加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民蒙特利尔入籍考试
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试可以自己选英或法,多看两遍发给你的书,不用担心
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试可以自己选英或法,多看两遍发给你的书,不用担心点击展开...请问需要 提交的语言证明到底可以用什么?递的材料被退回来了,说是材料不完整,要求提供LANGUAGE PROOF 和SCHOOL RECORD。LANGUAGE PROOF 我提供的是国内的大学本科学历,在这边做了同等学力认证的,当时读的是英文专业。好像不可以作为语言证明SCHOOL RECORD我提供的是到蒙后读书的成绩单,怎么也不行呢?还有就是COFI读完3级就可以 作为语言证明了吗?
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试我去年赶在要语言证明之前递的材料,所以逃过一劫
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试我去年赶在要语言证明之前递的材料,所以逃过一劫点击展开...明智之举啊,不过我是不行,之前移民监时间不够
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试可以自己选英或法,多看两遍发给你的书,不用担心点击展开...多谢答复啊!还是选择英文的简单点,呵呵
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试请问需要 提交的语言证明到底可以用什么?递的材料被退回来了,说是材料不完整,要求提供LANGUAGE PROOF 和SCHOOL RECORD。LANGUAGE PROOF 我提供的是国内的大学本科学历,在这边做了同等学力认证的,当时读的是英文专业。好像不可以作为语言证明SCHOOL RECORD我提供的是到蒙后读书的成绩单,怎么也不行呢?还有就是COFI读完3级就可以 作为语言证明了吗?点击展开...上次我在这里问过这个问题,有一个热心人回答说,可以用COFI读完三级的那个证书当做语言证明。因为她当时就是用这个提交的。而且COFI三级,每级读完后,老师都会发给每人一份成绩单。有这两样就够了。
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试上次我在这里问过这个问题,有一个热心人回答说,可以用COFI读完三级的那个证书当做语言证明。因为她当时就是用这个提交的。而且COFI三级,每级读完后,老师都会发给每人一份成绩单。有这两样就够了。点击展开...哦,这样啊,你自己也是提交的这个三级证书吗?我COFI 还是刚来的时候读了2级,后来去了魁大读AVANCE1,因为罢课就没读了,看样子我得重新申请个COFI去读,拿到这个三级证书再申请?
回复: 蒙特利尔入籍考试关于cofi证,你为什么不去官网看呢。好像咱论坛里的路人甲乙指定政策似的。What is meant by adequate knowledge of English or French when applying for citizenship? In order to become a Canadian citizen, you must show that you have adequate knowledge of one of Canada's official languages: English and French. We define “adequate knowledge” as having the equivalent of level 4 for speaking and listening in the Canadian Language Benchmarks or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien. This level means you can understand other people when they speak to you and they can understand you.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=567&t=5Can the government-funded language program I took be used as proof I meet the citizenship language requirement? Yes. You may submit a certificate from a federally-funded Language Instruction for Newcomers Course (LINC) or Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC) program with your citizenship application if you have reached CLB/NCLC 4 in speaking and listening. If you took LINC/CLIC classes between January 1, 2008 and October 31, 2012, you can indicate on the citizenship application form that you have attended a Language Instruction for Newcomers Course and reached the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)/Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC) level 4 or higher in speaking and listening. CIC will also accept results from some provincially-funded language training programs. If you attended language training in the provinces of Quebec, Manitoba and British Columbia, you can provide a certificate or report card that shows that you have completed language training at a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)/Niveau de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC) level 4 or higher. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=574&t=5请问需要 提交的语言证明到底可以用什么?递的材料被退回来了,说是材料不完整,要求提供LANGUAGE PROOF 和SCHOOL RECORD。LANGUAGE PROOF 我提供的是国内的大学本科学历,在这边做了同等学力认证的,当时读的是英文专业。好像不可以作为语言证明SCHOOL RECORD我提供的是到蒙后读书的成绩单,怎么也不行呢?还有就是COFI读完3级就可以 作为语言证明了吗?点击展开...
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