加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民不喜欢罪犯吗?去签名吧
让政客知道你在意这个,不捐款也不要紧。 When we took office in 2006, our criminal justice system put criminals ahead of victims. Taxpayers were paying for free phone calls and pizza parties for prisoners. We put an end to it. Furthermore, we ended Old Age Security for prisoners. More recently, we’ve introduced historic new legislation like our internationally recognized Victims Bill of Rights. Do you support these bold reforms to crack down on crime? Let us know: www.conservative.ca/?page_id=5084 Not everyone is happy with our tough on crime approach. The NDP and the Liberals have repeatedly told us that we need to instead focus on criminals and their feelings, and they’ve voted against us every step of the way.
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