己已經達到所要求的語言水平. 來源: http://expressimmigrationcanada.blog...6/2013524.html2. Language Proof if you are 18-54 years of ageSelect one of the following types of proof to submit with your application:1. Results of a CIC-approved third-party test at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB/NCLC) [Note 1] level 4 or higher in speaking and listening skills done previously for immigration purposes (even expired) or done specifically for citizenship purposes, from the following list are acceptable only:Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General test (CELPIP-G), (not the academic version) orCELPIP-General LS – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of theCELPIP general test orInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS), general training, not the academic version orTest d’Évaluation de Français (TEF) or Test d’Évaluation du Français adapté au Québec (TEFAQ) or TEF épreuves oralesThe following list of proof will be accepted only if used for Quebec immigration purposes in the past:DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) orDELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) orTCF (Test de connaissance du français) orTCFQ (Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec)2. Proof of completion of secondary or post-secondary education in French or English includes:A diploma or transcripts from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating the successful completion of a program, in Canada or abroad. orA diploma or certificate from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating successful graduation, in Canada or abroad.Note: A single course done in English or French does not meet the requirement .3. Proof of achieving Canadian Language Benchmark/Niveau de competence linguistique canadien (CLB/NCLC) level 4 or higher in speaking and listening skills through certain government-funded language training programs are:For Manitoba: Progress report from Manitoba government issued since January 2009. Ensure your report indicates speaking and listening skills are at least at “completing CLB/NCLC level 4” or higher.For Quebec: Bulletin by the Ministère de l’immigration et Communautés culturelles Québec (MICC) issued since June 2001. Ensure that your most recent assessment in “ interaction orale” is at least level 4 (Échelle québécoise)For British Columbia (BC):If you received British Columbia’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) training in 2008 and 2009, an ELSA certificate confirming language level CLB 4 or higher.If you received British Columbia’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) training since 2010, an ELSA report card or an ELSAcertificate confirming language level CLB 4 or higherLanguage Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC): Check the box if you successfully completed the course at CLB4 or higher from January 2008 to October 31, 2012 and provide a copy of the certificate if available. If you successfully completed the LINC/CLIC course since November 1st, 2012, a certificate will be provided to you. A copy of this certificate is required. Note that completion of LINC/CLIC before 2008 does not qualify for proof of language ability.Note: If you do not have acceptable language proof to submit with your application or do not have the required language level, you may choose to take an acceptable third-party test or improve your language ability by enrolling in a government-funded language program that would provide acceptable certification.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/informa...IT0002ETOC.asp我朋友是網上註冊CELPIP的考試 (他選離家比較近的指定考場)

回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明不需要一定是加拿大的毕业证。美国,英国,法国等英法语国家的毕业证都可以。那个不行,要么英语考试,要么给这里读书的毕业证,无他法点击展开...

