加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求助:关于小孩入籍ID资料的问题
我的小孩4岁多,去年(2013年)11月份登陆,刚上Kindergarden几个月。入籍资料要求提供小孩2份个人ID,其中一份需要有照片,见CIC要求:Two (2) pieces of the child’s personal identificationBoth pieces of identification should show your child’s name and date of birth, one of which must have a photo on it.Examples include:school recordhealth insurance cardIf there is information on both sides of your child’s personal identification documents, provide a photocopy of both sides.For a child under school age, identification such as:a passport page containing his or her photo and personal details, ora hospital or immunization record, may be provided.我的问题是:1、上Kindergarden的孩子算under school age吗?2、如果不算,安省14岁以下的儿童健康卡是没有照片的,由于孩子登陆才几个月,也还没有免疫证,那么如何提供带照片的ID?3、School Record上会有照片吗(这两天会去学校开)?另外,小孩在来加拿大之前在国内上了两个月幼儿园,也需要开证明吗?请了解的帮回答一下,谢谢!其它资料都准备齐了,就差这两个资料了,急啊!
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