回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明谢啦!看来只好去CELPIP烤一下了。。 quote=XDgirl;9672397]申請人需透過3種方式來證明自己英語或法語的水平. 第一種方式是申請人可以參加第三方主持,並被政府接受的語言測試,並提供成績單為證明. 以英文的測試來說, 加拿大語言基測和雅思均是被政府接受的語言測試:申請人在英文的聽,說領域需達到加拿大語言標準4級,也就是相當於雅思聽力的4.5級,口語的4級即可. (雅思一定要G類, A類不行) 第二種的方式是申請人需要在英語或法語的語言環境下,完成高中或專上教育,並能提供相關的畢業證明作為憑證. 第三種方式是申請人需參加由政府資助的英語或法語的語言培訓課程,並且能證明自己已經達到所要求的語言水平. 來源: http://expressimmigrationcanada.blog...6/2013524.html 2. Language Proof if you are 18-54 years of ageSelect one of the following types of proof to submit with your application: 1. Results of a CIC-approved third-party test at Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB/NCLC) [Note 1] level 4 or higher in speaking and listening skills done previously for immigration purposes (even expired) or done specifically for citizenship purposes, from the following list are acceptable only:Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program General test (CELPIP-G), (not the academic version) orCELPIP-General LS – a two-skills (listening and speaking) version of theCELPIP general test orInternational English Language Testing System (IELTS), general training, not the academic version orTest d’Évaluation de Français (TEF) or Test d’Évaluation du Français adapté au Québec (TEFAQ) or TEF épreuves oralesThe following list of proof will be accepted only if used for Quebec immigration purposes in the past:DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) orDELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) orTCF (Test de connaissance du français) orTCFQ (Test de connaissance du français pour le Québec) 2. Proof of completion of secondary or post-secondary education in French or English includes:A diploma or transcripts from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating the successful completion of a program, in Canada or abroad. orA diploma or certificate from a secondary or post-secondary school indicating successful graduation, in Canada or abroad.Note: A single course done in English or French does not meet the requirement . 3. Proof of achieving Canadian Language Benchmark/Niveau de competence linguistique canadien (CLB/NCLC) level 4 or higher in speaking and listening skills through certain government-funded language training programs are:For Manitoba: Progress report from Manitoba government issued since January 2009. Ensure your report indicates speaking and listening skills are at least at “completing CLB/NCLC level 4” or higher.For Quebec: Bulletin by the Ministère de l’immigration et Communautés culturelles Québec (MICC) issued since June 2001. Ensure that your most recent assessment in “ interaction orale” is at least level 4 (Échelle québécoise)For British Columbia (BC):If you received British Columbia’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) training in 2008 and 2009, an ELSA certificate confirming language level CLB 4 or higher.If you received British Columbia’s English Language Services for Adults (ELSA) training since 2010, an ELSA report card or an ELSAcertificate confirming language level CLB 4 or higherLanguage Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC): Check the box if you successfully completed the course at CLB4 or higher from January 2008 to October 31, 2012 and provide a copy of the certificate if available. If you successfully completed the LINC/CLIC course since November 1st, 2012, a certificate will be provided to you. A copy of this certificate is required. Note that completion of LINC/CLIC before 2008 does not qualify for proof of language ability.Note: If you do not have acceptable language proof to submit with your application or do not have the required language level, you may choose to take an acceptable third-party test or improve your language ability by enrolling in a government-funded language program that would provide acceptable certification. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/informa...IT0002ETOC.asp 我朋友是網上註冊CELPIP的考試 (他選離家比較近的指定考場)[/quote]

Nothing has changed. Except everything.那个不行,要么英语考试,要么给这里读书的毕业证,无他法点击展开... 我没在加拿大读书。有一张4年前来的时候烤的雅思,6.5分,是不是已经过期了啊?

Nothing has changed. Except everything.我没在加拿大读书。有一张4年前来的时候烤的雅思,6.5分,是不是已经过期了啊?点击展开...可以用, 但是雅思一定要G類, A類不行.

回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明可以用, 但是雅思一定要G類, A類不行.点击展开... 请教: 雅思考过的证明,目前找不到了。记得当时也是在网上看的成绩。。。有办法哪儿去补一张当时的成绩单吗?

Nothing has changed. Except everything.回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明雅思官网上有说明, 雅思考试成绩有效期为考试日期后2年,有效期过后,我处将无法提供额外成绩寄送服务。 雅思额外成绩单寄送范围(每处仅可寄送1份)国内外院校、专业机构、政府部门(注:申请向国内院校/机构寄送额外成绩单的考生须在线提供该院校/机构出具的证明材料扫描件,写明需要雅思成绩单原件的原因,经我处审核后方可寄出。) 阿德雷德技术移民局移民签证处(ASPC) 除英国/澳大利亚/加拿大以外各国使领馆签证处​ 雅思额外成绩单无法寄送至: × 考生本人 × 任何中介/移民机构 × 任何公司、个人 × 澳大利亚/英国/加拿大使领馆签证处 × 阿德雷德学生签证处(AOPC) × 英国医疗协会 × 加拿大公民及移民部(CIC)

回复: 请教:关于入籍准备的语言证明雅思官网上有说明, 雅思考试成绩有效期为考试日期后2年,有效期过后,我处将无法提供额外成绩寄送服务。 雅思额外成绩单寄送范围(每处仅可寄送1份)国内外院校、专业机构、政府部门 (注:申请向国内院校/机构寄送额外成绩单的考生须在线提供该院校/机构出具的证明材料扫描件,写明需要雅思成绩单原件的原因,经我处审核后方可寄出。)​ 阿德雷德技术移民局移民签证处(ASPC)​ 除英国/澳大利亚/加拿大以外各国使领馆签证处​ 雅思额外成绩单无法寄送至:× 考生本人 × 任何中介/移民机构 × 任何公司、个人 × 澳大利亚/英国/加拿大使领馆签证处 × 阿德雷德学生签证处(AOPC) × 英国医疗协会 × 加拿大公民及移民部(CIC)点击展开... 我勒个去~~

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